Vietnam Prepares For ‘TET’ Celebrations
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Masyarakat Vietnam sedang bersiap untuk menyambut Tahun Baru Imlek, yang disebut "TET" di Vietnam. Di kawasan tua Hanoi, pembeli menuju ke pasar tradisional untuk mencari dekorasi dan bunga untuk festival.
Jalanan dipenuhi dengan toko-toko yang menjual barang-barang dekoratif berwarna merah dan emas. Warna-warna tersebut dianggap membawa keberuntungan dan kemakmuran. Namun, jumlah pengunjung tahun ini berkurang karena pihak berwenang telah mengeluarkan peringatan karena pandemi COVID-19. Vietnam juga telah membatalkan pertunjukan kembang api yang dijadwalkan dan acara meriah lainnya untuk meminimalkan risiko penyebaran virus.
Vietnamese are preparing to welcome the Lunar New Year, which is called “TET” in Vietnam. In the old quarter of Hanoi, shoppers are headed to the traditional market to look for decorations and flowers for the festival.
The streets are lined with shops selling decorative items in red and gold. The colors are considered to bring good luck and prosperity. However, the number of visitors is less this year as authorities have issued a warning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Vietnam has also canceled scheduled firework shows and other festive events to minimize the risk of virus spread.
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Jalanan dipenuhi dengan toko-toko yang menjual barang-barang dekoratif berwarna merah dan emas. Warna-warna tersebut dianggap membawa keberuntungan dan kemakmuran. Namun, jumlah pengunjung tahun ini berkurang karena pihak berwenang telah mengeluarkan peringatan karena pandemi COVID-19. Vietnam juga telah membatalkan pertunjukan kembang api yang dijadwalkan dan acara meriah lainnya untuk meminimalkan risiko penyebaran virus.
Vietnamese are preparing to welcome the Lunar New Year, which is called “TET” in Vietnam. In the old quarter of Hanoi, shoppers are headed to the traditional market to look for decorations and flowers for the festival.
The streets are lined with shops selling decorative items in red and gold. The colors are considered to bring good luck and prosperity. However, the number of visitors is less this year as authorities have issued a warning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Vietnam has also canceled scheduled firework shows and other festive events to minimize the risk of virus spread.
#SEAToday #SEATodayNews #Jakarta #Indonesia #LunarNewYear #TET #Vietnam #COVID19 #Pandemic #Hanoi #firework
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