Distractions - Red Line - TAC Safer P Platers TV ad
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Some of the behaviours that increase the risk of crashing among young drivers include:
- Driving with peer aged passengers
- Night time driving
- Use of mobile phones
- Drink driving and/or affected by illicit drugs
- Risky driving -- such as speeding
- Driving older and less safe cars
Research suggests that parents can still play a role in their new driver's safety. Encouraging and educating parents about how they can help reduce the risks faced by their children as road users provides further potential to prevent crashes involving young adults. Parental role modelling has also been identified as being important in developing safe behaviours amongst children.
This campaign, made of three TV commercials and other support communications, has been developed to inform parents of the risk and provide them with a range of easy strategies that they can use to improve the safety of their children.
The campaign includes three complimentary television commercials. This particular commercial focusses on educating parents on the risk their young driver faces from distractions inside the car and surrounding them on the roads and informing them there are ways to help them stay safe.
Transport Accident Commission Victoria.
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