ASMR Ear Attention to Relax, Sleep, Work, Study 3H (No Talking, Ear Massage, Ear Picking)

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Awww... Can I Make Your Ears Happy in 180 Mins? Long time no see. Thanks for waiting. ;_; in this video I'll massage and pick your ears with various tools. :) You can feel tingles from on your ears close. Have a good night! #ASMR #ASMREarAttention #ASMREarMassage

00:00 preview
08:38 ear picking with crystal hair pins
12:02 ear picking with nails
14:24 ear tapping and scratching with pure hands
21:09 essence pads
23:28 hair cap
28:54 ice toner
33:02 mascara brush
36:36 sticky q-tip
37:12 silicone makeup puffs
43:28 silicone makeup puffs 2
50:15 cat paws puffs
56:10 lip pack
59:16 ampoule sticks
01:10:11 aloe gel
01:17:02 oil
01:19:27 powder
01:26:24 honey
01:31:12 kiwi pads
01:33:18 lollipop candles
01:35:30 body oil bottle
01:37:54 mist on wrap
01:39:55 pore brushes
01:43:34 shampoo brush
01:48:49 toner and cotton
01:51:30 ear picking with crystal hair pins
01:53:58 latex gloves
01:56:51 paper cups
02:00:17 earmuffs
02:02:58 Konjac sponges
02:06:50 makeup brushes
02:09:41 pom pom sticks
02:10:59 working gloves
02:12:31 makeup sponges
02:18:08 lip brushes
02:21:13 tea bags
02:25:25 short edition crystal ear cleaning

Рекомендации по теме

I love how she does ear cleaning/scratching so gently compared to other asmrtists, normally it's too loud or rough but she does it so perfectly


00:00 Preview
8:45 Crystal + metal tweezers
12:01 Fingernail
14:20 Ear tapping
20:55 Ear massage
21:10 Skincare essence pad
23:30 Vinyl shower cap
28:55 Aqua Spa toner (crackles)
33:05 Silicone mascara wand
36:40 Wet q-tip
37:15 Oil on smooth silicone pad
43:30 Oil on textured silicone pad
50:17 Oil on silicone paws
54:40 Textured side of the silicone paws
56:15 Lip mask
59:21 Rubit ampoule stick
1:03:55 Ear massage/tapping
1:10:15 Aloe gel massage/tapping
1:19:30 Baby powder massage/tapping
1:26:30 Honey lotion massage
1:31:20 Kiwi pads
1:33:25 Lollipop candles with wrapper
1:34:12 ^ without wrapper
1:35:35 Oil in bottle
1:38:00 Water sprayed on plastic
1:40:00 Soft stiff brushes
1:42:00 Silicone brush
1:43:38 Large silicone brush
1:46:35 Ear massage/tapping w/ hands
1:49:00 Rosewater on cotton pads

Alright she added timestamps herself but I'll leave this up


Updating timeline.... 타임라인 작성 중.. タイムライン作成中...


Content creation can be really stressful and anxiety inducing as well as mentally draining, but I hope there is some comfort in knowing how much relief, warmth, relaxation, and clarity you've brought to millions. I think I speak for so many when I say thank you so much. 💖


Can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that she made an asmr video that is longer than the Dune movie? Just wow!


Idk why her asmr always onpoint, when watching other asmrtist there is always something feels so loud or so silent, but she's just... Perfect


i just checked ur channel to see if a new video was released and actually it is <333 THANK YOU PPOMO !! Thank you for your hardworking and your dedication to our comfort :) i hope youre getting better, take care of yourself !!




Hearing you do asmr is on a much different level. You just KNOW what's going to make us sleep. Audio quality is incredible


Omg perfect timing, thank you so much! I need this for both studying and sleep lol
Thank you for putting so much work and dedication into all of your videos, I love your ASMR! Keep up the amazing work! Also, PPOMO and everyone else reading this, make sure to check in on your physical and mental health, those are invaluable!


My Favorite Sound

12:02 Nails 爪
14:24 Ear Tapping ふつうに手
21:09 Skin care essence pads スキンケアシート見たいな
37:17 Silicon makeup puff シリコンパフ
56:30 Lip pack リップパック
59:25 Ampoule Stick アンプルスティック
1:10:18 Aloe gel (no startling sounds) アロエジェル(出す時のヂュッって音無し)
1:17:10 Oil massage オイル
1:19:46 Powder Massage パウダー
1:26:51 Honey 蜂蜜
1:34:18 Lollipop No wrap ロリポップ(ラップ無し)


Thank you Ppomo for this. It's been a stressful week with finals and all that and honestly I haven't been doing too great mentally but your videos always help me feel better, so thank you for this wonderful asmr


Wow, three hours! I hope you're doing well and taking time out of your day for yourself. You deserve it!


i used to only listen to asmr to sleep, but now i use it for school work. this is my favorite asmr channel and i want to thank ppomo for helping me focus on my college work! much love <3


뽀모님 채널 영상 알림 만큼은 항상 전체 알림으로 설정해놓는다는..
왠지 다른 채널 ASMR을 들을때보다 뽀모님 영상으로 듣는게 제일 좋은것 같아요. 뭔가 세팅이 과하지도 않고 부족하지도 않아서 편하게 듣기에 최적화된것 같습니다. 앞으로도 좋은 영상 만들어주시길 부탁드립니다!


This video has a preview that lasts 8 minutes 38 seconds.
The amount of effort being put in is just off charts!


Holyyyy. The preview alone is so good. I'm only 2 minutes in and I'm having such intense tingles; the kind that moves from the top of the head to the back of the neck, then down across the spine. Like an electric current flowing through my body.


Something about this mic sounds so different to other 3dio mics, it sounds so amazing and a lot deeper! extremely high quality!


She make the ear tapping and scratching sound soo satisfying and soo comfort to listen, like ill forgot every problem everytime I listen to this pleasant sound


Yay!! Missed you Ppomo! Hope you’re well💖
