NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: The Falling Away From 2 Thessalonians Complete And Now We Wait For Confi

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On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are looking at the great falling away the bible tells us will be a hallmark of the end times, and brother, that is as true as a thing could ever be. Everywhere we look we see a weak and nearly-powerless Christian Church that everyday merges closer and closer with the world. But we who are saved and still believe the King James Bible need not number ourselves with that group, for Jesus promises that whoever will 'open the door' when He knocks will still be happy to meet with us, and let us get something done for Him while time remains.
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I say continue on as you're doing. Quality over quantity please. It may start getting watered down without you even realizing it if you just try to fill up internet radio space. Just my thoughts.

I'm here because more than one of my YouTube subs refered to your webpage. After that, i checked for you on this platform and i HAVE NOT been disappointed.

Thank you for alll your efforts in the name of Jesus.


I would love you to do that....i will listen all the time.


And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand


We just have to pray for that lady. She is truly confused and we are to pray that is what we are to do.


Falling away could also mean from the Greek term apostasy defection, departure, revolt or rebellion...


And Noah walked with God...can you talk on that for just a short minute? Such an awesome statement.


There are times when we must not eat on a daily basis and I know, that you know enough Scripture to know about the importance of fasting and prayer. You also know that nearly every modern perversion omits fasting in their so-called, new age, Roman Catholic, gnostic and satanic Bible's. There has never been a time such as this, when fasting and prayer are needed, more so than any other time in modern history. Our adversary and his evil minions, sometimes cannot be cast out without fasting and prayer, therefore we must do this when devils are in control of anything we hold dear, especially the strongholds these devils have over preaching the Gospel to those who need the hearing of God's Holy Word unto salvation during these evil and wicked last days in which we currently live.
God bless 🙏.


For music, also check out youtube
Sounds like Reign.


Departing is to me rapture
Thessalonians 2:3-5 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: [a]for that day shall not come, except there come a departing first, and that [b]that man of sin be disclosed,  even the son of perdition.
4 Which is an adversary, and [c]exalteth himself against all that is called God, or that is worshipped: [d]so that he doth sit as God in the Temple of God, showing himself that he is God.
5 [e]Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things?


I am constantly looking for a video or any info that describes the Laodicean church of today.  The problem I always find is that it is either very “generic” OR it gives extreme examples such as Paula White, Copeland, Benny Hinn etc. I have lost family in what I believe is the largest ELCA church in the country and has become apostate; everything from endorsing Catholicism and praising the pope to all the typical watered down “sermons” etc etc etc.   I wish there was info on all the “subtle” heresys in these churches….because people who know nothing but what they have been subjected to in these churches, they don’t see the issues.   I find I cant share any video with them because it always goes to the extreme.  I honestly think all these church goers would need to attend some sort of seminar to give them all the info.  Bottom line: can you point me to what I am seeking – I am heartbroken as to how good people are so deceived by these heretical preachers and I don't seem to have the gift of communicating the issues to them? 


A saved woman is a child of God and therefore in God's eyes she is no longer male or female (Galations 3:26-29) and has as much freedom to preach, teach, sing, testify or speak in tongues as a saved male in church. If the Lord called her to preach or teach, then He qualifies her. I'm quite sure he did not call Paula White into any ministry. She's an abomination, but not because she's female, but because she's not called or qualified to preach.
