Flutter 3.0 & Rest API crash course, build a store app
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00:00 - Intro
01:53 - App Overview
05:11 - Source code on Github
06:19 - Setting up the application theme and structure
11:16 - Implement the appBar in the Home screen
18:32 - Implement the Search text field
25:32 - Implement the carousel widget design
32:34 - Imeplement the Swiper widget
37:12 - Implement the product widget design
42:27 - Impelement the Products GridView
46:32 - Implement the all products screen
49:27 - Implement the produt details screen
52:39 - Implement the Categories screen
01:00:21 - Implement the users screen
01:07:48 - What is Rest API
01:10:12 - The API that we will use
01:12:55 - Test the API Using postman
01:16:15 - Convert the Json to a dart class Model
01:22:17 - Start integrating the Rest API in our app
01:28:00 - Fetch and display the products on the screen
01:43:17 - Improve the code written to show the products on the screen
01:49:08 - Use the provider state management to display the products
01:55:55 - Fetch and display the categories on the screen
02:03:12 - Fetch and display the users on the screen
02:08:18 - Display the correct product details in the details screen
02:15:58 - Errors Handling
02:24:46 - on Scroll Pagination
02:40:12 - END