Ben Shapiro - Universal Basic Income is Coming

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Ben Shapiro is the guest on the Joe Rogan Podcast and Joe asks Ben what he thinks of Universal Basic Income. His answer is pretty damn good imo.

Universal basic income is a guaranteed income given to citizens or residents of a particular country on a regular basis. This income is provided by the government or a publicly owned institution.

*Audio is taken from Joe Rogan Podcast
*Pictures are taken from Bing Search Engine
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"96% of the people in the labor market who can work are working" If this was an attempt to define the labor force, I hope someone reminds Ben that the unemployment rate does not tell the number of people who are able to work but refuse to seek employment. The labor force is technically all those people who are employed or out of work and are actively seeking employment. It does not determine the number of people who are able to work - but have simply been discouraged. That being said, we might have a low unemployment rate, which could mean two things... people who were once unemployed left the labor force because they are now discouraged from continuing to seek employment or it could be as we expect, some people who were once unemployed have now found new jobs. Considering these two cases, a better measure of the impact of automation on the job market, is the employment to population ratio (which has been declining since the late 90s)... which was not mentioned all in this discussion


I worked all my life, but rarely made anything. Exploitation is HUGE in America. I did not get to eat or be educated because of poverty. They threw away two full garbage cans of fresh food every day at school
-- that is not scarcity. That is what we are -- foolish, wasteful, gluttons!


I really disagree alot with Ben on Alot of subjects. This I also disagree on two points. First he says universal basic income will be good when all the jobs are gone. The problem I have with that is this wont happen over night. This will take decades to take place. This means the poor will suffer for an entire generation before he would start UBI. Second he says we have a 4% unemployment rate. We only have a 62% of able body adults working because they gave up. When being laid off from good jobs. Even if the unemployment rate was truly 4%. The jobs that are being replace by jobs we are losing are $11 an hour jobs. The truth is Call Centers, Truck drivers and the Service industry employ a 3rd of work force. All these jobs will be automated in 10 to 15 years. FACT brick and mortar stores are closing due to Amazon. Truck drivers will be replaced with driverless trucks. So on and so on. The Universal Basic Income. Will be a necessity. If the middle class dont have income. Production of anything will be pointless, becuase know body will be able to buy it.
