Mii Channel Theme 🎵 Acapella!

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An original bap bap bap bum bum bap arrangement of the Mii Channel theme for the Nintendo Wii 🎵
This song has always reminded me of the day the Nintendo Wii released. I went over to my friend's house and they had already set it up and were messing around with creating their Mii characters. We spent the rest of the night playing tennis, bowling, and just generally having a fantastic time. Great memories! Strange thinking how long ago that was now...
This song has always reminded me of the day the Nintendo Wii released. I went over to my friend's house and they had already set it up and were messing around with creating their Mii characters. We spent the rest of the night playing tennis, bowling, and just generally having a fantastic time. Great memories! Strange thinking how long ago that was now...
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