FMM Conference Macroeconomic policy coordination: a new approach for the end of abundance Jo Michell

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Plenary Session 3:
Macroeconomics Policy challenges

Macroeconomic policy coordination: a new approach for the end of abundance
Keynote Jo Michell (University of the West of England)

Post-Keynesian Economics and Global Challenges

Post-Keynesian economics, based on the original works of Keynes, Kalecki, Kaldor, Joan Robinson, Minsky and oth-ers, has been the main alternative to orthodox and mainstream macroeconomics for decades and has inspired the FMM since its beginning. The 2022 conference aims to take stock of post-Keynesian and other critical contributions with a focus on how they deal with current global macroeconomic challenges. These include high and rising imbal-ances and inequalities at national and global levels, and the need for social-ecological and economic transformation to address the environmental crisis. While these challenges require coordinated government intervention, both na-tionally and internationally, policymakers are faced with high public debt and, more recently, rising inflation rates. At the same time, the global financial architecture puts severe limits on the ability of countries in the Global South to conduct macroeconomic policies that can address the current economic and social challenges. We will discuss how post-Keynesians have analysed these problems applying different theoretical and empirical methods and have eco-nomic policy alternatives.
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