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Dear God - it's finally finished!
3 months of tireless working have passed me by in the blink of an eye, but it's finally finished!
Thank you all for sticking with me throughout this whole affair - there've been ups and downs, good times and, er...not-so-good times, but no matter what's happened, you guys have encouraged me to fight on and make this as good as I can possibly make it - especially you, mum. :p
The song used in this MV is (Obviously) Mandopony's 'Just Gold', which you can check out right here:
Give him massive props for this amazing song, as well as giving me the motivation I needed to create this video in the first place!

Now then, with all that out of the way, here's an explanation as to what's happened in this video:
The video takes place in an alternate universe, in which Freddy Fazbear's Pizza has been shut down permanently as a result of a plentiful string of murders leading right back to the restaurant.
However, Fazbear Entertainment has successfully saved the restaurant from complete demolition, having turned it into a warehouse in which all Fazbear-brand animatronics can be stored.
Yet, despite the restaurant having been shut down many years beforehand, not all of the animatronics have got the memo.
One, in particular, has awoken with one thing in mind:
Vengeance - the golden way.
The Springtrap has been sprung.
Рекомендации по теме

God I remember when I found this as the best sfm animation of a fnaf song back in 2015


Ahh... This video brings back memories.


Ah the old fnaf models. It makes me cry. This animations is so old, and yet it’s so well done


It’s been several years. I cringe at most of the old fnaf animations I used to watch. Despite how outdated pretty much everything is about this animation, still one of the best. Perhaps it’s the movement? Yeah, definitely the movement; that one moment when Toy Freddy spun his torso still gets me.


Thank you all.
So much.
2 million views. I mean...wow.
I never expected to get this far. Never expected this much attention. Hell, I was wondering if I'd be lucky enough to get past *10, 000* views when I first uploaded this.
And now we've hit 2 freakin' million.
The kind comments, likes and favourites have blown me away - the FNaF community may not be the best one out there, but I'll be damned if I don't find myself crawling back to it day after day. You're all amazing people, and I'm so glad you've decided that my video was worth your time.
To my subscribers, the number of which I am still reeling at...I'll see you in the next video! ;P
Here's to Break My Mind!


It's amazing that this classic masterpiece in the fnaf sfm community still holds up today. It's been so long, and yet, this remains the best music video for "Just Gold" to me. Kind of sad that half of this comment section is filled with children and not the many animators who were inspired by this for years to come.


I remember marveling at how great this animation was


You are severely underrated. This was awesome.


I'm coming back to this after rewatching the darkest desire collab for the millionth time, I remember first watching this when I was 10 or 11 and thinking this was one of the greatest animations of all time and coming back as a 16 year old I still feel it hits me the same way. Now of course we've had many things happen with animators becoming more skilled and models becoming way more accurate to the actual characters and even getting the official models themselves. But I still think this animation just makes fnaf feel so cool. I feel like this animation is just absolutely a fantastic gem from the past that people can still come back to and say great things about. Everything about this still feels satisfying especially now with the nostalgic feel kicking in. I couldn't day this back so I'll say it now, Fantastic job on this!


To be 100%, this looks really clean for it's time. It feels nice seeing these modles again, I kind of miss them.


By far the smoothest SFM I've seen so far. I love how when the puppet moves it looks like he's being controlled by strings. Keep up the good work ;)


Bro this is a classic I remember when I was 10 years old!! Glad to come back and relive some great memories!❤


It's been almost a year, with all the release of the accurate models.

And this is still my fav.
It's the style of the animation.

*Can't wait for more from you, mate!* c:


I haven't seen this in years I just got nostalgia


This was one of the OG animation channels I watched as a kid!! So much nostalgia. This might've been one of the first SFM animations that inspired me back in the day.


*God, the nostalgia...*
*This was one of the beast fnaf sfm animations back then, still is.*
*Damn, tho, the Puppet is hardcore. She be breaking the dancefloor without even touching the dancefloor..*


Wow, you know how to animate SFM!  I can really appreciate everything that you put into this, even if I'm not a fan of the song.


Oh wow, this is actually really good man! Great job man, I hope to see more. :D


So much nostalgia from this animation. My second most favourite animation from that time


After 8 years this song and animation still good
