Exploring Equilibrium | Honkai Star Rail Lore

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In Honkai Star Rail Lore the many paths and aeons are often manifestations or reflections of humanity itself. Destruction is a representation of anger and wrath while preservation stands for defensiveness and patience. There is a path however that is spoken very little about but is one of the most ancient path, the path of equilibrium. On its surface, the path of equilibrium and its aeon HooH seems to stand for balance and equality but the more I looked into it the more it seemed that the aeon and this path represented something more akin to control and fate

So in this video, we will be exploring equilibrium and figuring out what exactly the path and aeon stand for

Some part of this video comes from the actual lore while others may be speculation on my part as we currently do not know the full story. As such take it with a grain of salt as the point of this video is just a deeper dive into Honkai Star Rail lore.

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and don't forget, every time we (the players) hit lvl 20, 30, and so on we must pass the Trial of Equilibrium. This is HooH doing, THEY watch everyone and everything and very hands on with every occurence in the universe. The trial makes sure that no one is stronger, protagonist and antagonist should always be at the same plane of power. absoulute neutral being


They just added a new faction for the equilibrium, truly a perfectly timed video


Wanted to shout out the Gold and Gears event, where its heavily implied if not outright stated at some point that the Borderstar Trade War *and* the Emperor's War ultimately came about due to Hooh's influence, as it was attempting (and by its own logic apparently, succeeded) in balancing out how powerful the IPC was becoming.


HooH’s name is rather interesting. In other Languages in the game, HooH’s name keeps its trait of being “equal”, for example, in Chinese, HooH’s name is “互”, which means “mutual”.
Also, this might be looking in the wrong direction, or maybe it’s simply just an extra detail that means nothing more, but words like “racecar”, ”radar”, or “level”, are words that can be read backwards and still say the same exact thing. These are called Palindromes, and as you can tell from HooH’s name, THEY have the naming sense of a Palindrome.


I really hope we get to meet some Arbitrators (followers/emanators(?) of the Equilibrium), and if they’re playable I hope we only get two, with them being Imaginary and Quantum. And I hope Hoyo shows off the god powers Arbitrators have been said to have


- I think the concept you might trying to find with HooH and Equilibrium is Daoism, which is a concept that very rooted in chinese culture and often interconnect with concept of Yin&Yang. i won't explain it coz i might explain it incorrectly but i highly suggest you learn more about Daoism as the whole concept of Path in hsr is from Daoism
- Due to the limited information on Equilibrium and HooH, i can't be sure yet but i believe Equilibrium true nature is "Correction". For the universe to function properly, beside just order it need correction which is seem to fit what HooH being doing so far. When the universe advancement reach a certain peak, HooH will "balance" it by creating a disaster to bring decline to the universe and when the universe reach a certain level of low, HooH will once again "balance" it by delete individual and relocate resource etc etc and even the other aeon might not escape from their "balance"(meaning an aeon rise or fall can a result of HooH "balance" whether instantly or later down the line). The most important thing i think about Equilibrium and HooH "correction" is not for maintaining a status quo and stagnation but i think the "correction" or "balance" is to keep the universe moving forward, creation can't happen if there is no destruction, advancement can't be made if there is no set back.
- i want to bring up swarm disaster for this coz there the theory of the event being an assassination plan for Ena and HooH is likely one of the aeon behind it. Why? coz Ena was too much "order" to the point of just pure control which symbolize by her puppeteer design, Ena being too order is making the universe stagnate and the fate of world under her control is very clear as well, which is something HooH don't want so while they don't directly involve but HooH definitely have a hand in with Ena downfall


Ashikai made a video about all aeona being pairs but hooh didnt have a pair because they pair itself as a duality


So what is the voice that says equilibrium when we reach a certain world level?


I absolutely love the philosophic concepts in HSR

You could absolutely build a universe around a fun adventure, no thoughts, just action, drama, science and all other things that make up a fun sci fi universe, but it chooses to reflect the questions that people have asked for millennia.

HSR has set a new standard for me, by which I now look at all forms of art. I think the idea behind it is incredible.

Also if HooH can be paired with any Eon (and if you can even pair Eons), I would bet it is the Trailblaze since predestined fate and forging one‘s own destiny are quite contrary. The nameless being the counter-faction to the Arbitrators, even though they aren’t directly opposed.

Another option could be Terminus the Finality, but we really don’t know enough to say anything for certain yet, HooH could also not be paired with anyone, or just something so engraved in reality that it can’t influence it.


I like to think that hooh and the arbitrators are just the self insert for the developers lmao😭


I become more and more convinced that the god's plot with Tazyronth was just a cover up for Hooh to usurp Ena's power with Aha's scheme, giving the blame to Xipe, who absorbed the dead god's body.


I don't think that HooH would allow themselves to become a "counterweight" in place of another Aeon. How could a scale be measured by itself? In the case of an Aeon dying or disappearing HooH would rather enable the ascension of a new Aeon, probably only absorbing a part of the path, if the path was close to THEIR path. So, while some aspects of Order could move onto HooH, I don't think THEY would take on aspects of more destructive or constructive paths.


Man, sometimes I just want to have a straight up conversation with people, there is so much nuance in this topic and I just want to point out stuff and add to it


That why akivili will never reach the End of universe...


My guess is the alchemy commission of the loufu has already been reforging itself in the equilibrium and rebranding itself as the chemistry commission. This is because in chemistry, a core concept is equilibrium in particular in reactions where Le chatlier’s principle results in a two sided flow of reaction rates. Increase the products in a reaction to shift the equilibrium to the reactants while decreasing the products in a reaction shifts the equilibrium to the products. Since the alchemy commission has been tainted with abundance, it only seems logical to embrace the ICE (initial, change, equilibrium) and become the chemistry commission.


The Equilibrium simply represents law. The universe follows a protocol which dictates how everything works. "Why does the apple fall from the tree and not fall up?"

It also shares some similarities with Buddhism. Budda is not a person but a stage of mind in which a person can co-exist perfectly harmonious with the law of the universe. That is why HooH has his finger in every pie, because his domain is everywhere and everything.


Hooh and the arbitrators are just the devs self-inserts lmao


Nondualism is more complex than duality


God of equilibrium we should talk about the emanator of equilibrium lunox she is so hot


Pretty sure that's a yin-yang not a 69 lol
