The future of aquaculture. New fish farming technologies

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Did you know that aquaculture is the fastest-growing food production sector In the world? This is as a result of seafood being one of those rare types of food that is very useful to humans and at the same time easily scalable in production. With the help of innovative technologies, such as artificial intelligence and microscopic fungi, almost every country with access to the sea will be able to completely solve the issue of its own seafood shortage. And today we will look at exactly how advanced technologies will help feed the entire planet. People have been going to the sea for food since ancient times. In the last century, fishing has become so widespread that hundreds of marine life species have become endangered. Thus, according to The International Union for the Conservation of Nature, more than 90 species of fish, including sharks, rays, and other cartilaginous fish, are at risk in European waters alone. As Nicholas Dulvy, a marine ecologist at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, Canada, points out "There's been no effective movement on fisheries management in the Mediterranean in the last decade". To make matters worse, different countries have various fishing laws and what is prohibited in one country may easily be allowed in another. This results in fishing boats being able to catch even illegal fish species and simply sell them on another market.

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I was studying to become a fisherman few years ago. In the same school they also teach boat building, environmental studies, fish processing/sale and aquaculture. They had these fish farms all around and we got to see them. Many fish from them escaped the nets and were caught during our studies. None of them were in a healthy or even slightly edible condition. I think aquaculture is wonderful if you're growing seaweed or clams, but fish are way too complex to just jam into a floating net and expect them to thrive. This was just a few years ago in the developed country called Finland and it's not looking good.


Commercial salmon fisherman here, Alaska. What they aren’t telling you are the dark sides to salmon aquaculture, mainly, parasites and disease, as well as environmental harm. Norway, by far the largest salmon farmers, battle sea lice problems constantly. Aquaculture is definitely the future, it just won’t be as “rosy” as this video illustrates it to be. Coincidentally, my particular fishery, Bristol bay sockeye salmon, are having RECORD large runs per the last few years with this year predicted to be by far the largest in history. So go buy some wild salmon people! Doesn’t get any healthier or tastier!!!!


You missed one. There are inherent dangers in mass farming of any species. Quality of the product, diseases, and environmental degradation to name a few. This is because most farmed animals are isolated in single a space and have limited movement. A company (forgot where I saw the documentary) has developed geodesic cages that travel with the farmed fish. Instead of isolated colonies with large population densities per cubic foot, you have manageable AND economical population sizes that have a very wide range of movement and are significantly healthier than the fish from practical aquaculture. If I find the video I'll post a link. Otherwise great video!


As a young aquaculturist from East Africa! Am interested in this project


IMHO, all of these technologies are worthy of continuous study as they are improvements on the status quo. However, as some have mentioned in part below. What we need to do is consider multitrophic production instead of the current industrial monogenetic production idealogy. A trophic layer could be understood as a link or level n the old food chain theory, which is now a food web. This technology is called IBS, or integrated bio-system. An integrated bio-system is simply using nature's nutrient flow so that the waste of one crop, feeds the production of another crop...therefore no waste. Producing a maximum yield without pollution.

Aquaponics: Raising fish and using processed excrements to grow plants: is an example of the most basic integrated bio-system. This isn't a new concept. This technology has been used for thousands of years throughout Asia and even in the Middle East as well as South America.

In Asia, it is still common to see fish ponds fed by livestock droppings and or fruit trees surrounding the pond.

An example of multitrophic ocean IBS might include A. Producing feed from a waste source. B. Target crop. Then C. Waste using crops like crustaceans and bivalves. Seaweed or Algeas can be grown to purify water.

I believe this would work best in contained environments, using semipermeable membranes to let in pure water and filter out everything else, in a recirculating system.


I'd rather prefer the multi-story farm. Having a very intensive aquaculture system in the open waters is going to bring about serious pollution. Except if another innovation can be put in place to curb the pollution


The best way to protect the eco system of our oceans. In this way we can save the whole marine life of our oceans. God help us to take such positive steps. Waheed from pakistan.


Pure Genius...I love the INNOVATION and ENGINEERING it takes to setup the use of the TECH!! Thank you!!


a great start to solve too many problems of food shortage and too much waste


Hi, I would like to suggest to lessen fishing activities in order to protect the marine life. 😊 🙏🏻 Heartfelt thanks. May you and your friends and family are blessed with everlasting joy, happiness, great health, wealth and wisdom. 😊 🙏🏻 🌿 🎉


Shellfish, seaweed are the best aquaculture, they don't dirty the water, they clean it. and don't get sick. Also nowadays fish can be feed bugs rather than fish.


I'm indian aquaculture farmer, prawns culturer, my opinion about this idea is very good, may be it will decreases chemical usage also, ( my humble request for you, that is in India there is no cray fish and salmon fish farming because there no hatcheries for that type of species if you people are implemented this in India that starts new way of aquaculture in india, my future idea is to form and transport cray and salmon fish in india) if it's possible means we will provide a special taste in sea foods thank you sir


indoor fish farming is the future!!! others are controversial


Super impressed as i am an enthusiastic person on cage farming this is impressive ❤


The biggest problem with the salmon farms is the sea live infestations they get. This means that the water is pumped full of chemicals which makes the meat toxic to eat. If this problem can be sorted for good in a safe way forever, that would get the biggest problem out the way. Also the dye in their food changes the colour of their skin, they are naturally red from the food they eat, the chemical in their food makes them orange like. If this is changed also to them eating a diet of insects and small fish, that would make it safer for human consumption too as the dye they use is also toxic. These things together will ensure that Salmon farming is much better for the future


Just because you can eat something don't mean you should. Greed ruins all.


Thanks for the wonderful and interesting video!
I agree with the potential of marine aquaculture.
If you look at the Earth from space, 70% of it is the ocean.
However, most of them depended on land.
Currently, various technologies for efficient utilization in the sea are being developed.
From the appropriate environment (water temperature, depth, etc.) in aquaculture major fish species
Estimating the potential of sponge aquaculture, its scale is equivalent to that of current production in the global coastal region alone. Anything over 1000% is abstract
In the future, rapid growth is expected, such as prevention of sea pollution
and the entry of large-scale corporate aquaculture.


my small suggestion is that instead of filtering the water they can use hydroponics which will help in cleaning the water as well as reduce the filtration cost and they can make profit by selling the plants


Experimenting with this. The key to me is reusing water. Cleaning it. Which I learned how to do. Hence this can even be done where there is very little fresh water.
We don't actually need new water in system. In fact basis aquarium tech scaled works excellent.


Nice and very interesting video thank you ! My question is about extensive method for sweet water fish farming. It could resolve feeding problems (natural feeding), environmental impact (favouring construction of a natural echosystem), oxygen production
(by algae), fuel costs (it non need recirculing systems, oxygen production and other expensive technologies). Extensive farming has the only problem of the space need. But is important to underline that this space cold became an important site of byodiversity. what do you think about ?
