Kevin Talbot 1st Monster Truck RACE & Freestyle

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This is my fun channel, you'll find everything hobby related, rc cars, monster trucks, supercars, destruction and a bit of business stuff :) Although a lot of my videos are RC Car videos you will also see other stuff like business, Amazon FBA, eBay, Monster truck, Cars, insurance and many other topics.
#Kevintalbot #rccars #rc
Kevin Talbot 1st Monster Truck RACE & Freestyle
Kevin Talbot's 1st time driving a Monster Truck
Monster Truck Build - 1st engine startup & drive ep8
Update in Kevin Talbot's Shop
Worlds BEST 1st RC Car
World's best Nitro RC Monster Truck
Ultimate Micro RC Monster Truck can do backflips
mini RC Replica of my real Monster Truck
Novice Builds Dream Monster Truck ep1
worlds best RC Monster Jam Truck (broke it!)
The RC Car that can DO IT ALL
Kevin Talbot's 1st Monster Truck Event
The best NITRO RC Monster Truck - but it has a couple of problems
Youtuber RC Car Challenge 2 (everyone invited!)
Build Your Own MICRO RC Monster Truck ***CHEAP***
The worst RC Car I ever had - here’s why
Why is this RC Truck so EXPENSIVE?
World's Biggest RC Car Wheels
World's Biggest RC Car Wheels + MORE POWER!!
Traxxas Summit gets MORE POWER!
Scooter wheels on RC car
Worlds BEST Grave Digger RC Monster Jam Truck
BiG new RC Car is a BEAST!
World's HEAVIEST RC Car full speed RAMP = total carnage