Ionic Vue, Using NEW Amplify UI Authenticator Component

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Using NEW Amplify UI Authenticator Component In Vue JS with Ionic Framework
#vuejs #aws #awsamplify
🕤 Timestamps
00:00 - Intro
02:06 - The Code, Amplify Doc Sample Overview
03:30 - Our Code and Our Approach
05:20 - Customizing Fields and Header in UI
06:30 - Adding Additional Attribute Fields When Creating A User
07:26 - Renaming Fields and Labels
09:30 - Listening For Authentication Events From Amplify
11:00 - Using Events to Update Authentication State in Pinia
13:00 - Implementing Signout
15:17 - Implementing SignIn and Email Confirmation
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Please watch: "Getting Started With Appwrite, Vue JS Ionic Framework & Capacitor"
#vuejs #aws #awsamplify
🕤 Timestamps
00:00 - Intro
02:06 - The Code, Amplify Doc Sample Overview
03:30 - Our Code and Our Approach
05:20 - Customizing Fields and Header in UI
06:30 - Adding Additional Attribute Fields When Creating A User
07:26 - Renaming Fields and Labels
09:30 - Listening For Authentication Events From Amplify
11:00 - Using Events to Update Authentication State in Pinia
13:00 - Implementing Signout
15:17 - Implementing SignIn and Email Confirmation
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🔗 Links
Please watch: "Getting Started With Appwrite, Vue JS Ionic Framework & Capacitor"
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