The Problem with Python's GIL Explained

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The Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in Python is a contentious topic in the Python community, and many developers consider it a significant limitation in the language. To understand why Python's GIL is often referred to as a blunder and why Python can't effectively utilize multiple CPU cores with threads, we need to delve into the details of how Python manages concurrency.

What is the GIL?
The GIL is a mutex (short for mutual exclusion) that protects access to Python objects, preventing multiple threads from executing Python bytecodes simultaneously in a single process. This means that even if you have a multi-core CPU, Python threads cannot fully leverage all the available CPU cores due to this lock.

Historical Context:
The GIL was originally introduced as a workaround in CPython (the reference implementation of Python) to deal with thread safety issues in the presence of multi-threading. It was seen as a solution to make Python threads safer and easier to work with. However, it comes with several drawbacks.

Why the GIL is Considered a Blunder:

a. Performance Bottleneck: The GIL severely limits the parallelism of CPU-bound Python programs because only one thread can execute Python code at a time. This means that CPU-intensive tasks cannot take full advantage of multi-core processors, making Python slower for certain workloads compared to other languages.

b. Complexity: The GIL adds complexity to Python's concurrency model. Developers often need to resort to workarounds like using multiple processes or external libraries like multiprocessing to achieve true parallelism.

c. Thread Starvation: In situations where there are many threads contending for the GIL, some threads may get starved, leading to unpredictable performance characteristics.

d. Incompatibility with C Extensions: CPython's GIL makes it difficult for developers to take advantage of C extensions that are not GIL-aware. These extensions may not work well with multi-threaded Python applications.

Why Python Can't Thread Across Multiple CPU Cores:

a. GIL Serialization: Due to the GIL, threads in Python are essentially serialized, meaning only one thread can execute Python code at a time. While threads can run concurrently when waiting for I/O-bound operations, they cannot take full advantage of multiple CPU cores for CPU-bound tasks.

b. GIL Contentions: Even when Python threads are I/O-bound and not actively competing for the GIL, they can still face contentions when releasing and acquiring the GIL. This contention further hinders multi-core utilization.

Alternatives and Solutions:
To overcome the limitations of the GIL, developers can consider the following alternatives:

a. Multiprocessing: Instead of using threads, use the multiprocessing module to create multiple processes, each with its own Python interpreter and memory space. This approach allows for true parallelism and can utilize multiple CPU cores effectively.

b. Use a Different Python Implementation: Some alternative Python implementations, such as Jython or IronPython, do not have a GIL and can leverage multi-threading more efficiently. However, these implementations have limitations and may not be suitable for all use cases.

c. Consider Other Languages: For CPU-bound tasks that require parallelism, consider using languages like Rust, C++, or Go, which are better suited for multi-core performance.

Or just program your application in Java from the start. That will save you a lot of headaches.
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I love the lighting in this video as its a bit from below so we.get.that surreal feeling of other worldlyness. :)


Every time you mentioned Python, The video buffers a bit on my end; that's single-threaded, I guess. 🤣


Aren't they going to remove the Gil? Like a Python no gil implementation?


The Python Gil is a mess. No Gil Python is the way to go.


Python is not a programming language, it's like Excel formulas you use to take a table add two columns and use the result to run the real code in a c library.


Working with threads in Java is a missey B .


This video is so misleading. There is information that is not mention:
1. Usage of vectorization such as using numpy.
2. Using multiprocessing.
3. Types of tasks, not all tasks are CPU-bound.
4. Usage of languages that has python bindings to be able to use them from python as a library such a Rust with PyO3.
5. CPU instructions that releases the GIL lock such as hashing or compression.
As a matter of fact, there are several libraries that are that achieve parallelism in multiple CPU cores. For example, creating a neural network using Sklearn (which uses "joblib").


Anybody that took this advice and started something in Java is probably still setting up their project. 🤣 Go or Kotlin.


Just living a comment.... With a back flip


is there a reason you can't pronounce Java correctly?


"30 years to get a switch statement" 😂 best burn ive heard in a WHILE 🤣

course . . . when it comes to tech . . . there aint much that was useful in the 1990's that's still as relevant + handy today in the 2020's

unless it's stood the millennium test of time .. like hammers & screwdrivers 🤔


I hate pip so much. We need to stop this madness!
