My electric fence is not working! IT WON'T SHOCK

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During this video i finally figure out why my electric fence is not working and why it will not shock my pigs. during this video i talk about the importance of the grounding of an electric fence. learn how to ground your electric fence it is very important. My pigs where walking through my fence and where not getting shocked even though the fence tester showed 7,000 volts. why is my electric fence not working? Why is my electric fence not shocking my animals? my fence want work.
How do i make my fence shock stronger?
How to trouble shoot my electric fence
My electric fence is weak

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A man with one tester always knows the voltage. A man with two testers is never certain.


A great video. I am in the process of setting up an electric fence. So, I could run in to this issue..


I’m so glad you figured it out because coming home to pigs roaming the neighborhood is not fun.


If your dirt is really dry, pour water on you ground rods to improve the ground connection.


Is your fence 2 hot wires or 1 hot and 1 ground? I suggest always use a ground wire along with your hot wires and connect the ground wire strand back to your ground rod configuration then the circuit will be completed when the animal comes in contact with both wires regardless of the distance between the ground rods and where the animal contacts the fence rather than just depending on the animal’s feet contacting the dirt to complete the circuit.


in Puuuurrleeer. Great video again Jamie!!


Good information! Nice well keep Pigs!!


I was hoping you were going to grab the fence to make sure it was working! 😁😁


Hello Jamie. "The grass is always greener on the other side" with pigs and with chickens. Here in South Carolina, I have grounding issues and have to use at least one 8' grounding rod and sometimes multiples to get proper grounding and when its dry I'll have to pour water around the rod to keep the area wet. I successfully use the Patriot P20 chargers for my different pig groups plenty of enough shocking power. My groups are mostly in the woods with sparse sunlight so DC powered chargers are my only choice. In regard to my newly freed piglets- graduated from training area, I too had issues with them escaping. I have overcome this problem by running a second unenergized wire at the bottom which has stop them from escaping. (They still try) Once they've reached about 100 pounds or about the 2nd or 3rd move no more issues and I can start using a single wire. Some more work in the beginning but a lot less frustration. Piglet's hooves will act like an insulator and because they are lighter in weight, they may not ground themselves like an heavier pig. Due to their light weight this reason can insulate them from feeling the energy of the fencing especially if there's a lot of ground cover.


I know everyone likes the thought of poly wire, the issue I was having is you don’t get that immediate shock like you do with metal wire. For that reason I will run 1 strand of each. I also use a cheap 5-10$ reel to roll up the metal wire as well.


You also have to use the same metal type of grounding clamps ! Grounding wire, rods and clamps all the same metal ! Also use three 8 ft. grounding rod all the way in the ground ! The longer grounding rod can reach further into the soil to reach more moisture to make it work better ! That's why contractors use 8 ft, copper rods. Copper conducts electricity better than galvanized ! By the way your video was very good, Great Job !! 🙂👍


We used to raise horses B4 we retired and in the summer is when we would have fence voltage issues. Got a new charger and it required 3 10 foot grounding rods 10 feet apart. After installation, we had no more issues. Found out that the horses hooves insulated enough to not let them get the full shock until new grounding rods were in.

My dad raised pigs when i was about 10 using electric fence (lived near the west coast ocean so had no ground issue). One day he wanted to move the pigs; took the fence down, but the pigs would not cross the line where it changed from dirt to grass. Don't remember what happened.


You do realize you already have potential "ground rods" all the way around your pen? Run your ground wire around to the tops of your posts. Then you always have a good ground where the pigs are.


Hello Jamie, how do I get such a device


After u drop extra food to keep them occupied lol...ur on a time scale for completion lol...
