HK USP 45 Review

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The @HecklerKochTV USP 45 is one awesome pistol. I've been looking for one locally for quite some time and now I found it. The USP 45 is a big pistol that shoots like a dream, eats anything that you feed it and will perform reliably in most elements and weather conditions. I'm not aware of any pistol that has been tested like the HK USP 45 has. What are your thoughts on this pistol or in any of the HK USP lineup?

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I have a 2004 usp .45 also that i've been trying to trade for something else smaller but after watching this video I got a clearer understanding of this awesome pistol that I didn't realize before.i have a change of heart now.thank you for making this video. keep up the good work.


If you can't find an HK Mark 23, the USP 45 is a more than adequate substitute, with the definitive variant being the (suppressor height sight & threaded barrel equipped) USP 45 Tactical. It is worth noting that the Mark 23 is not a beefed-up USP, and the USP is not a scaled down Mark 23. The two guns were developed simultaneously in their own separate programs. The magazines on these guns are compatible, except for the base plate on the USP. I do wish HK would simplify the line and sell the USP 45 with Mk23 magazines. HK would help itself by updating the USP with the HK45's features, especially the standard rail attachment section.
Overall, one of the greatest handguns ever made, and a still very relevant model in a world dominated by Glocks and Sig P320s.


Great find. Your patience paid off. That's a great looking pistol.


If I owned the Gun Store, I would have had the Pistol thoroughly cleaned and checked for any major issues before I put the pistol up for sale. That just seems like common sense to me.
For Safety and to protect the Gun Store from future litigation if nothing else.
Regardless, I enjoy your Channel, and you put a bunch of good information in this video. This HK USP 45 is Fantastic!
Beretta Sr. 🥳😎👊👍🇺🇸.


You are paying for the most overbuilt pistol ever made . Mark 23 and usp can go over 100, 000 rds without parts being replaced . No other pistol can go that long period . Only stock 45 that can use 45 super .


I have one for 20 years now and still love it


Very thorough and well represented review of the H&K USP 45. I own one myself and regret ever selling my first handgun which was a H&K USP 40. I can’t wait to purchase a H&K P2000 in 9mm. Keep up the good reviews and look forward to more reviews.


Good video and great job on the research on the gun.


I just bought one! Can't wait to use it


Clear professional camera work. Well done.


I'm in love. This looks better that a Sig, and I love Sigs.


Awesome gun, I own several weapons but this one would be the last I'd ever sell. Also agree with you it has an awesome grip, much much better than my glock 21. Love my 1911's but this is another thing. Exxcellent video: nice lights, good speech and nice 'shoots', lol... keep it up, congrats !!! :)


Over 8k rds through mine and she is still flawless. I have had a few hiccups with her but nothing that was her fault. 1 was a dented round I found at the range on the ground. She fired it but the dent made her stove pipe. The 2nd time was a friend firing it. He got 2 FTFs and I suspect he was limp wristing her as I could never duplicate his craziness. He got 2 off of a single mag and I marked that mag and have 300 rnds through it with no duplications. I am a nut when it comes to testing reliability. I did do some minor mods to ensure reliability but I do that with all my guns and to date she is basically flawless. I would trust her to protect my life and my family's lives. Hands down a beautiful work of art.


My HK USP 45 tactical is the best 45 I own and have ever shot

My own dad who used 1911s in his military service to actually defend himself with, and subsequently carried concealed and raised me to shoot, said the USP 45 tactical was an awesome pistol and he wishes he had it instead of his 1911, especially paired with a proper suppressor

Thats quite an endorsement from a guy who never believed in polymer guns, or needing more than 7 or 8 shots of 45 to down someone. He may be old fashioned and using what he knows, but he can at least recognize a great pistol when he sees one, and the USP 45s are definitely a great pistol series


She's a BEAST! And a keeper. Great work on the videos. Hey, how's that foot dragging along? Hope you're well. - Ft. Wayne


Just shot a perfect dot torture 50/50 with this gun at 9 yards even. Personal record. Absolutely love the gun.


I owned a HK45 and a HK USP Tactical 45 acp . I had to sell one . I sold the HK45 and kept the USP .
I just found a HK USP CT 45 four more payments and it mine : )


Beautiful usp!i have the usp .40.shoots great


I have german made usp 45 that was made in 2021 and on my slide the HK marking is rolled in not laser engraved, idk if they changed this back or what but i like the look


The USP 45 is a damn fine pistol and you will undoubtedly cherish it. Got mine back in the 90s, its date code is KF (1995), and don't ask how many rounds I've put through it, as I haven't a clue! The only things I've have done to it is polished up some of the internal trigger components and installed an oversized mag release, that I really like. Excellent video by the way.
