Benefits Street | Series 1 - Episode 4

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I had the pleasure of working with SB this weekend at an exclusive event. She was a part of the staffing team. I complimented her on her style and she began to tell me she is a professional model. She also mentioned that she had been on this program, hence my reason for watching now. Not only is SB physically beautiful, but she also has a gorgeous soul. Looking back at her struggles several years ago documented on Benefits Street, I never would have thought this working alongside her. A wonderful and capable woman who is welcome back at future functions! :)


I'm not ashamed to say i cleaned and scrubbed toilets i did it because it kept my kids fed and payed the bills.


Not easy when someone goes through domestic violence, starting over is scary with ptsd, depression but for the kids, to give them peace and happiness is worth it. Things will get better... slowly but will get better


Contraceptives are cheaper then children. 😆


I started out pregnant at 19. I lived in a basement flat with my baby and my sister. It was in London in 1975. It was a struggle. I’m 69 now. I’m not rich. I’ve worked to get what I have. No one gave me a thing. I was determined that my kids wouldn’t grow up in commission housing. They didn’t. I built a little house which I and my kids loved. It was home. You can do it.


I used to think like that, nothing good happens to me, I’m the unluckiest person in the world, my life is rubbish. Until I changed my thinking that was my life but you can switch from being a negative thinker to a positive thinker and when you do the world changes around you. I was an overweight heroin addict who didn’t look after myself, since I’ve changed my thinking I’ve gotten a job that I love, I’ve lost 8 stone in weight, I’ve taught myself how to play the guitar, I’m in a routine of exercise and healthy eating, I’ve stopped smoking and drinking and my life has completely changed! All because I’ve changed my perceptions of myself and the world when you do that the world around you changes and I’m living proof of that.


I grew up in government housing around people like this. Druggies, single mothers with multiple kids to multiple men, ex cons. Being around that motivated me to work hard because i saw what my future looked like. I'm now a nurse, own my own care and have money in the bank. I flipped the switch. Unfortunately many of the kids i grew up have continued that cycle.


It appears that most of the people portrayed in this story are capable of working.
I wish the mom of the teenager would set a higher example for her children.
The mother should have gone to watch her daughter race, get involved with her. Help her achieve her goals and dreams.


SB is beautiful and I hope she can break free of the poverty and get back into modelling. She looks like she could do catalogue or runway! Good luck to her !


GO SB! YOU HAVE DONE SO WELL!! CONGRATULATIONS!! 🎉🎉 You had tough times but you fought yourself out of it and that’s something to be proud of, sweetheart!

I heard that she became successful as a model and was able to leave James Turner St. behind.


I used to be homeless its something you can never put behind you. You never recover from that degrading dark place.


These fathers need to have their asses dragged into family court and made to contribute to their child’s up bringing. I don’t care if the fathers are even on benefits themselves…they should be made to contribute something, no matter how little their income.


Never change Caitlin …you are amazing..keep ahold of your dreams ..


Takes the hardest drugs and drink but wont not wash his hands after the bog 😂😂


Having no job is not as great as it seems. I am on Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) here in the United States and, through no fault of my own, I can’t work. I was on life support about two weeks ago due to a 17th bout and extremely serious bout of pneumonia that almost killed me. I also have several other dangerous medical conditions that are preventing me from working. Thank God I’m still alive today. I worked for 31 years and I do miss it. I am going back to church again tomorrow and I’m REALLY looking forward to that. My pastor visited me several times in the ICU and on the regular ward when I was in the hospital. He talked to me and prayed with me. He is truly a man of God. I have had so many serious medical issues over the last 20 years that my doctors are really surprised that I’m still alive today. I was able to work until a few years ago when I had to stop because I just got too sick. I miss having a job.


2014 using food banks to survive forward 10 years still using food banks to survive..nothing has changed 🙄


Not to be rude, but you can understand why Funguy's son's new parents don't want anything to do with him. It could be quite a shock to his son seeing him as he is and maybe it is better to keep him away until his son is over 18 and and can then decide himself if he wants to see him. Clearly wouldn't be a positive role model. He lost any rights when he signed his son away.


Instead of buying a pack of cigarettes Dee.. Buy a loaf of bread....


37:13 that lady has a very contagious laugh 😂

Really enjoyed that moment


And still nothings changed. Many people where I live claiming benefits and no intention of ever woking. No stress life, housing all paid, smoking drinking, takeaways. Broken Britain. Meanwhile we don't have enough NHS or care staff.
