Hunt: Showdown - Frozen screen - please devs help us to fix this issue

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Grabe este vídeo para que vean como se congela el juego y con la esperanza de que alguien me ayude a solucionarlo.
El juego se congela en el minuto 00:58

i Record this video so you can see how the game freezes and with the hope that someone will help me solve it, the game freezes in the minute 00:58, please devs help us to fix this issue

My PC:

FX8350 4.0
GTX 1060 6GB
RAM 16 (1333)
Рекомендации по теме


Source of the problem :
Your SATA type is IDE in BIOS and/or SSD/HDD used by 100%.


1. Step:

[Win + R] Start REGEDIT and look for this line :


Change the 0 DWORD value from 3 to 0.

2. Step:

Restart your PC, spam DEL for go in BIOS and change the SATA modes from IDE to AHCI.

[If the problems still here, continue with the step 3.]

3. Step:

MSI mode can be disabled for specific devices via the registry:

I. Identify if you are running the inbox AHCI driver (StorAHCI.sys):

1. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges. Then type the following command in the command prompt window and hit Enter: devmgmt.msc
2. Under IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers right-click on the AHCI controller node and select Properties. This node is usually called “Standard SATA AHCI Controller.”
3. Navigate to the driver tab and click Driver Details.
4. If you see “StorAHCI.sys” in the list, you are running the inbox driver.

II. Disable MSI for the controller in the registry:

1. In the same properties window opened in step I.2, navigate to the Details tab and select Device instance path from the Property drop-down menu. Note this path.
2. Open the registry editor by typing regedit in the previously opened command prompt.
3. Navigate to: <AHCI Controller>\Device Parameters\Interrupt Management\MessageSignaledInterruptProperties,
where <AHCI Controller> refers to the device instance path you noted in step 2.1.
4. Change the value of the MSISupported key from “1” to “0”.
5. If you don’t know which controller your boot device is attached to, repeat steps II.1 through II.4 for all AHCI controllers found under 1.2.

III. Reboot the machine.

Best regard. :)


i have the same issue, but usually it doesnt freeze me for such a long time. however, my character walks across the map while i am freezing. most time i end up in a hord of zombies and get killed


Eso antes no me pasaba, hasta que instalé los drivers nuevos de AMD empezó. Ya lo solucionaste?


A mi me pasa exactamente lo mismo que a ti y en el apartado steam discusiones del juego esta plagado de gente igual, es problema del juego con algunos pc, les pasa a muchos hasta que los del juego no lo arreglen para un 40% de gente es in jugable
