WoT Monthly September 2023

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Alright, commanders, September is gonna be HUGE! The anticipated update 1.22 is here! Can you feel the hype? 🤩 Let's explore all the cool stuff coming up with Cmdr_AF, because the list is looong 🥵

00:00 Intro
00:18 Update 1.22
01:08 Vehicle Rebalance
01:36 Map Changes
02:04 WoT Plus Benefits
02:39 Onslaught
03:27 Battle Pass XII
04:20 Waffenträger
04:40 Clan Showdown
05:01 Top of the Tree
05:10 Token Store
05:18 Prime Gaming
05:39 Outro

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There is a lot happening in September! What are you looking forward to most? <3 Cmdr_AF


Why is WG having these "cheesy tactics"? To get the tank from a token store costs 85 tokens, and also for each 3D skin. They have released 169 tokens???? One toke short of being able to get the second tank, or a tank and a 3D skin. So cheap tactic, WG, so cheap. Shame on you and your decision makers.


I'll collect all the damn Twitch Tokens, but exactly one is not enough for me to buy the second item for 85 tokens... This is a mockery, you're mocking us


Thank you for map and tank rebalancing. Hope to see more map and tank rebalance in future


I wish that instead of tinkering with existing maps you'd put some new maps in the game or restore some of the old ones you took out. Still puzzles me why you took away so many good maps.


i po ch*j dajecie czołg z drzewka przyozdobiony jakimś tam skinkiem który nic nie daje jako nagroda za natarcie? byście dali normalną nagrode jakąś 8 premium czy cos po prostu ciekawego
o oddajcie starego dobrego obj 268/4 nie potrzebuje nerfa a jak już to mniejszego


Up IS-7 penetration to 260mm😅
And update balance 😊


Los más esperado para mi es la nueva rama de medianos britanicos y el pase de batalla, lo que no me gustó son los rebalances al Vz-55 y Obj 268/4 apuesto que será igual a lo que le pasó al Kranvagn


5:21 "Let's get deep" 💀


Thank you Cmdr_AF I wich you where on more than once a month. I am looking forward to the map changes.


Przez chory matchmaking ta gra umiera. Mozecie sobie urzadzac tysiac eventow tygodniowo, a dopoki bedzie tak jak jest, to nowych graczy bedzie ubywac. I to coraz szybciej! Doskonale wiecie o problemie i nic, KOMPLETNIE NIC!!!, z nim nie robicie. STG Guard spotyka Chieftaina, w jednej druzynie bywaja dwa BZ-176 przeciwko np BZ-166 i AMX. Jedna z druzyn to wiekszosc graczy wn8 1500+ kontra team z graczami o wn8 w okolicach 500... Jest coraz gorzej! Pomimo utyskiwan roznych ludzi, ta gra dawala frajde jeszcze 2-3 lata temu (choc juz nie taka jak 10 lat temu), a teraz to sie zastanawiam czasem po co w ogole ja wlaczac! I takich ludzi jak ja wciaz przybywa. Drogi Wargaming, weź się do roboty zamiast tylko wrzucać nowe premki do sklepu. Jak zródełko wyschnie to i BZ-176 w ofercie za kredyty nie pomoze. Jesli chcecie dalej na nas zarabiac, to zacznijcie dbac o graczy! ENGLISH version: Due to terrible matchmaking this game is dying. You can arrange a thousand events in a week and new players won't come as long as it's like this. You perfectly know about the problem and you DO NOTHING to solve it! STG GUARD meets tier10 Chieftain, there are for example 2 BZ-176 vs BZ-166&AMX65, one of the team has most of players in wn8 1500+ - the other wn8 500... And its getting worse week by week! Many people were saying bad things about this game, but it was giving fun 2-3 years ago (but 10 years ago the fun was bigger) and now sometimes I wonder that I dont want to turn it on at all. There is more people thinking like me every single day. Dear Wargaming get to work instead pushing a new premiums in to the premium shop all the time. Soon, even the BZ-176 for credits will not help. If you want to make money, start to care about the players! Sorry for my english, I've got a bit rusty.


1. Я хочу промокоды
2. Хочу возвращение режима
3. Личная инфа, буду качать объект 140.
Слава России


Really now. Not a single word on Frontline second launch and now just by chance I saw it's between Aug 28th to Sept 4th.
I would have missed it if I did not check it up on other places. Been listening to your recent 4-5 videos from this Official YT channel here, again not a single word on it.
You keep trashing your most wanted and popular event in your own game WoT.
Almost speachless here, but "well done" 👏


VK 75.01 K UPGRADE! this tier 8 has no chance with no armor + no gunhandling.


Es horrible ver un video traducido al Español, extraño al señor WOT :/


they need to give you your own show back


Definitely Mirny-13, incredible atmosphere that fits the month of Halloween, and mad respect for using Silent Hill's sound designer for it!


She talked for 6 min and I didn't pick up any info, here front armor stole all my attention ! 😛 Love from Norway ! 😀


I do like Moutain Pass. The Abbey and Mines are good. Fishermans Bay could use something Studzinki too. Some of these are fun and I can win. Mirny 13 was good. It was something else how you have had all the Halloween games long ago.


So subscribers getting more benefits and F2P have to grind longer and harder. Brutal
