15 Ways to Accelerate Your Journey to $1,000,000

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Here are 15 Ways to Accelerate Your Journey to $1 Million.
Purchase shares in great masterpieces from artists like Pablo Picasso, Banksy, Andy Warhol, and more.

00:00 - Intro
00:45 - Eat fatty fish,
leafy greens, whole grains, dark chocolate, and eggs
01:15 - Run, cycle, swim, lift, yoga
01:54 - Train your mind
to be flexible and resilient
02:45 - Never stop learning
03:42 - Winners keep score
05:45 - Get rid of bad debt
07:30 - Live in a place with
high earnings and low
cost of living
08:08 - Optimise
your tax strategies
09:04 - Create and
sell online courses
10:18 - Learn to code,
write a program, then sell it
11:34 - Become a consultant
in your industry
12:40 - Buy and rent homes
14:00 - You invest
in the stock market
15:16 - Use Compound Interest
16:13 - Maximise your contributions to tax-advantaged retirement accounts



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Purchase shares in great masterpieces from artists like Pablo Picasso, Banksy, Andy Warhol, and more.


Crazy that on a topic like this, nobody is talking about Fast Track to Fortune by Nathan West.


Wife and I are 33 with about $800k in investments, excluding home equity and rainy day funds. I've always strived to stay on top of my finances, hoping that being disciplined in my 20s would allow me/us to have more breathing room in our 40s+ but it gets hectic, should we get a partner?


Time is the biggest asset that most people squander. You really only have 5 chances from age 25 to embark upon a low risk 30 year investment journey towards financial independence.
After that, it's certainly possible but gets harder the longer you leave it


<<<Your explanations are clear and straight forward It's always a honor to have you here as a mentor, I appreciate you for the time being spent to educate us financially. Regardless of how bad it gets the economy, I still makeover $28K every single week. I truly value Laura, and her helpful guides>>


Successful people don't become that way overnight. What most people see at a glance- wealth, a great career, purpose-is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life..


*Thank you😊 for this video, do you offer account management or have any recommendations?*


Take sound says you are not healthy 😢😢


I got my first million from being a security officer and investing in realestate for 10 years :) just gota be disciplined and let compound work wonders :)


Made my first million few weeks back with the Nvidia rise and I can add the following tips. 1. Have multiple streams of income, especially passive income... It's harder to grow income when it's coming from just a source. . 2. Invest wisely... Money sitting in the bank does not grow, money not invested well is a waste. 3. Work harder and smarter, you don't improve without putting in work... Goodluck!


*No man is too rich til you leave the earth you leave with nothing*


Yeah nice timing ..when starting the journey


First here...
Pls do something for making $10, 000 starting by investing just $100..give us 10 ways to do this REALISTICALLY of one lives in a developing economy like Nigeria..
Pls..don't give all these paper ideas that wnt cut it in reality..draft the plan out showing investment/what options are available starting from ground zero in 2024, what to do and how it will grow to reach the target and how long...step by step...help us Alux and give us our Christmas wishes come true early.😂at the mid year.
Tx for the consistently amazing content always❤


Alux lady sounds like she has the flu. Get well soon.


2:30 Aha! glitch in the Matrix. I knew she was an AI bot.


I come in to mention that i love you so much Alux just for being part of my life. I love you and thank you so much for teaching me good and useful content that past many years.


What are the cities with the lowest cost of living?


"Fast money comes with slow problems."


1)Eat Fatty Fish, Leafy Greens, Whole Grains, Dark Chocolate& Eggs.
2)Run, Cycle, Swim, Lift, Yoga.
3)Train Your Mind To Be Flexible & Resilient.
4)Never Stop Learning.
5)Winner Keep Score.
6)Get Rid Of Bad Debt.
7)Live In A Place With High Earnings & Low Cost Of Living.
8)Optimise Your Tax Strategies.
9)Create & Sell Online Courses.
10)Learn To Code, Write A Program Then Sell It.
11)Become A Consultant In Your Industry.
12)Buy And Rent Homes.
13)You Invest In The Stock Market.
14)Use Compound Interest.
15)Maximize Your Contributions To Tax Advantaged Retirement Accounts.


With the way the market is moving, we'll mostly hold for longer than 2025 to realize profit gain, I think a video on "How to profit from the present market" will be more effective, I mean I've heard of people making up to 250K within few months and I'd like to know how
