Emanet 509. Bölüm | Legacy Episode 509

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It’s been 3 months since Seher’s death. Aziz gets blamed for Seher's death, who is actually the victim of a nefarious trap. Topal, who is the real instigator for the murder, takes over the family empire with his brother's blood in his hands, while he does his best to have Yaman imprisoned, but he cannot reach his goal. In the past three months, Yaman is acquitted of the crime even though he was taken into custody for killing Aziz.

After Seher's death, Yusuf shut himself to the outside world. On the one hand, Yaman mourns his dead wife, on the other hand, he wants to make his dear nephew laugh again. But the solutions Yaman found are proven useless. Yaman tries many ways to get his nephew back to the way he was before. One day, a stranger comes to the mansion. How will this stranger who suddenly entered their lives affect the lives of Yaman and Yusuf? Will Yusuf, who closed his heart to the whole world, smile again?

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I think I prefer Nana more than Seher. In Yamans world someone has to be mentally, emotionally and physically strong. She's a small mountain standing up for Yaman😊😜


Wirus miłości - Nana, chce się go pozbyć 😢😢😢❤


NANA LE DECLARA LA GUERRA A YAMAN 😐😐-- En el cuarto de Yaman, Nana dice: lucharé contra ese virus, lo sacaré de dentro de mí; se pone su abrigo, y sale. Yaman en la oficina le pregunta molesto: ¿debería decirte lo contrario, vete del cuarto, no te vayas a la cama, no descanses? No importa lo que te diga, eres terca y reviertes todo, haces lo contrario. Nana: si soy terca, pero no contigo… es con esta enfermedad, que tengo dentro de mí. Yaman: ¿crees que vas a mejorar caminando por ahí? Nana: no, peleare y la venceré, como dijiste soy una guerrera y la venceré. Cenger le dice a Nana que ya terminaron la renovación en su habitación. Nana le dice que irá inmediatamente, muchas gracias. Se miran y Nana se va molesta. Yaman suspira.🤭

Nana en su cuarto, dice voy a arrancar ese virus de mi cuerpo. Mira las flores y recuerda el día que Yaman se las regaló: “Nana emocionada: tú lo hiciste, ¿cómo? Yaman complacido: dijeron que puede vivir en todas las condiciones, en todos los climas. Aquí también florecerá, como en tu casa. Dicen con más luz aquí.” Nana mira el cuadro y dice no sólo te sacaré de mi cuerpo, también de mi habitación, la guerra empezó. Nana lleva la flor a la sala y dice aquí te dará más el sol, y se encuentra con Hala. Hala: no pude hablar contigo, te sientes mejor querida, estas diciendo que estas curada, si te has levantado, terminaron tu habitación, y puedes regresar, estaba muy preocupada, que Yaman se enfermara. Nana: no se preocupe, no soy débil, sigo luchando con este virus, ya estoy de vuelta a mi habitación, estoy bien, ya regresé a mi habitación, puedes quedarte tranquila, la enfermedad está controlada, porque tengo medicamentos. Hala: esta chica es muy inteligente, o está loca. Esperamos lo mejor.

Nana tira el cuadro de su cuarto y Yaman la escucha en el pasillo. Yaman entra y ve que Nana ha quitado el cuadro que él le regalo. Nana le dice al cuadro: vas para el armario. Yaman: ¿qué estás haciendo? Nana, nada, arreglo el cuarto, los cambios son buenos para la gente. Yaman: en este momento, pero aún no te has recuperado. Recupérate primero y luego lo haces. Nana: hago que mi habitación se vea hermosa, tal vez eso es lo que me sanará. No quiero mirar este cuadro. Yaman: no es el lugar que te gusta y quisieras ir, porqué ahora no lo quieres. Nana: porque… porque mirar constantemente este lugar, me desespera, porque no puedo ir. Ni siquiera me puedo imaginar allí, esta tan lejos, porqué debo mirarlo, lo quiero quitar de mi vista. No lo mirare, ni el me mirará, así que no lo quiero. Yaman está triste y busca las flores que le regaló. Nana, la flor también la saque, aquí no le da tanto el sol, la baje, allá estará mejor en la planta baja, le dará más sol. Yaman: haz lo que quiera; y se va triste. Nana triste: supongo que lo herí. No hay lugar para la debilidad, en la guerra. Vamos Nana, vamos...💔

