Determine the force in each member of the truss

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Determine the force in each member of the truss.
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All these people are complaining about the explanation and mic quality but seeing as this dude is like the only guy on the web that seems to care about discussing really good statics examples, I'm not complaining. Thank you for taking the time to help us out dude. <3


I almost cried from happiness when I found this video!


warning: please don't only rely on these videos to get you through statics. You will get lost and confused bc a lot of steps are being skipped and if you don't understand the concepts you won't know why he's doing it in that specific order. I know it's tempting but don't take the easy way out and just see the answer before you understand the steps completely.


Thank you for all the help! During Covid self learning has been a struggle but these videos have been a lifesaver. If by any chance could you workout problem 6.2 from the trusses section? Thanks!


For the people passing by watching this I would suggest reviewing the joint method. Good luck!


Thank you for all you do! Definitely helps with homework and exam review . Just waiting for chapter 5/6...


Hi, just wondering at the very first step you analyse joint E - howcome you can ignore force AE when doing this? Then come back to it later....
Thanks, your videos are very helpful.


Compression should be represented as a negative. I know that you showed it as compression at first in the FBD however, it can be a bit confusing for others that are learning it. Therefore, you should probably make the FBD all in tension at first. Just my 2 cent from another person learning the information.


Can someone explain what is wrong with my method? I start with a global sum of forces in x and y = 0. Only force in x is reaction at a, Ax. So Ax = -450. Then, sum of moments about point C = (600*6) - (Ay*6) = 0 . Thus Ay = 600. Then sum of forces in y = 0 = Ay - 600 +Cy = 600 - 600 + Cy = 0 . Thus Cy = 0. Thus no loading on joint C. Thus CD and CB are zero-force members. Then look at joint D. CD is zero, so there's nothing to counteract horizontal component of force DE. Thus DE is zero-force member. Also of course DB is zero-force. Then we're left with a triangular truss AEB, a nice 45-45-90 triangle. Solve by 450/cos(45) = EB = 636 lb Comp. 600 = AE + FBcos(45), thus AB = 150 Comp. Is it not correct?


thank you alot ... when you will finish the book chapters


You skip so many steps and don't explain why you are just drawing random arrows it makes no sense don't just say "its going to the left" explain why


why do you do that things you you are not educating you are confusing people more. we can not understand why do you select that things or how do you solve that things or why is that method the best one or the correct one bro.
