Mark of the Beast

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There is probably not a more provocative topic to cover than the Mark of the Beast. It has been requested more than any other topic. But it is really different than nearly any other topic. If you take something like the temple in Jerusalem or the 2 witnesses or nearly any other 2nd coming or last days topic and you can find there are many references in scripture. There are many prophets and apostles that have talked about it. And from those sources we can better understand those topics. This is not such a topic.

There are only a few places in scripture that even mention it and all of them are part of John the Revelators Apocalyptic writings in the book of Revelation which can be difficult to wade between what is symbolic and what is real. Apostles and Prophets haven't discussed it much in public, recorded forums. The guide to the scriptures, topical guide and bible dictionary are silent. And the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints has no official position on what it is. So this leaves us with a few verses and the surrounding context of the book of Revelation to make any sense this subject other than a few student manuals I'll reference later. In fact, if you want a formula on figuring out the odds of misunderstanding the interpretation of a prophesy, [click] you can take the number of references to that specific thing found in scripture and divide it by the number of Google results you get on that same topic. Now that's a little facetious but you get my point. So what does scripture say about the Mark of the Beast?

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I am committed to following JESUS Christ. He is my lord and savior. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, the Life !! No one comes to the FATHER but by me ! I have committed my life to JESUS.❤


Very interesting commentary. Sis Nelson said to listen carefully to the prophet when he speaks "from the pulpit". We must be careful to remember Pres Nelson's admonition to "Hear Him" and to "Come Follow Him" meaning of course, to follow the Savior and to listen to the Holy Ghost. There seem to be members who have begun worshipping the prophet. They are taking the easy route by not praying for confirmation from the Lord as to what He would have them do in certain circumstances. I don't like the terminology to walk "in lock step". The Apostles and First Presidency all discuss situations, pray and discuss.l again. "Let us reason together." We have been taught by the prophet, from the pulpit that we need to refine our ability to hear the Holy Ghost. (Paraphrasing).


I noted that the symbolism of the forehead and hand as indicative of that which we choose to do and think. We mark ourselves such as with the case of the Amlicites following in forbidden courses or keep ourselves pure (with the Savior's assistance and strengthening of course).


I have studied this topic in great depth since 1973. I have taken many classes too. The mark is physical. Satan cannot force the mark upon you, but the antichrist will impose great hardship on those who do not accept it (at first). Later on, those who refuse will be beheaded for not denying Jesus. I was very surprised, after joining our Church, we teach very little of the Book of Daniel and Revelation where most end time scripture is explained.


I find greater clarity when I study the mark of God, given to the righteous who keep the commandments of God. Same words, hand or forhead (frontlets between eyes). So often we try to decide how we're going to avoid getting the mark of the beast, when in reality we need to ask what God wants us to be doing. It is clear in Deuteronomy 11, we need to keep the commandments of God to receive God's mark upon us.

Deuteronomy 11:18 ¶ Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.


I am trying to be like Jesus... He made a whip and used it. He had a witty sarcastic humor. He was a stumbling block to many. He set high expectations and holds us to them. He did not mistake agency with permissiveness.


Simply be prepared. And weather in life or death. You will be with him when he comes.
It’s by design that every generation is severely convinced that the lord is coming again during their lifetime. Or what would be the rush to prepare? THIS life. Mortality. Is the time to prepare to meet God. If we knew the savior was coming in 500 or 1000 years..we most certainly wouldn’t follow the guidance and counsel of priesthood leaders and procrastinate the day of our repentance.
I will physically prepare, watch and pray to know and discern the latter day signed. But I am 10, 000, 000, 000 times more concerned with my spiritual preparation.


A little dangerous to say that the giver of the blessing is wrong, it causes distrust in the liders and patriarchs of the church. I believe our interpretation is what is usually wrong not the patriarch. Our patriarchal blessing should be read as a personal scriptures, so just like reading any scriptures we need the help of the Holy Ghost and read the blessing in spirit of prayer. We also should focus more in the warnings and responsibilities in order to receive each blessing, is easy to focus in the promise and forget the conditions upon the promise will be received.


Excellent, tempered analysis. A tiny bit of further speculation: the very first Apple computer sold (well documented) was $666. The Steve’s (Jobs and Wozniak) just “picked a random number and thought it was funny” according to them. Probably was innocently motivated, but it is interesting that the mark is “the number of a man” or in other words a number according to our monetary system. Anyway, since that computer (in part) kicked off the popular computer revolution I think the “mark” will be a technologically based thing of some sort, made possible by computers. Anyway, who knows. So thrilled we have a prophet to follow.


Great job!! For your next impossible topic, please cover "The Great and Abominable Church" 😀😀😀


Love your videos! May I add something interesting I’ve recently found during my studies- Brigham Young, Wilford Woodruff and a few others taught that the NAME of the Beast (666) has reference to the number of false religions in the world. It is also likely symbolic in that it is ever short of perfection (the number 7) as you stated.

Very interesting. I’ve often wondered what will become of the religions of the world, and why faith in Christ/God seems prophesied to be attacked and wain greatly before the second coming of Christ (as Joseph Fielding Smith taught in DoS). Further, I tend to reflect on what is meant in relation to the recent prophecy of President Nelson, that “In the coming days it will NOT BE POSSIBLE to survive spiritually without the constant, comforting and giving influence of the Holy Ghost.”

Anyway, God bless and may we all keep our faith bright and strong!


I listen to the prophet tell us...prepare Spiritually, listen to the Holy Spirit, the mouthiece of the Lord. He will guide you. We are not paper doll cutouts, one quest is not for everyone, and those who are righteous, and prepared will do the right things, as God wants. I am sad for the chaos and confusion i see in our citizenry.


As far as following the Prophet goes, think back to when certain individuals decided Joseph Smith was a fallen prophet. I don't want to end up like they did. I'm expecting to be confused and to not understand some things. Not understanding something doesn't make it wrong, it means you need more understanding.


I've said it before and I'll say it again I absolutely love the way you explain and teach things it's so clear to me It helps me so much just know that you touch one person with these videos and it means the world thank you


Been waiting for this video for a long time! Can’t wait!


“Shorter lines at Walmart” 😂 who hasn’t been waiting for those days haha? Great insight thanks for the video!


Remember in the days of Joseph Smith that people were called to be Apostles and as soon as Joseph Smith struggled they called him a fallen Prophet and dissented and cause chaos in the church.


I have learned that following the prophet sometimes means following the Spirit as we are given to understand what the prophet is really saying. Many times there are layers of meaning and the counsel is veiled so as to protect the church.


Environmental, social, and governance (ESG)


Amen brother. Thank you for this wonderful talk on the subject.