EL COMISIONADO FERIT TOMO LA DECLARACION DE NANA -- Llega Ferit a la mansión y dice vine a verte Yaman bey y le muestra el archivo. Vine a tomarte declaración, que comes, que bebes, dime tu secreto (para verse tan bien). Yaman sonríe y se abrazan. Yaman: hermano bienvenido, no tengo ningún secreto. Siéntate. Ferit: gracias, te ves genial; realmente vine por las dos declaraciones, sobre el secuestro, lo que tengan que decir Nana, y tu es muy importante. Nana sale del cuarto y escucha cuando Yaman dice: el evento ha sido recientemente y la afectó mucho y estuvo un poco enferma, recordar lo que pasó, no sería bueno para ella, estaría bien si después tomas su declaración. Ferit: por supuesto hermano, seguro, no tenemos prisa. Nana escucha y se molesta. Nana entra y dice: escuche sin querer, estoy bien y lista para la declaración. Yaman: puedo ver lo lista que estas, por sus buenos movimientos balanceados, podemos decir que está en forma otra vez. Nana lo mira. Yaman: está bien si lo quieres hacer ahora. Adelante. Nana le dice que si a Ferit.

Nana en la sala le dice a Ferit: alguien golpeó nuestro coche, nos bajamos, luego vino un hombre, dijo que su esposa estaba dando a luz, me pidió ayuda y yo fui con él, pero me engaño. Ferit: entiendo, miremos estas fotos juntos. ¿Son estos tipos los que te secuestraron? Nana recuerda el secuestro, cuando el hombre la amenazo de matarla en el auto: “Kunduz: ¡mírame! ¡No soy como los hombres que conoces! Si no quieres que limpien tu cerebro del cristal. ¡Tranquila!” Ferit: ¿qué pasa? ¿Estás bien? si no te sientes bien, dímelo, podemos continuar más tarde... Nana: no, no, podemos hacerlo, te lo diré ahora; luego me noquearon y me llevaron a un almacén, me ataron de pies y manos, había ruidos en el exterior, y escuche voces, disparos desde afuera… y recuerda cuando Yaman dijo: “¡los mataré! ¡los mataré a todos!, te hare pagar por esto, ya verás lo que te pasará, si la has tocado y Nana al escucharlo dice: ¡Yaman... Yaman...! Yaman ruge; y Nana lo llama desesperada: ¡No… Yaman! ¡Yaman!" Nana se toca el corazón. Ferit le pregunta si está bien. Nana dice que está bien, y le dice que eso fue todo. Yaman está mirando y escuchando todo.

Nana sale a la terraza y se toca el corazón. Yaman llega a la terraza y le dice: te dije que podías declarar más tarde. Yaman la toma del hombro y le pregunta: ¿estas bien? Nana piensa en el secuestro cuando lo abrazó y le dijo en georgiano: “¿qué hubiera hecho yo si te pasara algo? ¿Qué haría?” Nana: estoy bien. Nana quita su hombro de la mano de Yaman y dice: dije que estoy bien. Cuantas veces te lo voy a decir, no me trates como una mujer inútil. Nana se va. Yaman pensativo. Llega Ferit, y le dice: ustedes se parecen más de lo que pensaba. Yaman: ¿qué significa eso? Ferit, ohh, Dios, ustedes son difíciles. Yaman pensativo. Ferit: de verdad… de nuevo, mira te zambulliste de nuevo, quien sabe dónde fueron con su mente. Eso no se detiene, ¿verdad? Sigue funcionando todo el tiempo y simplemente no te dejará en paz. Yaman sigue triste y pensativo. De todos modos, discúlpame, me tengo que ir a la comisaria, tengo mucho trabajo por hacer. No mantenemos en contacto, hermano. Yaman se quedó pensativo en la terraza...

Nana regresa a su cuarto, y dice: no más debilidad, Nana; tales sentimientos son el enemigo del hombre. Lo vencerás…🤔🤔


Podoba mi się Nana wojowniczka, taką kocham...Yaman, niech spada....


Merhilee we can't wait for your translation...Nana is fighting her feelings, and has hurt him, but he only thinks of her, by giving her the plane ticket so she can go back home, he really loves her...but we just wish Aunt would read the signs, and see both love one another, and stay out of it, to give them a chance, as for Nedim, we'll he hasn't got a chance with Nana, that's just ridiculous!!!


I love ferit! He’s like knows Yaman’s in love and he’s telling him that it’s hard meaning what she’s been through, and for Nana she’s trying hard to fight off her feelings for Yaman. For her she probably is thinking she’s the only one in love! Yaman doesn’t know what’s wrong with her and is worried but he’s slowly feeling what she felt when he pushed her away from himself! He looks so sad seeing her push him away it hurts him a lot!


Where is Mihrilee today the only one who thinks about the non-turkish fans of Emanet. There is no translation of Episode 509. Pls help us. Thank you so much for always being there. God bless you.


