Every Cultural Region Of Russia Explained

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Russia is a large country with a diverse landscape of cultures, economics, politics, and geographies, much like the United States, but while we know that America has the South, the Midwest, and New England, what would a map of Russia's regions look like? What are the regions of Russia? And what makes each of these Russian regions so unique? This is every region of Russia explained.

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Super interesting! I’d love more videos like this, maybe about some other countries? Learning about America is great but I also love to learn about others


For American Understanding:

Moscovia = Northeast Usa, Greater Volga = midwest usa, North Ural and Siberia = West usa, Yakutsa and Chukdta = Alaska, East Moscovia = northwest usa, South Ural = Southwest (with muslims instead of hispanics)


Bro put Crimea but forgot about Kaliningrad 💀


As a Russian and someone who majored in Geography, , I swear to you this is the most unusual subdivision I've ever seen! I'm having a hard time figuring out the criterion that could underlay this zoning. I understand you meant it was culture but even from the cultural perspective seeing Kirov and Krasnodar, or Murmansk and Bryansk in the same region, whereas Kirov and Vologda in different regions, is fascinating. Thank you for your work, I love riddles!


As a person from Novosibirsk region, we as well as Omsk, Tomsk and Kemerovo regions view ourselves as "Siberia" rather than "South Ural". Novosibirsk is commonly labelled as the "Capital of Siberia" in particular. The map you presented attaches all of us to the "South Urals" which is not really accurate.


That's a very weird division of Russia that misses a lot of actual cultural regions and invents new ones.


Извини друг, но ты вообще не понял деление России на регионы. Мимо.
Можно выделить несколько регионов: Центр, Юг, Кавказ, Северо-запад, Поволжье-Урал, Западная Сибирь, Алтай, Восточная Сибирь, Дальний Восток.
Твое деление это какая то фантазия на тему.


I love it, finally this is being done with other contries and not just the US


We don't call it "East Moscovia", we call it "Far East"


As a longterm inhabitant of the Pacific Northwest, aka Cascadia, I resonated with your description of the Russian far east as similar to our region. That has been my impression. Forests, salmon runs, volcanic chains, connections to Pacific nations. And both are far away from the national centers, developing their own cultural sense. I would like to visit Vladivostok and Kamchatka someday.


I hope this becomes an ongoing series. Might I suggest the regions of China next.


"There's no life beyond MKAD"

-native moscovians

MKAD - a road around Moscow


You should make this a series, maybe make one about China or Europe as a whole


Что за east moscovia? Впервые слышу чтобы дальний восток так называли


I would disagree with name of "East Moscovia". We in the Far East don't use it, nor do we any rationale behind it


As Sakha (that's how we Yakutians call ourselves) myself, this is by far the greatest summary of a sociopolitical situation of a far eastern side of Russia in an English 10 minutes long video


Nobody uses moskovia termin in Russia.


"Southern Ural" would be better called "West Siberia", because it includes cities like Novosibirsk and Omsk (and also some ural cities like Tobolsk try to.claim thw title "Capital of Siberia")

There I'd like to subdivide the Siberia-Ural region into much more balkanized regions:

Kuzbass-Khakkassia - Coal Miners regions, based on extracting resources.

Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk and Tomsk would be better unified as "Cental Sineria", being most scientifically developped regions of Siberia.

And as the ossopite - The Ural (which will include the regions Southern of Sverdlovsk region and the Yekaterinburg itself) - one of the most "liberal", yet industrialized region and the regions in-between aa buffer between Central Siberia and Ural. This is necause the regions of Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg are in kind of a rivalry (like netween Texas and Oklahoma)

And Irkutsk and Buryatia would be their own region "Pribaikalye"z distributing the "frontier" of Siberian cilture from Novosibirsk, but sharing some common inbetween the Buryats about the Lake.

The Far East would he better plased as "Primorye", "Northern Far east" and Yakutia. Yakutia is their own cultural region, no need to explain why. And the division between "Primorye" and Northern is because South is usually about "colonizing" the, much like the Oregon during the XIXth century, when Northern region is dealing with resource extracting and has some similarities with Alaska.


1. Siberia has some strong-populated cities like Novosibirsk where’re located some of top russian’s tech-universities and institutes, medical centres, etc.
2. Ural region is industrial core with big and beatiful cities like Yekaterinburg (which is I think capital of liberalism in country) and Kazan.
3. Far East is no way “eastern Moscowia”. It’s fully original formation of regions that close to Japan, China and Korea with special mix of these countries attributes. Economics are gas/oil extraction, fishing, mining, logging and it’s a russain trade center with Asia. Ppl of Far East drive a lot of right-wheel cars imported from Japan.


Incorrect mostly but as a russian I appreciate the attempt. I'd say you can't really do this type of content until you live in the place and personally understand its cultural contexts
