Caedrel Can't Believe K'Sante Did This

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You are right, but this is K’Sante, 🤔HP 4700, armor 329, MR 201 champion. There are unstoppable🤚, there are shields👌, and you can pass through walls✌️. There is control 🤙, even the cooling time is only 1 second ✊, only 15 mana 👍. W's cd👈 can even be refreshed when changing postures, and there is also ✌️true damage. Then, after the armor and magic resistance are improved, you can also get skill acceleration 👐, shorten the cd of Q 🙌, shorten the release time 😨, and then have attack power 😰. W is 👊🏿😭👊🏿


*insert showmaker malding about K'Sante copy pasta


Stamina 4700 Defense 329 Even 201 Champion👤 Unstoppable🚫, Shield🛡, Wall🧱 Crossing. There is an airborne🌪, and even the cooldown is only 1⃣seconds, mana🧙‍♂ is 1⃣5⃣, and w even transforms💫 to cool reset and passive is fixed damage🗡, and then even the room🥋 the more you raise it📈 the more you raise it📈 skill acceleration⏰ this happens! Q has skill acceleration⏰, skill speed🚀 gets faster📈, then there is an attack power🗡 coefficient, and W is the benefit -


showmaker 체력 4700 방어력 329 마저201 인 챔피언👤이 저지불가🚫, 쉴드🛡, 벽🧱 넘기는 거 있고요. 에어본🌪 있고, 심지어 쿨타임은 1⃣초밖에 안되고 마나🧙‍♂는 1⃣5⃣ 들고 w는 심지어 변신💫하면 쿨 초기화에다가 패시브는 고정피해🗡가 들어가며 그 다음에 방마저🥋 올리면📈 올릴수록📈 스킬 가속⏰이 생기고! q에 스킬가속⏰이 생기고 스킬 속도🚀가 빨라지고📈 그 다음에 공격력🗡 계수가 있어가지고 W가 그 이익-으아아아악😱😱 󠀀


أنت محق ، لكن هذا هو K’Sante ، 🤔HP 4700 ، armor 329 ، MR 201 بطل. هناك لا يمكن إيقافه ، هناك دروع ، ويمكنك المرور عبر الجدران. هناك تحكم 🤙 ، حتى وقت التبريد هو ثانية واحدة فقط ، فقط 15 Mana 👍. يمكن أيضًا تحديث W's cd👈 عند تغيير الأوضاع ، وهناك أيضًا ضرر حقيقي. بعد ذلك ، بعد تحسين مقاومة الدرع والسحر ، يمكنك أيضًا الحصول على تسريع للمهارة 👐 ، وتقصير القرص المضغوط لـ Q 🙌 ، وتقصير وقت الإصدار 😨 ، ثم الحصول على قوة هجوم 😰. W هو 👊🏿😭👊🏿


You are right, but this is K’Sante, 🤔HP 4700, armor 329, MR 201 champion. There are unstoppable🤚, there are shields👌, and you can pass through walls✌. There is control 🤙, even the cooling time is only 1 second ✊, only 15 mana 👍. W's cd👈 can even be refreshed when changing postures, and there is also ✌true damage. Then, after the armor and magic resistance are improved, you can also get skill acceleration 👐, shorten the cd of Q 🙌, shorten the release time 😨, and then have attack power 😰. W is 👊🏿😭👊🏿


K’sante one of those champions that legit feels like a problem. I’ve never seen K’sante get caught out OR lose a 1v1 while being a champion you can’t kite AND a tank that can actually still frontline / team fight. The amount of escapes pros pull off on this champ is like Zed/LeBlanc levels while being as tanky as Sion and doing as much damage as Darius and having the chase/engage potential on ADC as Camille. That champion doesn’t give a fuck about meta or class roles or team tactics. He’s one of the most self-sufficient champions in the game. Always strong, always tanky, always does damage, can freely cycle his dashes & shields with ease. Can isolate any champ into a 1v1 while stunning them, slowing them, dealing % max health damage and gaining displacement immunity. You can’t even pinch him / flank from his escape route cuz he can just dash to and ult through you to escape. It’s such a crazy champion. You can’t punish him, and even if you do set him behind he’s still able to contribute, has a strong one item power spike and for some reason is allowed to be tanky, mobile, do lots of damage and have engage /disengage utility while having displacement immunity. There’s not a single pro game K’sante hasn’t been in where people haven’t just been left saying “What… The fuck.” Riot outdoes themselves every year I swear.


"Rich is a beast" Ok NA casters relax.


glad a champ exists that can make tank class viable- otherwise broken adc just shreds the weakest class in game.


It's strange no one is talking about washed up Viper coming out full HP with zeri

Btw zeri adc More HP than tanks, more mobility than assassins insane damage, insane shields, 3 cleanse (if support build mikael), can slide over walls, huge move speed


Another LPL player beating up another LCK player at another region


Dog champ by dog riot, hobo developers


Riot refusing to nerf Sante because they hope NA and EU can pick him at Worlds to cover their dogwater toplaners. That's why all the analysts were jizzing off over a Licorice getting a solokill in lane using Sante (which auto invalidates the feat) at MSI lol.


showmaker 체력 4700 방어력 329 마저201 인 챔피언👤이 저지불가🚫, 쉴드🛡, 벽🧱 넘기는 거 있고요. 에어본🌪 있고, 심지어 쿨타임은 1⃣초밖에 안되고 마나🧙‍♂는 1⃣5⃣ 들고 w는 심지어 변신💫하면 쿨 초기화에다가 패시브는 고정피해🗡가 들어가며 그 다음에 방마저🥋 올리면📈 올릴수록📈 스킬 가속⏰이 생기고! q에 스킬가속⏰이 생기고 스킬 속도🚀가 빨라지고📈 그 다음에 공격력🗡 계수가 있어가지고 W가 그 이익-으아아아악😱😱 showmaker


Stamina 4700 Defense 329 Even 201 Champion👤 Unstoppable🚫, Shield🛡, Wall🧱 Crossing. There is an airborne🌪, and even the cooldown is only 1⃣seconds, mana🧙‍♂ is 1⃣5⃣, and w even transforms💫 to cool reset and passive is fixed damage🗡, and then even the room🥋 the more you raise it📈 the more you raise it📈 skill acceleration⏰ this happens! Q has skill acceleration⏰, skill speed🚀 gets faster📈, then there is an attack power🗡 coefficient, and W is the benefit -
