Clay Christensen on Religious Freedom (His personal views, not HBS)

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Clay Christensen on Religious Freedom. The views in this video do not necessarily represent the views of the Harvard Business School.
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No matter how many times I watch this it gives me so much hope. Clay is amazing.


     This has been my motto for decades: 
"The freedom of a nation is dependent upon 
the moral strength of it's individual citizens."  
Steven Hall


RIP Clayton Christensen. May your teachings live on.


“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people”. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
- John Adams


Isaiah 5:20

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"


Thank you for a powerful and truthful statement. Blessings, Brigid


The need for religion in a democracy, stated with remarkable clarity in just a minute and a half..


“I have gained this by philosophy … I do without being ordered what some are constrained to do by their fear of the law.”
― Aristotle


This is so true. We are seeing effects of America's shift away from its religious institutions, teachings, and standards. If this continues, things wont get better.


For years I would say "stop expecting a law to change behavior and just do the right thing - when each law is passed each person gives up Freedom". This truly expresses my internal voice all along and it is TRUTH. We each have this internal "right & wrong" voice (some call it conscience) yet as we accept worldly ways and if it is "church" or named something else,   there still is not some type of moral teaching then lack of Freedom is reflected in all areas of economic life. Sadness continues.


This is so true! We have become a society without faith. This is why so many churches have closed. I could not live without the Love of my Lord.✝️


Thank you for sharing this. Clay's thought that there are numerous people which are under the costly illusion that without religion, people would not engage in a moral and ethical manner adds to our understanding of the human psyche.


Thank you sir for releasing this video.


Fabulous, short sweet and to the point. "G-d bless America"


It takes my breath away. Thank God fo the good people responsible for this message.


I liked Clay's message.
It's simple, without an introduction and reinforcement of basic moral and ethical standards at a young age, people tend to become more self-centered and benign to what's going on outside their small day-to-day existence  Christianity has been a global force for Good based on the moral teachings of Jesus. While there have definitely been bad actions and offenses committed by Christians over the past 2, 000 years, the same can be said for people of other beliefs. I won't comment specifically on Islam, Hinduism, Bhuddism, Shinto,   Zorastrianism or other religions, because I'm certainly no expert. However, these faith-based tenets shaped cultures and gave hope to overcome the struggles of difficult human life.
Today in the freedom of Information Age, people are more free to choose what they believe or seek out. They can access it all and have more time to investigate, dissect, fact-check, and arm chair debate in a faceless community.
But in this overload, more people seem lost than ever before -leading to bad decisions, as Clay alluded to.

I'm not advocating that there is a one-size-fits all religion for everyone. But spreading the Good News cannot be a bad thing! Telling someone that you love and respect them because they are another unique human being is what it's all about. I can't say that I do it everyday, its very difficult, but it is the probably one of the greatest things you can do.
The key is people need the message, regardless of where it comes from, they need to hear the truth about Love, Equality and coexistence. The pursuit of Greed and Lust while it can be powerful and productive in many ways, ultimately leads to someone else's negative consequence on the flip side. Keep that in mind.

I felt compelled after reading so much negativity, after what I thought was very positive and thought provoking message.


Absolutely correct! Look at the decline of Church attendance and the rise of crime and disregard for human life.


So true, Well said sir! ☦️🙏🇺🇸 Congress should designate America a Christian Nation!🇺🇸


Response to one quoted before me:
I Believe God is Watching me, not out of fear, but Gratitude. MY God, is a Loving God, whose watchful Eye and Angels Enfold me.
I admire My God, therefore I wish to keep myself in line, by knowing all my thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are know by My God, The Great I AM.


I have been discussing with my daughter about "Common Sense" having a prerequisite of "Common Morality". 
The Common Morality that was prevalent when this nation was founded has over the years been compromised to the point that many people's sense of self government is now based on their own desires and not the teaching they grew up with in a godly home or church. 
Self government according to biblical principles, whether you like it or not, created common morality.
If we don't have a common morality in that we all desire to follow the law, then one person's view of the sensibility of another is no longer common. 
For instance, the moral foundation of a conservative republican is so completely different than a liberal democrat that there is virtually nothing in common between them.  If there is no longer a deep down common moral foundation, then there can be no reasonable compromise that benefits both parties. 
There is nothing fundamentally wrong with 2 points of view.  Where we go wrong is that the 2 points of view, in the interest of their agendas, push to the extremes with no apparent common foundation.
This can be illustrated with specific issues such as Right-to-life vs. Right-to-choose.  One moral foundation is based on the individual's right to choice as the most important factor of their personal moral foundation whereas the other is based on the sanctity of life as valued from a religious foundation.
Here we have this video pointing out the fact that as religion loses its influence over society, you can't hire enough police.  Even our founding fathers knew this. 
John Adams, Our second president is quoted saying, "...we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion.   Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
I suggest that if there is no longer a common morality then the forces of separate foundations of morality will contend one with another to the disservice of all. 
In the pursuit of "fairness" without a common foundation of morality, we will most assuredly bring to destruction all of our cherished human freedoms we were given that were once based on the common sense and common morality that this nation was founded on.  This is important because people of differing religious influence have a different moral foundation. 
For example, a Muslim has a different foundation than a Christian which is different than a Pagan, which is different than a Satanist.  What would this nation look like today if it were founded on any other religious foundation other than Christianity?  Some would not have had the conviction to lay down their own life for the benefit of others.  Another would lay down their life, but it is for a significant reward in the afterlife at the expense or destruction of others.  I would dare say that the United States of America would have never come to be.
I agree with the statement made in this video with a slight adjustment because religion alone is not sufficient.  Without a Godly influence in people's lives and in turn the loss of a common morality, any and all laws will become meaningless to the people and everyone will once again do as they please. 
If we as a nation fail to return to our Christian roots, we will certainly cease to be United after which we will certainly fall.
