Your Case is Different (Part 5) – Command Closed Doors to Open Now!

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Today’s video is the last one in a series of posts entitled, “Your Case is different”. Irrespective of life circumstances, your case can be different, and you can prove that to yourself by consistently doing a few things, such as starting your day with the genuine recognition that God is the only Power that governs your life and living consciously in connection with your new divine source. If you apply this wisdom, closed doors and lack of great opportunities in life will not be your portion and will never be your portion.
John 7;24 says: “Stop judging by mere appearances but instead judge correctly”. It means: stop judging based on the superficial. It means: you should judge based on the truth that God is the only Power. It means: you should repent; you should change your thinking and withdraw any power you have ascribed to persons, things and situations. You are a spiritual centre of power. You have the power. There is immeasurable, limitless and surpassing power in you, by virtue of the presence of Christ in you.
Do not judge by externals. But most of the time, we view and judge people, things and situations from the way they appear to us. This is due to the conditioning of our minds through our beliefs and various influences from our environment and education.
We suffer every day the consequences of our judgements, and most people are not even conscious of that. I am going to mention in this regard Matthew 12:37. It says, “By your words, you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned”.
By the term Words, as it is used here, we understand that it also includes thoughts. Because thoughts are words, which are expressed through our mouths.
God is Infinite Power. Isaiah 45:5 says, “I am the Lord, there is no one else; there is no God beside Me…”. Beside God, there is no one. There is no one to whom we should attribute power and glory. If all power is in God, then there is no power in closed doors, or in the causes -whether material, mental or spiritual – which lie behind closed doors and lack of great opportunities.
You are the temple of the living God. God has taken His residence in you. And if all power is in God, who dwells in you, then it means that you can command any closed door to open. And if you do so, with intent and faith in the Power of the Spirit resident in you, THAT door will be opened to you.
John 7;24 says: “Stop judging by mere appearances but instead judge correctly”. It means: stop judging based on the superficial. It means: you should judge based on the truth that God is the only Power. It means: you should repent; you should change your thinking and withdraw any power you have ascribed to persons, things and situations. You are a spiritual centre of power. You have the power. There is immeasurable, limitless and surpassing power in you, by virtue of the presence of Christ in you.
Do not judge by externals. But most of the time, we view and judge people, things and situations from the way they appear to us. This is due to the conditioning of our minds through our beliefs and various influences from our environment and education.
We suffer every day the consequences of our judgements, and most people are not even conscious of that. I am going to mention in this regard Matthew 12:37. It says, “By your words, you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned”.
By the term Words, as it is used here, we understand that it also includes thoughts. Because thoughts are words, which are expressed through our mouths.
God is Infinite Power. Isaiah 45:5 says, “I am the Lord, there is no one else; there is no God beside Me…”. Beside God, there is no one. There is no one to whom we should attribute power and glory. If all power is in God, then there is no power in closed doors, or in the causes -whether material, mental or spiritual – which lie behind closed doors and lack of great opportunities.
You are the temple of the living God. God has taken His residence in you. And if all power is in God, who dwells in you, then it means that you can command any closed door to open. And if you do so, with intent and faith in the Power of the Spirit resident in you, THAT door will be opened to you.