Block access to PC Settings and Control Panel Win 10

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How to block access to Windows PC Settings and Windows Control Panel for guest user or any standard user account.
How to restrict user account to not to access settings and control panel on Windows 10.
How to prevent user from open or access to WIndows PC Settings and Control Panel in Win 10.
How to prohibit access to PC Settings and Control Panel.
How to hide PC Settings. How to hide Control Panel.
How to remove control panel from File Explorer. How to remove control panel from Start Screen. How to remove PC Settings.
How to disable PC Settings. How to disable control panel.
Leszek Burda YouTube
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Thank you so much, It is working .

Those who are saying it's not working

After applying this setting you must restart your computer.


LOL even the admin users cannot open settings after this


But this will block it for all users, I want to do it on only one user


Is it possible to create an user account where the user has access to ONLY a few settings?, such as Night Light etc.


Doesn't work. In windows 10 home! You can only disable settings for everyone, not just a single account as if you change the HKCU registery, it has no effect and the policies aren't enforced. The only way to restrict settings for a specific account in windows 10 home; is to convert it to a guest account by removing their account form the "standard" group and adding them to the "guests" group. In any case though, I couldn't find anyway to restrict control panel though.


sir can only controll panel be blocked not settings