Webassembly beyond the web (Lin Clark, Till Schneidereit, Mozilla)
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"Bringing WebAssembly outside the web with WASI
Earlier this year, we announced WASI, the WebAssembly system interface. With this system interface, WebAssembly can be used outside the browser in a portable and safe way.
As Solomon Hykes, co-founder of Docker, said, "If WASM+WASI existed in 2008, we wouldn't have needed to create Docker. That's how important it is. Webassembly on the server is the future of computing."
But WASI will be useful for so many other use cases, too. In this talk, we'll explain how WASI works and explore how different use cases can benefit from it."
Event: WebAssembly Munich Meetup
May 22, 2019 at Google Munich HQ
Thomas Tränkler (Organizer and video recording, Freelancer)
Michael Hablich (Co-Organizer, V8 Team, Google Munich)
Webassembly Europe Community
Webassembly beyond the web (Lin Clark, Till Schneidereit, Mozilla)
WebAssembly Beyond the Browser • Dan Callahan • GOTO 2019
Web Assembly (WASM) in 100 Seconds
Rust Linz, November 2021 - WebAssembly beyond the browser by Thorsten Hans
WebAssembly for Web Developers (Google I/O ’19)
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Lin Clark — WebAssembly: Building a new kind of ecosystem
Bringing WebAssembly outside the web with WASI by Lin Clark
WebAssembly: A new development paradigm for the web
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WebAssembly: A game changer for the Web | Mozilla
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What WebAssembly means for React - Lin Clark aka @linclark at @ReactEurope 2017
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What is WebAssembly?
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An introduction to WebAssembly
Web Assembly • Nick Bray • GOTO 2015
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