10 Catholic Doctrines That Are Not Biblical by Doug Batchelor

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Catholicism is not Christain. The Catholic system and doctrines are satans counterfeit church. Everything about catholicism is wrong and unbiblical, mixed with paganism. This video list 10 catholic doctrines that are not biblical.
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Hey Everybody, Here is an updated version of this video 2019, watch this video next, 20 False Doctrines That Are Not Biblical, Taught In Todays Churches, Are You In Babylon?


When I started reading the bible on my own at 15 I started questioning the church yet I had to go through confirmation and even though I'm now 5 hrs away from my parents they give me grief for not going to church. The more I read the bible the more the Holy Spirit opened my eyes and I don't see any reason to return I just wish my parents would open their eyes and see the Church for who she really is


I am catholic but I wanna leave the catholic church because I love God and the Bible


the Lord Jesus Christ is the only Saviour, and none other.


I am 70 years old & have been to mass every Sunday. I have never heard any Catholic priest cut
down any other religion. What is it with other pastors that they need to cut down Catholics. Is
it maybe because they know that Christ started the church & the Holy Spirit gave us the Bible.
I wonder why they have this great need to bring us down.


We don’t bow to statues nor do we worship Or idolize them.


Amen. We worship Jesus no bowing down to NOTHING just close your eyes are speak to God


I just got out of this godforsaken fake 'church '.


"Indeed, an old Rabbinic teaching says: "In the coming Messianic age all sacrifices will cease, but the thank offering [todah] will never cease." What is it about this sacrifice that makes it stand alone in such a way that it would outlast all other sacrifices after the redemption of the Messiah?" -Tim Grey - Taken from the Pesiqta as quoted in Hartmut Gese, Essays On Biblical Theology (Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1981), 133.

So the "Todah, " sacrifice usually grain and wine or bread and wine was offered up in Thanksgiving especially from some dire event. Todah means Thanksgiving.

Luke 22:19 Jesus
"And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me."
The Hebrew word for "remembrance, " is Zakar and its meaning is not just to remember but to make REAL or make PRESENT.

So every time Catholics obey Christ's command to remember we are making His offering to us Real and Present to the current generation and renewing the covenant that Christ gave us. In the Old Testament at the Passover in Egypt the Hebrews were commanded to eat the Lamb it was not a choice if you wanted the Angel of Death to Passover. How do Jews celebrate the Passover? Like it is happening to them today, "This night...."

Well Catholics celebrate the new Passover and eat the new Lamb Christ Himself, we are in a new Exodus and Christ is our new Moses giving us the real bread from Heaven.


You quote Luther and Calvin but I GUARANTEE you disagree with everything that they teach


Every item that he lists is a wrong interpretation of Catholic teaching. Do not believe this guy. Catholics do not pray to idols, they pray to Jesus and God, and some pray to saints but never in worshiping them, only for intercession. Do your homework and don’t assume this guy is right...because he is not.


It's an interesting thing, learning about Catholicism. If you took the Bible and had someone read it that person would never get a lot of the things Catholic's are taught. What the Catholic Church does is use Scripture to justify their traditions and teachings no matter how much they go against the Bible.


Why do catholics pray to Mary or others like saints when there is the almighty God himself? Catholics also have the tradition of praying memorized prayers over and over instead of a genuine prayer that comes from the heart. Even God himself said that he doesn't like memorized and repeated prayers. Use the bible, not traditions people.


I'm wrestling through a lot of issues with my faith right now, but I'm so stinking glad that I've done enough studying to know that proof-texting a religion neither proves nor debunks it. None of these issues, and I do mean none of them, are as simple as they're being laid out to be here.


I want a video of a Protestant Bible teacher and a Catholic priest sitting down and going through these issues, as well as what issues Catholics have with Protestants. Maybe over a pint or cup of coffee. As a Protestant asking, "Why am I not Catholic?" these kinds of videos are NOT helpful. Simply because the minister here is misrepresenting the Catholic belief system (and doing it rather casually). I see the same thing happening on the Catholic side. I want a Catholic/Protestant discussion where they both get to clarify their sides and then allow the viewer to come to a conclusion.


you ain't following the gospel of Jesus then you ain't following the TRUTH!


Thing is, youl only defend catholic ways if you were raised in them or dont know any better. You will argue against them when you simply read the bible without a filter. I blindly followed catholic ways until i read the bible, it was amazing how free I felt.


You don’t know what you’re talking about


God bless you sir 🙏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 may the one and only Holy God, Jesus Christ guide Roman Catholics and Orthodoxies to the Bible, the actual truth. Instead of them listening to man and believing what their "leaders" say


I have looked in the Holy Bible and I do not see that Peter is the first pope. For do not see the word 'pope' in the bible. Therefore you must have read from the Catholic Bible or word of mouth from the folks that tell tales. Jesus appointed Peter leader of the church not Catholic Church for I do not see the word 'Catholic' in the Holy Bible.

Everyone needs to stop reading false doctrines. Repent now to Jesus now became a real Christian and the read the Holy Bible. not false doctrines. Jesus do not need your religion, just you.

Mark 7:7King James Version (KJV)"Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."
