Silver nanoparticle risks and benefits: Seven things worth knowing

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What are the benefits and risks of using silver nanoparticles in consumer products, including colloidal silver? Risk Bites' Andrew Maynard looks at seven things you should know about this nanomaterial.

Silver nano has been hitting the headlines for a few years now, both as a smart new technology for preventing bacterial infection, and as a potential new health and environmental threat. But what's the science behind how it behaves, and how it might be beneficial, or harmful? We take a look at seven things worth knowing about silver nanoparticles -- some of which may surprise you!

For more information on silver nanoparticles, check out the links below.

The Risk Bites Team:
Andrew Maynard
David Faulkner
Alyssa Berry


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People used silver for a millennium but in the past 50 years it became toxic because the pharmaceutical industry says it is, follow the money and you'll find the reason.


I raised fish in water infused with nanosilver solution and they were the healthiest most long lived fish I ever raised.


Colloidal silver cured me of repeated MRSA infections (7 months back-to-back) and cold sores. I couldn't recommend it enough. It saved me from absolute misery.


suffered with a recurring sty in my eye, doctors kept brushing me off saying it should subside on its own and giving me antibiotics and steroids that promised to work as fast as doing nothing .. decided to try the liquid silver based on peoples personal experiences shared online- wow! healed in 48hrs. amazing!


I put a silver coin in my drinking water, tea, coffe, milk, whatever. Cowboys back in the days boiled their water for coffee with a silver coin in it and almost never got sick


Me and my family have been using colloidal silver almost 10yrs now and almost 10years free of any pharma shits. Now that's evidence in my personal point of view.


I've used it before and I can boldly say that it is fantastic


Colloidal silver sprayed on a 2nd degree burn over my son in laws leg healed it overnight. He even sent a before and after pic to his doc.


If you look through history things were made to last and always were made of certain metals. The pharma industry has slowly removed many of those products uses of metals by manipulating our universities with grants and expectations attached to the grants and still going on today. Our door handles were all copper or brass because of their pathogenic properties for the likes of stainless steel, chrome plating and other We have been led astray for their profit at our own expense.


Colloidal silver has blown me away with how well it works, got rid of an abses far quicker than antibiotics, and haven't had a cold in 3 years since I started taking it daily plus my allergies are gone. I have never found anything that works this well.


In the past I would usually get one cold a year. Since the ginger shots, combined with colloidal silver I get nothing, zip, nada


simple test : get two cups of milk, in one put some colloidal silver, the other leave as is, see what happens, the one with silver doesnt go off


I watched nano particle colloidal silver 100% knock out hand foot & mouth disease in a mother and her 2 young daughter's literally over night. They went from being miserable with mouths so sore, they hurt when they tried to drink water, to attending and participating in a horse barrel racing event the following morning and going out for lunch in the afternoon. All felt great.


The video says there is no evidence at all indicating the Silver works, yet there are hundreds of comments here stating it’s effectiveness for them and how. There’s some big contradictory information right there.


I love when people say something is bad for the environment when it comes from the earth. When something is deemed bad for the environment it implies that, ultimately, through a succession of issues said problem causes, humans will ultimately suffer its consequences. Silvers not that guy. No one has ever died due to a concentration of silver in the air, from crops, or livestock that I’m aware of.


It's not from Greek culture. It's ancient Indian ayurveda written in Vedas. And not only Silver nano particles even Gold nano particles. That brings "tej" and gives immunity, and "shukr".


had a neighbor give me colloidal silver once when I had a terrible case of strep throat. I did not have insurance at the time and could not afford to see a DR. Two shots sized glasses at bedtime and two in the morning followed with two more that evening and I woke feeling like a new man. The little white dots in my throat were gone and never returned even though I had only dosed myself 3 times.


I love colloidal silver. I’ve never had to have antibiotics for any of my kids ear infections. As soon as any of them complain of an earache I put a drop in the ear every 8hours and it’s better in a few hours and completely gone in 1 to 3 days (depending on the severity of when I notice) pink eye or other topical infections also have amazing results with colloidal silver.
There is so much money backing big pharma and the studies they fund are often slanted. I will always try natural methods first over petroleum based drugs. Might there be rare and slight side effects? Perhaps… but I guarantee it’s NOTHING compared to big pharma side effects. I’ve had multiple family members die early or have major problems from drugs prescribed by doctors. Eat healthy, seek natural remedies when you can and be careful when following “scientific studies” and “modern medicine”. If a lot of people seem to have success but studies don’t back it… it probably just means it can’t be patented so big money can’t be made from it. So many good natural remedies are silenced because they can’t be patented. Just my opinions but it’s based on my own life experience.


Silver is the best it's a sign of wealth it's Industrial it's under valued and it's money it is the best conductor of electricity and heat it is the most reflective Metal


I used Oxysilver for a uti that wasn’t going away with traditional antibiotics. After taking alone with vitamins and eating probiotics foods it was gone.
