Lecture by Honorary Doctor Quentin Skinner: Thomas Hobbes: Picturing the State

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Public lecture 24 January 2018 by the Faculty of Arts’ honorary doctor Professor Quentin Skinner with the title Thomas Hobbes: Picturing the State.
Quentin Skinner is Barber Beaumont Proessor of the Humanities at Queen Mary, University of London. His different contributions to historical research have been very important and influential for several decades. This includes his extensive analysis of the emergence of modern political thinking from the Middle Ages until the 18th century. Skinner has also been of great importance to general theory and methodology through his development of principles for contextualising analyses. He has held several lectures and seminars at Uppsala University and even deeper cooperation is being planned.
The lecture was held in the Humanities Theatre, Uppsala.
Quentin Skinner is Barber Beaumont Proessor of the Humanities at Queen Mary, University of London. His different contributions to historical research have been very important and influential for several decades. This includes his extensive analysis of the emergence of modern political thinking from the Middle Ages until the 18th century. Skinner has also been of great importance to general theory and methodology through his development of principles for contextualising analyses. He has held several lectures and seminars at Uppsala University and even deeper cooperation is being planned.
The lecture was held in the Humanities Theatre, Uppsala.
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