Scott Kiloby - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

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00:00:00 - Introduction to Scott Kiloby on Non-Duality Teaching
00:04:45 - The Illusion of Separation
00:08:23 - Seeking the Present Moment
00:11:49 - Dissolving Thoughts, Finding Unity
00:16:43 - Gradual Awakening and Radical Shifts
00:21:53 - The Two Aspects of Our Experience
00:25:24 - The Difference Between Seeking and Exploring
00:29:32 - Cultivating non-conceptual experience and enjoying the world
00:33:38 - Finding Balance and Enhancing Life Experience
00:37:12 - The Progressive Stages of Development
00:40:17 - The Value of Diversity in Teaching Methods and Voices
00:43:10 - Voices of Wisdom from Around the World
00:46:38 - Deconstructing Neo-Advaita Concepts
00:49:57 - Finding Divinity in All Things
00:53:40 - The Grandeur and Significance of Life
00:57:50 - The Capacity to Love and Develop
01:00:59 - The Middle Way and Diverse Paths
01:03:43 - The Value of the Non-dual Perspective
01:06:54 - Embracing the Inner Fundamentalist
01:09:12 - Embracing Both Absolute and Relative Realities
01:12:26 - Mysticism in Different Religions
01:15:41 - Experiential Meditation and the Danger of Division
01:18:19 - Individual Approaches to Understanding Non-Duality
01:22:26 - The Compartmentalization of Experience
01:25:44 - Transition to the topic of addiction and the Natural Rest book
01:30:18 - Study and Law School while Battling Addiction
01:36:50 - Analyzing the Illusion of Manifestation
01:40:55 - The Temptation to Hang On
01:43:50 - Shadow work and the story of the self
01:46:26 - Tailored Dialogue to Individuals
01:49:19 - Conversation with Scott Kiloby

Scott Kiloby is a "Non-Dual" author/teacher from Southern Indiana (USA). He is the author of "Love's Quiet Revolution: The End of the Spiritual Search" and "Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment." He is also the creator of a revolutionary addiction recovery method called Natural Rest. His book, "Natural Rest: Finding Recovery Through Presence," is scheduled for release in early 2011. In addition to details of his meetings and retreats, there are many essays, quotations and videos which can be viewed on his web site. He also holds frequent meetings all over the world, in person and online via Skype and teleconferencing.

To quote Scott, "We live our lives asleep. Our minds are programmed for self-centeredness. This programming causes us to spend our lives seeking the future for a sense of contentment we can't seem to find. It causes conflict in our relationships. To say that we live in self-centeredness is not a moral judgment. It's a statement of fact. The good news is that awakening from this self-centered dream is possible in this lifetime. This awakening reveals a depth of freedom and contentment that no relationship, job, material item, self-improvement plan, or any other accomplishment or attainment in the material world can bring. This level of freedom frees us from our endless seeking towards future. It frees us from conflict so that our real nature as love shines through, affecting every area of our lives."

Interview recorded 12/4/2010.
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I love Scott's teaching...His presence was difficult for me to adjust to...He does not smile much (he beautifully addresses this in a video on his youtube site) I listened to his BATGAPS on my iphone and was really impressed, learned a grateful for his teachings...


Two awesome teachers! Thank you both for what you do.


(Part 3)
All this was fundamental to his teachings.

MMY produced many enlightened people, although it is arguable whether they can be called individuals anymore. Bevan Morris is said to be an example, and I myself saw a fellow teacher training course participant have a deep enlightenment experience where his prolonged misery and stresses suddenly cleared up and ended.


Thanks ScottNice man. They seem though to get dragged into a conversation about different methods levels etc, I think that its because what happens is that in a conversation we can't just watch the thoughts and not indulge them. The thing though that comes across is that Scott would probably not really get into that kind of conversation normally and he is just a easy going man man who goes with the flow.


(Part 1)
MMY spoke about Being often, and it's part of a book title of his. He frequently explained almost exactly what Rupert Spira says in places, that in Awakening (which MMY calls Enlightenment or the fifth state of consciousness), the triple of observer, observed, and the process of observation ends, and


(Part 6)
accelerated by first practicing transcending for awhile (TM or NSR), then attending satsangs led by teachers established in Unity Consciousness. The reason is that many people cannot experience consciousness clearly enough to understand Direct Path teachers; transcending might bring that experience so to prepare the student. I'll know more about this idea when I "get there" myself.

There are many other related interesting and important issues to discuss, but this is not the place.


"The nervous system is subject to refinement." Rick and I have practiced Transcendental Meditation for many years. It's too bad that TM is not well known in spiritual circles, because it's actually not a practice of "doing" or "staying in thinking" or "seeking and searching" (these are three common misconceptions I've heard about transcending techniques). Transcending moves effortlessly from thinking to simply Being in pure awareness. It is good training for living the full value of life.


(Part 2)
Consciousness becomes conscious of Itself, which creates waves of bliss (which Spira calls Happiness). Maharishi also included the fact that the characteristics of Consciousness result from its own existence, or Being.


(Part 5)
I truly don't know if "techniques" can create Awakening. MMY said that Unity Consciousness required the Mahavakya (special statements about reality). I see an equivalence between the traditional vedanta Mahavakya and Direct Path Advaita, which uses the "technique" of pointing to Atman (Consciousness) to stimulate that experience in the student. This implies that full spiritual development can possibly be


It's really funny how Scott just keeps on nodding to whatever Rick is saying haha


Yes, that is why ACIM states that the only freedom from "being a prisoner in this world" is to change our idea of what the world is FOR. "Everything is in your best interest". That means there are only lessons to be learned here, PERIOD. :o)


Please Rick, a little less chatter and more listening.


Advaita is really a kind of bug that once it bites it doesn't let go. If it is scratched it multiplies, then it keeps on multiplying until every last concept is consumed.
'cuse me.


try to get out of separation its impossible


he who in action sees inaction gita i think


(Part 4)
What concerns me about your posting is not your limited experience of Maharishi, but your incredible negativity. I've seen this very often on the Web, and I wonder about it. It seems to me that negativity blocks not only the person expressing it, but also some of his readers, in whom it resonates.


Yet another interview where Rick can't help but through up the neoadviata red flag.  Here it seems like barely a minute goes by where it feels like: 1 point for Rick's traditionalism; 0 for the neoadviatas...ding ding round. 
