Why Day Traders Lose Money, Stop Trading... and Quit
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Being a day trader and making money online from any location you choose is one of the most freeing experiences a person can give themselves. The truth of the matter is day trading is a huge challenge that cause many people to lose money and quit. In all actuality, this fact makes zero sense at all. There is so much free information available online (or so the theory says), yet, most people who try to learn how to day trade online fail. The first step in avoiding a problem is identifying the problem (especially if you are just getting started in your trading journey!). I've been helping and guiding traders since 2013 and I've seen many of the same things over and over again that cause traders to lose money and give up. What are some of the problems out there that lead to failure among most traders? The problems are very small in nature; however, when you have enough small problems they eventually become big enough to bite you hard. Here's how to avoid this!