Nana her heart beats for Yaman so much she’s really trying hard to resist Yaman! And just like her man she goes to uncle veli for help! Nana is so cute when she tells him that she’s sick here pointing to her heart and mind saying she doesn’t sleep! Uncle veli smiles at her, he knows Nana just like he knows Yaman. Nana says she’s going to fight! Uncle veli is like she’s at the beginning of her virus! I love how he speaks to her, uncle veli since the beginning I think he knew Nana and Yaman were meant to be together❤️‍🔥. Nana thinks about when Yusuf said that Yaman loves her! And also when yaman tells her she can’t run away from him and can’t get rid of him! Nana is so cuteee she knew she got caught by uncle veli when she puts water in her face! He’s laughing because he knows Nana and Yaman are In love but they’re both being stubborn goatsss


When Nana had decided to place her favourite plant pot in the living room, she brought it down and had placed it on the table. Khala, who had come there told Nana that she didn't tell her : Get well soon, and now she wanted to tell her the same and then, she told Nana that since she had recovered to some extent, she can move back to her room. Nana told her that she has already moved to her room and she can be in peace and she will fight with her illness!
Khala wouldn't have expected such an answer from Nana! Good that Nana had boldly answered Khala's questions!! 👏👏👏


Yaman, jest masachistą....lubi cierpieć....i, tak już powinno pozostać....


Sou apaixonada ñovela Emanent. Gosto do Yusuf, Yamam, Nana , o secretário do Yamam, aquela senhora maravilhosa que fica na cozinha e também os policiais; só não gosto da ajudante da cozinha. Qdo acabar a novela vou sentir muitas saudades . Bjos para todos. AMO


Boli mnie smutek Yamana 😢 ale ZASŁUŻYŁ SOBIE


Yaman seems to be more comfortable with his feelings. He hasn't exactly given up the fight but something is slowly changing in him. Nana is in panik mode. At the end of the episode she looks calmer contemplating the idea that Yaman has feelings for her, but I don't think it will be so easy. I see interestings things coming !


Ferit came to investigate Nana about her kidnapping, Yaman welcomed Ferit so warmly and smiled hugging him is acute moment between the two as best friends 😍❤


Yaman is having a hard time with Nana being so distant with him! Yaman thinks that she wants to leave, because she said that she sad or something when she looks at the painting. Even though he doesn’t want to lose Nana, he wants to do something for her❤️‍🔥. And he thinks that she wants to go back to her country. It’s so cute seeing Nana trying to fight off her feelings! She’s literally trying so hard to fight it! I feel like she also trying very hard to fight her feelings because of Hala too. Yaman comes in and he gives her a plan ticket to Georgia. She knows he thinks about her even when she’s being cold towards him. Nana said to him not to make a choice for her, Yaman is like she’s driving me insane with her being distant with me!!


Nana, chce " zabić " tę miłość...bo Ona nie ma przyszłości...


Fiquei feliz ☺ que Nese não morreu, pelo menos Naz não a matou até que enfim, Nana sempre brigando com yamam Nedim crente que vai se dar bem, coitado não sabe o que lhe espera ✋, Ferit não tenho o que falar dele, é um espetáculo de homem divertido e muito fofo adoro seu personagem!!!!


I love how Yama yells at nedim he can somewhat tell that nedim is up to something! Nedim really thinks he has a chance with Nana it’s crazy!!!


Nana wants to fight the “virus” which I love, for her she’s going to see it as the enemy. She’ll try very hard to resist her feelings. Nana comes out the room and Yaman says to go that she needs to go inside. And Nana says she’ll fight the virus! I can tell he wanted her to stay in the bedroom longer! Nana ends up learning from Cenger that her room is ready and she can go back anytime she wants. And Nana says she’s going now. Nana is in her room and she’s having flashbacks of when gifted her the plant! She’s just like Yaman when he was trying to deny his feelings and pushing her away. I feel like Nana is just scared of what she feels and she just wants to fight it off! But she’s also realizing her feelings as she looks back at the flashbacks. Nana wants to get rid of the gifts to fight off her feelings! She gets rid of the free flower from her room. She puts it far from her room. She puts it in the living room. Nana’s trying very hard to fight her feelings! And I feel like also Hala puts more pressure on her! So Nana will want to fight it off more. She wants to hide her feelings but also run away. Yaman goes to check on and Nana took the photo down. Yaman doesn’t like it! Now he knows how she felt when he was pushing her away and getting rid of her things she gifted him.


I was happy to watch Volkan's and Nese's conversation in the hospital room after Ferit and Ayese have left the room. Both seemed to be happy in each other's company and they both had heart to heart sweet talks!! Volkan told Nese that when ever he looked at her he had seen the most beautiful, bold, stubborn girl and Nese told him that she was feeling very hungry and Volkan told her that he will go to the canteen and will get something for her to eat!! 😍😍👏👏
