Cash Envelope Stuffing #2 May 2022 // $384 // Low Income Budget

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Thank you for joining me for this week’s cash envelope stuffing video!
Here on this channel I share my budgeting journey using the cash envelope method and I really enjoy being a part of the budgeting community here on YouTube. Give this video a thumbs up and I will see you again next week! Leave a comment because I’m always chatting with you guys there!

Age: 28
Occupation: Full time office manager at an HVAC company
Side Hustle: Waitr App (food delivery) - on hold for now!
Started Budgeting: Spring 2020
Started Channel: November 2020
Instagram: @BrianaBudgets and @BrianaBuilds

Links to what I use:

#cashenvelopestuffing #budgeting #finances

*Some of the above links are affiliate links and I may make a small commission.
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Sorry that happened to you! Your dad should at least mention it to the company that installed the windows, so they know they have a thief in their employment. Awesome video, better late than never! Have a great week!


That is just awful! I hate thieves. That is so sweet of your dad. I hide things in tampon boxes. No one wants to go in there, lol.


I love the fact that go straight into it.. 😍🥰


So sorry this happened to you! You're too kind, I would have spoken to the owner of the company and asked for my money back....I purchased a small safe and hid it in my house and whenever I need to get into it, I make sure I'm alone! Anyway hun thanks for another cool video!♡


Great stuffing! I would totally recommend a waterproof/ fireproof safe. You should move the money from 52 week to bank and use prop bills.


“I’m not a criminal, so I can’t think the way they do.” —😂😂😂. This cracked me up. Not the situation, but your words.

I’m SO sorry this happened to you! This week I had just $40 missing from my wallet, but never figured out where it went 🤷🏻‍♀️

Love the clip of Candy with her cute little yawn at the end

Never apologize for skipping a week or posting late…I think everyone would agree you are worth waiting for! 💗💗💗


Some thieves tried to get into one of my vehicles earlier this year & damaged one of the doors and even though it wasn't money like in your situation, I know the feeling. We work so hard for our stuff just for someone to come and steal it . You're so lucky to have such a sweet dad 👨 💗


Girl I seen your IG when this all originally happened. I would DEFINITELY suggest you getting a lock safe! I got one from Amazon I absolutely love. It fits all my binders and is a good size to notice if someone is walking away with it.


So sorry about the theft! And your Dad is amazing and a very sweet dad.


So sorry that happened to you!! Did y’all call the window company?? I would have turned into a Karen 😂 I hope your week goes better this week!! 💜


I cannot believe that someone did that to you!! People are horrible! Thank you for still uploading! 💛


💜Im so sorry that happened to you. I just started cash envelopes and budgeting one of the first things I bought was a fire proof safe. It’s hidden and only I know where the keys are. You would obviously not buy a safe and just leave it out in the open. Depending on the size I’m sure you can find somewhere to hide it safely.💜


That’s so terrible!! My Dad was advising me last week to get a safe for my sinking funds. I finally put some of my sinking funds in my savings account as well because I was getting nervous. I would definitely put it in the account. Capital one allow ‘Nicknames’ which is nice when you have sinking funds. Great video!! Hoping this week is better for you!! ❤️


I got a larger safe from Walmart where you push numbers for your code. Yes, technically it could be carried out of the house, but it is WICKED heavy and would be very obvious and would probably steer most criminals away from taking it


This is why I don’t like people in my house. Now that I live with my parents, I can’t control that, and I don’t like it 😤. My sister told me to get a safe. I watch too much tv, and I know that someone can just either crack the code, or pick it up, and deal with it later. Oh yeah, anything that goes over $500 goes straight to the bank and replaced with prop. Great stuffing sis 💜


I’m so sorry that happened to you! I’m having work done on my house and this is a fear of mine. God bless your dad for helping you out 🥺


I’m sorry you experienced that!! Your such a genuine sweet person I love watching your videos, you have given me simple ideas on how to label my envelopes, I had been putting it off because I felt I needed like 30 different ones lol but the way you categorized yours really does make it less overwhelming just thinking about everything 😅


I think the 52 week should go into a savings account


I would deposit 500 at a time and use prop money 🙂


You can get a smaller safe and screw it down into the studs of the walls ( from inside the safe) and no-one can just walk away with it.
