Roxette - Listen To Your Heart (Countdown, 1989)

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TV performance by Roxette with 'Listen To Your Heart' on Dutch popshow “Countdown”. The television show was broadcasted by Veronica from 1976 to 1993 and was "Europe's Number 1 Rock Show" with performances by the greatest artists from all over the world like Paul McCartney, David Bowie, Tina Turner, Janet Jackson, Stevie Wonder, The Rolling Stones, George Harrison, U2, The Police, Eric Clapton, Bruce Springsteen, Lenny Kravitz, Depeche Mode, New Order, Whitney Houston, Duran Duran, R.E.M., Frankie Goes To Hollywood, The Cure, Run DMC, Cyndi Lauper, Iron Maiden, New Kids On The Block, LL Cool J.

Countdown has been owned since 2016 by the American company Reelin’ In The Years Productions & the Dutch company Double 2 BV. The Countdown archive contains thousands of unique musical performances, interviews and concert appearances by the greatest rock, R&B, pop, new wave and rap/hip-hop artists of the era. The archive is fully digitized and catalogued and is available for licensing to all forms of media worldwide.

Het Nederlandse televisieprogramma "Countdown" was van 1976 t/m 1993 “Europe’s Number 1 Rock Show” en werd uitgezonden bij Veronica. Later werd het programma ook uitgezonden in het buitenland en was het op z'n hoogtepunt in meer dan 20 landen op televisie te zien.

Gedurende deze 17 jaar muziekgeschiedenis zijn er opnames gemaakt met talloze internationale sterren, zoals Paul McCartney, David Bowie, Tina Turner, Janet Jackson, Stevie Wonder, The Rolling Stones, George Harrison, U2, The Police, Eric Clapton, Bruce Springsteen, Lenny Kravitz, Depeche Mode, New Order, Whitney Houston, Duran Duran, R.E.M., Frankie Goes To Hollywood, The Cure, Run DMC, Cyndi Lauper, Iron Maiden, New Kids On The Block, LL Cool J.

Uiteraard kwamen Nederlandse top-acts als Doe Maar, Andre Hazes, Herman Brood, Frank Boeijen, Spargo, Golden Earring, Time Bandits, De Dijk, De Raggende Manne, Hans de Booij, Gerard Joling, Drukwerk ook langs voor een optreden in Bussum.

Countdown werd gepresenteerd door oa Lex Harding, Erik de Zwart, Adam Curry, Simone Walraven Wessel van Diepen, Jeroen van Inkel, Rob Stenders, Simone Angel en Jasper Faber.

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❤ R.I.P. Marie's voice touches me still after so many years. She sang from her soul


She is missed by many, what a beautiful voice.


I read her biography not long ago. She wasn't just a phenomenal singer, but a genuinely beautiful person both inside and out. She loved her work almost as much as she loved her family. Something which seems so foreign to modern "celebrities." Marie's music is more than pleasant tunes played on the radio to spark nostalgia. They are soundtracks to memories of a simpler time, when life was so filled with wonder, peace, and carefree living. Thank you for what you gave us Marie...your life mattered. We miss you...


Закончилась эпоха талантливых, дерзких девчонок началась эпоха поющих лифчиков. Светлая память! 💓


Timeless classic. 30+ years later, still better than anything on today's "top 40".


the time when music was MUSIC, the golden 80's-90's....i think nothing in entire world history can beat these years


She was taken too soon. That voice is never gonna be replaced. One of the best songs EVER!!!


Eines der stärksten Liede der ganzen Popgeschichte, love Roxette forever


I love this song, and the lyrics are so powerful. Rest in peace, Marie.


I miss her. R I P Marie. You will always be remembered as the voice of Roxette. God Bless the Band.


Покойтесь с миром!
Благодаря Вам, у нас всегда будут эти замечательные песни.


Preciosa canción una joya Músical un Clásico de Roxette


She defiantly Had the LOOK ! Bless her family an friends ..


Marie, great performance. We miss you. RIP.


I'm a diehard lover of 80's era music. Roxette was such an amazing group, this song in particular in my humble opinion, quite possibly one of the greatest ballads ever written. Such power and emotions poured into it. And Marie, she was fierce, graceful and a remarkable talent.
The queen 👑


Their aethetic was mesmerizing. Marie's vocal qualities and style was in a class of its own. And wow, what a songwriter Per was and still is.


Для меня "роксет" - легенда 💋🧡💣. Обожала их в юности и сейчас понимаю, что они уникальны в своём роде ! Шли ровно, без падений, делали великолепно своё дело - писали песни-музыку, исполняли так, как никто бы не исполнил их композиции ❤️👍.


Очень красивая песня ! Самая знаменитая песня .🎸🎸🎤🎼🎶🎵👈❤❤❤👏👏👏😍🎋🎋🎋


Marie looked and acted like a star. Not every singer can pull that off. Also Roxette's songs and music editing was so good that their songs sound like they were just recorded today. When Swedish talent go worldwide like Roxette, ABBA, Max Martin and Ace Of Base they impress millions of people in a unanimous way.


I am an old fart grew up as young kid and young teen in 70s and 80s best era of rock music ever. Some of the best music ever. Got to see many of the greatest bands and groups live, poor kids today will never know that fun. Sad, what passes for music today is pathetic. people freak out when they come over to house or ride in car with me and this kind of music on CD is playing. My nephews 10 and 12 have fallen in love with the music of my youth, from this to AC DC Led Zepplin eagles Phil Collins Bad Company ZZTop etc they love it. I make sure when they are coming over I have it keyed un in CD layer, they love rel rock
