5 MORE TIPS for Designing Better Maps & Levels | Game Development Tutorial HOW TO

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Are you a game designer, struggling to improve your map/level creation skills? Wanna know how to make better maps? BenderWaffles is here to give you his 5 MORE tips for designing better maps and levels.

No matter what genre of game you are making, you’ll have to make maps. I mean, unless you are making a text adventure, in which case I have no idea why you are watching this video…Whatever, you do you.

Enough people have asked me for my advice on map making so I figured I would help you all out by giving you some more tips for creating great maps.

So I could go on and on for hours on this topic, but these are a few of my top pieces of advice for map makers and level designers. If you want to see more videos like this, toss this video a like and comment down below, I’d love to hear from ya.

Don’t forget to subscribe guys and have a good one!

Twitter: @BenderWaffles

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#GameDesign #GameDev #Tutorial
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What other game development skills would you like to see tip videos for?


The Lavender Town music always freaked me out tremendously :D


This was such a good and professionally made video. Great work!


I remember one time i was making like the most peaceful, cute world map and i was listening to Rihanna's song Russian Roulette (Great song, by the way), which is literally the least fitting song i could've possibly heard.


Thanks for this, there’s not enough tip videos for this kind of map creation


Hey BenderWaffles, thanks needed to hear this. Great tips, awesome work and good info


BenderWaffles, on the subject of mapping, I like the backdrop you have for your video. Really good composition!


3:46 can I say it to this. Most cities are like square like. Their a reason that happen. Unless you do like a event when one person leave another one comes. It's hard for me to say it. I'm not really a big city builder. Maybe a small city and town I can do


Not sure about the fourth one, people seem to notice when you use graphics not created to fit the specific aesthetic of the rest of the tileset. Ever played one of them fancy Pokémon fan games that used, like, an RSE building or tree in the FRLG overworld and thought something was slightly off?
(Also Nintendo somewhat (in)famously likes to hire designers who aren't big gamers but have other interests, but I'm pretty sure they're the odd ones out. It's harder to make good donuts if you've never eaten a donut before.)


Number 4 I believe with the tiles I highly agree with because just like you (bendewaffels) I work a lot with Pokémon Essentials but I cannot do pixiel art good so I just change the hue and shades of like trees and rocks so it look the different (like making trees yellow or red to match season and stuff) but it’s not me fully using stock assets


Hello John, I'm a published writer in need of a map developer. My plan is to make a game based on my writing. I will do most of the in-game scripting, writing ect. just need some kick ass maps.  If you are interested in doing some map work for me, please let me know, Thank you.


4400th subscriber >:]

PS: Nice beard


Also what game did you make where your protagonist with to fantasy world? And if you did is it for us to view or play?


The cutting in the video is so fast that it made me nauseous. The tips are a good basis to get the basics right, I like the subtlety of how you wove in promotion for other videos that you made. But Next time I’d prefer it if you kept the speech tempo a bit lower. I prefer to use your videos over others because you’re more mature and don’t talk like an excited seven year child like some other YouTubers in this genre. I’m not saying that you are now, but it would be nice to let the information breathe a little bit before you dole out the next bit of information. Thanks for all the videos and tutorials. The tutorials, speed mapping with commentary and critiquing other peoples maps are my favourite.
