Scalping Was Hard, Until I Discovered This Insane Trading Secret

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What's up, ladies and gentlemen. In this video, you will learn why it was so hard for me when I first started scalping the market. Traders usually have a hard time in the beginning, but my trading secret should help you overcome that but only if you follow your rules.


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The information contained in this presentation is solely for educational purposes, and does not constitute investment advice. The risks of trading in securities, Forex, and the futures market can be substantial. You should carefully consider if engaging in such activity is suitable to your own financial situation. The instructor in this video is not responsible for any liabilities arising as a result of your Market involvement or individual trade activities.
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I lost over $80k when everything started to tank. Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up. I was just stupid to hold and because that's what everyone said. I'm still responsible. It just taught me to be a better investor now that I understand more of what could go wrong. It took me over two years of being in the market, I'm really grateful I found one source to recover my money, at least $10k profits weekly. Thanks Rolando Diaz .


Successful people don't become that way overnight. Most people you see as glance wealth, a great career, purpose is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray anyone who reads this will be successful in life


Im still only about a year into where I’m trading on a daily basis but once I discovered how to identify support and resistance and supply and demand zones I started to have more consistent success. I would recommend learning support and resistance to all new traders looking to develop a strategy. Ben has some good videos on this. Thanks for the videos.


It's crazy. I taught myself the exact same thing. I was winning and losing consistently until, through my screenshots and screen recorder, , I saw the difference between what I call trending and ranging markets. I realized I had to apply a different trade strategy to the respective markets. Made all the difference.


2 of your videos made me go from 500$ profit a week to 4000$ you changed my life . I feel like the man now


< When it comes to trading and becoming a successful crypto investor, motivation gets you started, good habits, determination and commitment keeps you going! It's not always easy to do what's not popular, but that's where you make your money. Buy the dip that look bad to less careful investors and hang on until their real value is recognized. No one becomes successful overnight. They put in background work but we tend to see the finished part


I have switched to scalping the EURUSD only and did +15% week before last and +24% this week


My trades have been consistently green since I learned about supply and demand + risk management. Thank you bro💪🏽


I've been trading stocks/commodities a while now before trading crypto coins. Even though bitcoin is volatile, its price movement is influenced by the same conditions as tradFi(Supply and Demand), With this you can time mrkt pivot signals with the right tools, "rinse and repeat". Recent capitulations are perfect for a relieve rally. Considering all this, you need to have a go to strategy when trading, because when you buybitcoin, you're buying days you won't have to work. Prior to meeting Callum Lucas, I've suffered a series of trading losses. His AlgoSignal strategies have been extremely profitable for my crypto trading as I've watched my portfolio grow by six figures under his guide.


"breakout trading" is another good video to make us!


This is a great video. Very transparent and truthful on the difficulties retail traders are facing. Keep the video coming. You've got a subcriber.


Great video! Just finished my first round of your training course and now I'm getting a lot more out of your public content. I figure I will need to complete the course several more times before it really sinks in. I was a Crypto only trader but am now on a Forex demo and liking it. Thanks again Ben for all your hard work!!


I donot have your trading programme yet Ben, but whatever PA principles I have learnt from other sources so far, your videos validate them SPOT ON!!!. Thanks for the amazing content brother.

And I plan to get your programme in the near future. Keep up the good work.


Excellent teaching, Ben. I got your program because you explain things so well. I was losing money because of focusing too much on the trend until I realized that the trend changes several times a day. I was getting into trades right before the trend changed and losing money so I knew I needed to change how I was trading. There's a lot of learn to become a consistently good trader but I'm getting there by learning from you and others like you, studying the price action, and recognizing and changing my bad habits. Thanks!


I'm new trader and I would say that this is the most informative and real video I saw, all other videos are just a lie of random strategies that not tested in live market and lying to those new traders. No one teachs you the real trading they just put indicators in the chart and they teach you to blindly follow them


It's so crazy we can get this kind of wisdom for free from great souls like yourself, thankyou mate, you and many others are going to make some of us very successful.


I'm doing the same thing. I learned this. I don't put any indicators. Only chart pattern with support and resistance works most of the time. Risk reward and position sizing most important. Discipline matters the most. Thanks for the video. It shows Im going on the right path.


The competition is on and every trader wants to be the best and successful but the truth is not everyone can be successful in trading. But I stand to say Crypto-currency and Stock- Bitcoin trade - Forex trading and Binary options.


I just started out trading and I’m so glad I found your channel. I’ve looked at other channels and by far you make it much more understanding. Much love 🏋️‍♀️


Identifying what stage the market's in is extremely crucial, and yes the market sentiment usually changes daily so yea excellent 👍 video bruh ✊
