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This video looks at the 5 reasons why I think moving to the X-E3 is a viable option for my in my street photography workflow. Here is a little bit about the story

My Fujifilm X100F purchase excitement

A while back I bought a Fujifilm X100F. I was quite happy with the form factor, general image quality and the ability of this camera to be pocketable with an APS-C size sensor. Wow! It came with one small disadvantage though. It has a fix lens. Although a stellar and well chosen lens (at 23mm and f/2) , it remains fixed. The advantages of this camera for me was the ability to go out and get super high quality shots with a camera that was unassuming, small and light all with an APS-C sensor quality. Another reason for the purchase of this camera was that I was pretty darned impressed with my purchase of the Fujifilm X-T2 and the 4 lenses I also purchased with it.

Enter the X-E3

It does not take a rocket scientist to know where this article is going. Especially if you look at my inventory of lenses. The Fujifilm X-E3 offers so much of everything I want out of a small camera body with the added advantage of compact size that the X100F offers. The X-E3 will give me that advantage and lens interchangeability. So, in terms of getting that compact shot as a walkaround camera, the X-E3 will have me covered Therefore, for a city , street photography workflow I am taken care of because of compact body size.

Here are the advantages

But the X-E3 goes a little further in offering me a few other utilities I never thought would be handy simply due to the fact that it offers lens interchangeability. It can now be a B Cam on a photography shoot. so if I have a telephoto lens on my X-T2 and see another shot with a wider angle. I might not have to change out my lenses because I have a body with the wider angle already on it. As much as people would like to believe that mirrorless cameras will solve all your problems, new problems arise like sensor dust and others. Having a second body minimizes lens changing for sure.

I am also getting essentially a X100F with a touchscreen. The advantages of the X100F like the dual EVF and view finder mean nothing to me and are not value added things. To me, the 2.36 million dot oled viewfinder will be more than enough.

So I essentially get 2 cameras for the price of one. A b cam and a street photo with various focal lengths. Yes! But the spec list does not stop there. Just by the pure fact that the camera is the latest and greatest adds a whole bunch of features. Here are some of them

The X-E3 offers 11 and 14 frames per second shooting with an electronic shutter which the X100F does not have
4K recording if ever I am in a bind for a bit of 4K B Roll
NP-W126S battery so that I can share batteries with the X-T2 (not unlike the X100F though
Downside is the smaller viewfinder
A bluetooth camera is always a bonus
Dimensions that are actually smaller than the X100F;  121.3 X 73.9 vs 126.5 X 74.8
The X-E3 is way lighter 337g vs 469g which is 22% lighter (Please note that the lenses will be increasing weight though)
Superior auto focus performance as well

Also worth mentioning are all the things I keep. Both cameras have the X trans Cmos 3 sensor, the X-Processor pro.

Most importantly is the fact that I will not be taking that big of a financial loss as well. In fact I might even take a small profit.

Question. Which lens should I get that will keep the X100F form factor for the Street or candid photography part of my workflow. My choices are the 23mm pancake and the 18mm pancake.

The link to my 5 reasons I bought the X100F video:

The link to the pros and cons of the X100F video:

Link to the blog

To purchase the X-E3 via Amazon and support this channel, click here:

To purchase the X100F and support this channel, click here

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Please watch: "Behind Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” Speech. Why was it powereful?"
Рекомендации по теме

For me that already own like 6 cameras with interchangable lenses the X100F was a simple choice. I was tired of constant worry that I chose the wrong lens (as I never bothered to carry any extra lenses with me), so with the X100F i do not have that problem anymore. Feels so liberating to just pick up the camera and go, no problems, no worrying, just real photography and a lot of fun!


I honestly think these reviewers are full of crap, I mean all of them. They make a video one week, Glorify one camera and the next week they tell you why they sold it because they want you to buy another one. Most people who watch these videos don't make money off of photography so my advice to them is to buy any camera and you will be fine. People who make money off of photography know what they need, they don't watch this crap. The reason this guy is telling you to subscribe is because he's getting paid from YouTube and he is also paid by Fuji... FACT


There is only ONE reason you're selling your x100f: it was not the camera for you and you should have never bought it in the first place. If you want to change lenses and If you don't care for the leaf shutter and ovf, do not get the x100f... There is nothing wrong in admitting you made the wrong purchase. Lastly, I think I'd rather get a (second hand market ) pro body like an xpro2 or even a much cheaper but still very capable xt1 as a "B-roll" camera rather than get the xe3. No hesitation. Unless you suffer from LTAS (latest tech acquisition syndrome)...


I'm afraid I don't get this decision at all. Why would you consider the 27mm f2.8 over the 23mm f2? I have the X-T2 and an X100F and that's the perfect combo for *my* needs. You're not saving any significant size by getting an X-E3 by the time you put a lens on it. Of course it's your call, but it seems that Fuji marketing is telling you you *need* this camera when in fact you have all the tools for the job already. That's all just my own humble opinion of course!


Can't wait for the next video..."why I'm selling my XE-3". It's a never ending game for ppl like you.


I feel you on this. I recently sold all my Canon full frame gear (5DM3 and lenses) and bought an XT2 with the 35F2 and 56mm 1.2. I also bought an X100F to use as my “35” (23). I absolutely love the X100F. I’ve been shooting for 30 years and owned dozens and dozens of cameras and I cannot think of a camera that has brought me more joy than the X100F. Don’t get me wrong, the XE3 looks REALLY cool. But I think the X100F is just SO unique and SO good. It FEELS so good in the hand. And the files. Wow. I’ve used it in the studio, on family shoots, for paid portrait shoots and it is my daily street carry. It’s surprisingly versatile. It just has so much soul, and it takes such lovely photos, SOOC. I understand your GAS, I want a 90mm F2 so bad...and yes, I too want an XE3. But I wouldn’t sell my X100F to get it. But hey, whatever makes you happy! Go for it. It’s your workflow, don’t listen to anyone, do what works for you. Love your channel, style and honesty. Keep up the good work. Let us all know what you decide!


