Stone Locals: Rediscovering the Soul of Climbing | Patagonia Films

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Climbing has always been more than just a sport. It’s provided a way of life and a makeshift family to misfits who share a calling. As the sport grapples with its growing popularity, the people who anchor its core and community have more responsibility than ever. This film tells the stories of five of these anchors, the Stone Locals who keep the soul of climbing and nurture it as the sport evolves.

Directed by Mikey Schaefer and Cheyne Lempe
Cinematography by Mikey Schaefer and Cheyne Lempe
Edited by Cheyne Lempe and Juliet Ulibarri
Produced by Patagonia Films
Original score by Tyler Strickland
Written by Rosecrans Baldwin and Rachel Knowles

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At Patagonia, we appreciate that all life on earth is under threat of extinction. We’re using the resources we have—our business, our investments, our voice and our imaginations—to do something about it.
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Came here for the climbing, ended up crying. Wasn't ready for the feels. Fantastic documentary.


Finally, a film about the people who climb, not just the jaw dropping sends! Thank you for taking so much time in your lives to show the people, the every day people, who are climbers.


I'm crying over here because of the letter. It's like his friend finally came to a great realization and then....


I'd love to learn more about Daniel Pohl and his time in Avalonia. He fascinates me so much and I feel as though he should have more recognition for what he has done. I have tried searching online to find more information or insights about him but there is little to nothing to show.

Please Patagonia, I am sure there are a lot of curious Daniel fans out there and we would like to know more about this one of a kind man!


I'm not crying, I just got some chalk in my eyes


'I needed some stability so I decided to look for some of the hardest fissures in the world.' - Rock climbers are amazing.


Wow, the German mayor coming to check out Daniel's work and giving him praise and appreciation. What a refreshing interaction between a government official and what many Americans would consider a crazy hobo. How lovely. Daniel is a blessing to the world, and so are those who can see his work for what it is.


Can’t wait to see Daniel in this Documentary. Avalonia is such a great and magical boulder spot.


This is a beautiful film in so many ways and it seems like a lot of us needed it right now. Thank you Mikey and Cheyne and everyone involved in creating and sharing in this incredible work! Through the cruxes of life and on the walls, in the dark times I'm reminded of the literal, and now figurative, words of Cedar Wright, "Fight like a mother F*&%#!!" Like Kathy said, ya gotta dig deep, and Daniel was right, its not always constant happiness. We keep our balance. We are a family. And I'm perpetually grateful for all of you, those I know and those I'll meet.


I never cried so much watching a climbing documentary


Wow, just ran into this with no expectations. I've not finished watching but when Kathy Karlo said "when you run out of hope, you either have to dig really deep or you don't--you know--so I dug deep" it really hit home. A lot of pain, beauty and strength it this film


Thank you for exposing many of the intersections of mental health and climbing. The rock keeps us authentic, let's continue that among our climbing community.


Best movie, climbing or not, I've seen in a long time. After stripping my small bouldering gym to an empty shell, something that I've worked so hard on for years, I feel shattered. Get up, climb, move on is the message I needed. Thanks!


hands down the best climbing documentary produced in years and so appropriate for the current state of the world. Please begin part 2 production :)


53:47 has to be the most beautiful climbing shot I've ever seen


I love the first guy, "It is my hair, my blue hair, I put it down."


Can't believe! Live right next to Avalonia 'bout 15 minutes by car. So awesome seeing this!


The shot at 53:26 is absolutely stunning. I want to see the full length of the original clip!


I'm not crying, you're crying! This film has literally everything! Introduction, conflict, resolution. I will be recommending this to literally everyone I know, climber or not.


I spent my late teens 90's and all of my twenties climbing & camping at Miguel's with Dario, Sarah & Mark and the old crew. This documentary did a beautiful job of portraying Dario, Miguel, the business and the challenges they faced. In addition to being able to reminisce those years of my life, it was great to see the other "Stone Locals" and their stories. It's documentaries like this that really put life and the pursuit of what a person does into perspective. I have no emotional ties to anyone else in the film, but I really felt their passion and conversely their emotional turmoil as it was expressed. Humanizing mental health issues, sexual assault, physical health issues, etc really create that empathy viewers can relate to but might not be able to discuss openly and this might give a platform for each of us to open up to our friends because we never know what someone else is going through.

I end with a quote from Ram Dass, "Be Here Now."
