Escape the BabySitter! Wreck It Ralph In Real Life Breaks Our Cotton Candy Box Fort!

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Escape the BabySitter! Wreck It Ralph In Real Life Breaks Our Cotton Candy Cuties Box Fort!

Escape Wreck It Ralph The Babysitter! Ralph Breaks Our Cotton Candy Cuties Shop! We asked you guys on our last video if we should let Ralph inside the house or not and you said yes! So, since mom and dad had somewhere to be, they decided to let Ralph come over and babysit us. This was a bad idea, obviously because its Wreck it Ralph! We can't decided who's the better babysitter, Ralph, Granny in Real Life, Hello Neighbor or even Baldi's Basics!! Ralph was terrible because he wrecked our cotton candy cuties shop and he made lots of messes! But the kids learned how to clean the house in this pretend play video. Let us know who you think is the better babysitter.

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