You do what you need to do. I myself love the X100F for many reasons and a couple my X-T30 do not come with. The leaf shutter and built in ND filter. The built in 23mm lens keeps me from having to tote a lot of gear along to get THAT shot and makes me think more about the shot since I can't just zoom in.. As long as you are happy and its working for you, more power to you... Peace


Hi Jacques. I get that lens interchangeability is a thing, but I am not so sure about the other reasons. First of all, the X-E3 will NOT be smaller than the X100F whichever lens you put on it. Even with the 18mmf2, it will already be bigger. Second, YES I don't use the hybrid viewfinder with OVF (optical viewfinder) option very much either, but this is cancelled out by losing the leaf shutter option. Third, as a portrait photographer, what would you really (I mean, -really-) need the 11-14fps for? Fourth, why would you need 4k for a B cam? So as you can see, I am with some of the other commenters in thinking you are making a mistake here. Oh and one last thing: the X-E3 has no D-pad (only the joystick). Please be absolutely sure you are not going to miss that. Not in terms of accessing menus, but more in terms of losing 4(!!) customizable buttons. Anyway, keep on making these great videos. Cheers!


If you wanted to use different lenses why buy an x100 in the 1st place?


Yup X-T2 & X-E3 for backup or b cam. I'd get the silver one bundled with the 35 F2.


Don't forget that the X100F has a silent leaf shutter that on a good day could be handheld at a stop slower cuz of less shutter vibration. Also nice to know that dust won't get in during lens changes as on the X-E3. The flash on the X100F is a magical thing that works at pretty well any shutter speed and always looks good. It's also a bonus to not have to carry extra lenses.


Putting a wide lens on the E3, you're going to miss the flip screen for overhead and close to the ground shots. Depending on how how flash work you do, you might find reduced flash power or battery life from using hss all the time vs the X100F's leaf shutter.


first....my POV
i've been a nikon shooter and still am. i got the fuji because i wanted to challenge myself with an entirely different camera. the X100F gave me a more versatile camera that i am more comfortable taking with me and therefore i shoot more with it. that, plus the fact that it uses a prime lens has made me a better photographer.
- with that said.... i have been primarily a portrait shooter. so that has made the X100F a challenge, but i have been surprised at how many good portraits i've managed to capture with this camera, and that has also helped me get better shots with my current nikon (D750). i try HARD not to just go around shooting "street snaps" with the fuji because that is not my thing. i would rather compose my shots with some pre-planning and i use OCF often, so i have also been pleasantly surprised at the architectural and nature shots i have gotten with it in addition to the that's me :-)

getting to your Q
first, why would you care what i think ?? it won't change your decision and shouldn't /LOL/
probably made a good choice IF the shots you get with the new camera are SIGNIFICANTLY more satisfying and (technically) better than what you got with the X100F. that would be how i would judge it, so i sure couldn't do that now. the "features and newer tech" are useless unless they make your shots a lot better, and you don't know that yet.
- as far as packing rather not if i have a choice, so that makes me think a little before i go out and shoot, and that's not a problem for me, but sounds like u prefer to carry a camera bag more than i do

time will tell


Jacques, I have the X-E3 and both of the lenses you are considering. I think that the "pancake" 27mm is clearly more suited to the personality of the camera than the 18mm. The pancake is smaller, lighter, faster to focus (while generating far less noise in the process), less expensive, probably sharper, and more modern than the alternative. I feel that I should also mention two good lenses than you apparently are *not* looking at: the XF 23mm f2 and the XC 16-50mm zoom. (Yes, the "cheap one"). The former offers a classic field of view and fast aperture, while the later gives you all the versatility of a zoom in a light, compact, and inexpensive package. Fujifilm gives us so many excellent choices today!


I bought the 27mm f2.8 with the first xpro 1 kit and often use it on the xe3. It is a great wee lens, nice and small. My favourite lense when I shot film was a 50mm f1.8 zuiko lens, and with my nikon d7100, a 35mm f1.8. If the 27mm had been a stop brighter it would have been even better, that said it is very quick to focus, it's sharp and f2.8 hasn't been a problem. The angle of view is not a kick in the backside off the static eyes perception, so composition can be done readily in your head before even pointing the camera so great for street photography.


A good move I think. But the one thing you're giving up is the leaf shutter in the X100f. Which can be very useful when using flash in daylight.


i have the xe2 and x100f the x100f is amazing camera for street photographer and i think they are totally deferent and u make mistake when u selling the x100f its the best camera i have been used for street photography and u are allready have xt2 so why u take xe3 ! i have also x70 and sonya6500 but i still love to use the x100f .. thank u


In answer to your question about the 27mm f2, 8 pancake, this is a great, lightweight little lens. I use it on my X-T2 as my 'daily' carry around, and get on well with it. It's an unusual 'equivalent' of 41mm in full frame terms, but still works very well, is sharp, and fast enough.


Dear Jacques, thank you for your well understandable speech (I am German). I love the music between your scenes. I have exactly the same glasses as you. Usually I have the 27 mm pankake on my XT-2 always with me in my handbag. It's versatile and not much bigger than the XE-3. Same with me: I always use the EVF except in my studio which is completely darkened while shooting to prevent reflections and uncontrolled light. Thank you for your videos!


I was also faced with this dilemma. In the end I kept the X100F because of one reason. The lead shutter which allows me to crush ambient light with high shutter speeds while using the flash in standard mode. This even works with the built in flash. It is also why I own the Ricoh GR. Cheers!
