Absolute vs Relative Paths (Python Basics)

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In this video, I'll explain the concept of absolute and relative paths in Python.
In Python, paths are used to locate files and directories on your system. These paths can be categorized as either absolute or relative.
Absolute Path
An absolute path is a complete path that starts from the root of the filesystem and leads directly to the target file or directory. This means it includes all the directories from the root directory right down to the file.
Relative Path
A relative path, on the other hand, is a path relative to the current working directory (CWD) where your Python script is running. Instead of starting from the root, it begins from your current location.
0:00 Introduction
0:29 Absolute path
1:11 Relative Path
2:08 Live Demo
2:50 Relative Path Demo
3:04 Sub-directory
3:39 Parent Directory
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In Python, paths are used to locate files and directories on your system. These paths can be categorized as either absolute or relative.
Absolute Path
An absolute path is a complete path that starts from the root of the filesystem and leads directly to the target file or directory. This means it includes all the directories from the root directory right down to the file.
Relative Path
A relative path, on the other hand, is a path relative to the current working directory (CWD) where your Python script is running. Instead of starting from the root, it begins from your current location.
0:00 Introduction
0:29 Absolute path
1:11 Relative Path
2:08 Live Demo
2:50 Relative Path Demo
3:04 Sub-directory
3:39 Parent Directory
#DataScience #Analytics #FAQ #DataAnalysis #MachineLearning #BigData #datascience #dataanalysis #faq #interviewquestions #Analytics #FAQ
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