Dean Welcomes You to the Ornish reversal program

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Dr. Ornish: "Welcome to our site. I'm Dr. Dean Ornish, and I'm glad you're here.

For more than 30 years, I've directed a series of studies showing what a powerful difference changes in diet and lifestyle can make in our lives, how quickly we can feel better, and how much we can improve.

Sustainable changes in lifestyle are based on joy, pleasure and freedom - and that's what you'll find here. I've learned that even more than being healthy, most people want to feel free and in control.

If you go on a diet, sooner or later you're likely to go off it. If you go on an exercise program, sooner or later you're likely to go off it. So that sense of failure is built into it, and nobody wants to fail. So you just tend to say - you know what, to heck with it. And if I tell someone what to do, they immediately want to do the opposite. It's just human nature - I'm that way.

So we built a program based on pleasure, not pain. Science, not myth. Abundance, not deprivation. And most of all - compassion, not guilt.

You decide how much you want to change in these four elements of the Spectrum - and they are: what you eat, how much activity you have, how you respond to stress, and how much love and support you have in your life. You have a spectrum of choices in each of these four elements.

It's a personalized way of eating and living. It's based on what you want to do, not what someone else says you should be doing. If that degree of change is enough to take you where you want to be - congratulations, you're there. If you want to go farther, just do more.

It all comes down to this - in all of our studies, we learned something very powerful: The more you change your way of eating and living, the better you feel and the healthier you become. That's it - at any age. And the better you feel, the easier it is to maintain these changes.

Now, if you're trying to reverse a life-threatening illness like heart disease, you'll probably need to make bigger changes than if you're just trying to lose a few pounds or stay healthy or just feel better.

But here's the great news: Our bodies are much more dynamic than was previously believed. Your body has a remarkable capacity to begin healing itself.

When you eat and live on a healthier end of the Spectrum, your brain gets more blood, so you think more clearly. You have more energy and need less sleep. You can even grow so many new brain cells in just a few months that your brain can get measurably bigger - that was thought impossible just a few years ago. Your skin gets more blood so you wrinkle less and you look younger. Your heart gets more blood, so you can actually reverse heart disease and many other chronic conditions. Even your sexual organs get more blood flow in the same way that drugs like Viagra work, so you become much more sexually potent.

These changes happen quickly, so you can often feel better and see measurable improvements within weeks, sometimes just hours.

Our latest studies showed that when you changed your lifestyle, even your genes can change and in fact, turning on the disease-preventing genes that help you live longer and turning off the genes that cause heart disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer and other illnesses. It can even lengthen your telomeres, the ends of our chromosomes that control aging and how long we live.

Our site will help you connect the dots between what you do and how you feel, so you can see for yourself, 'When I do this, I feel good. When I do that, I don't feel so good. So, maybe I'll do more of this, and less of that.' And because it comes out of your own experience, it's sustainable.

We've made this program radically simple. The more we worked on it, the simpler it became.

What matters most is your overall way of eating and living. So, if you indulge yourself one day, it doesn't mean you failed or you cheated or any of that kind of stuff. Just eat healthier the next. If you forget to exercise one day, just do some more the next. You get the idea. You can't fail - we'll show you how.

This program is built around love, and that's really what enables us to make sustainable changes. And you know, it turns out that feeling loved and supported doesn't just feel good, it's really good for your health.

So, welcome."

Stop chest pain. Halt the progression of disease in your body. Start feeling better by changing your life.

Рекомендации по теме

I went on his diet on my own a few years ago after watching his Ted Talks Discourse. I lost 100 pounds and was told by my doctor that I no longer had prediabetes or high cholesterol. This really works! 😊👍❤️


Thanks, Dr. Ornish, I'm always impressed by your work! It is so in line with what the Chinese Medicine principles I effort to communicate to my patients every day, its great to see the Western science leading actionable lifestyle changes in your program.  You're providing a great new tool in the toolbox for providers like myself.


I still follow and live by your word for a long lasting life uncle Dean


+ Dr. Dean Ornish

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