Tope Alabi-LOGAN TI ODE ft. TY Bello and George (Spontaneous Song)

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I got urgent word from Apostle Obi Pax-Harry to release the songs from our spontaneous worship session with Tope Alabi over Nigeria ... This urgent message first came from Lanre Olusola .. "those songs have to be released NOW!!" I was wondering why God would bring these urgent messages in Yoruba language when Nigeria has over 520 different languages.. I knew this wasn’t by accident .. we are a SPEAKING nation; each dialect carrying a ‘redemptive purpose’ as Apostle Obi Pax-Harry put it . This is just a seed awakening everyone to the power and beauty of our diverse expressions of worship .. Tope Alabi carries a mantle and great depths in using Yoruba language in song was an incredible experience making music with her .. every sentence out of her mouth made us feel like .. this!! is why God crafted this language ..
..LOGAN TI O DE (THE MOMENT HE STEPS IN) .. reminds me of Genesis .. God SAID , Let there be light:AND THERE WAS light.. That’s exactly what happens when we release God's word over a situation, our lives and our nation .. .. He steps in. .. Instantly !! And everything aligns with His purpose .
Yoruba is a very interesting language, one word can have varying meanings but this is not peculiar to Yoruba.
I had fun praying over my life this past week with the word 'Settled'. Settled means to resolve, to find an answer to. It also means to place or arrange into a desired state.
When Tope Alabi sings Logan Ti Ode, La Ye Mi Le To, it means- the moment God shows life becomes meaningful or Settled.. transformed .. set in order .. rearranged.. programmed. one word .. many layers of meaning .
In the song, she brings hope and empathy ..It is one thing to go through troubled waters but it hurts more when people define you by your troubles.
But God is the one that has put power in his words to rename you and turn everything around IN A HEARTBEAT!. When God steps into your situation, many times ..He chooses to bypass process as we know it; His very presence can bring instant transformation.
This song brings tears to my eyes because it is my personal story and clearly it is sister Tope's too. It is a song of hope, an anthem for anyone who is desperate for an intervention. It brings true relief to know that God is willing and able to bring one your way. The moment he steps in, everything changes, even your name.


Produced by George

Co-produced by TY Bello

Recorded, mixed and mastered by David Joshua For IDEAL CONCEPT SOLUTIONS

Keys by George

Guitar by Olasehinde Oluwasegunfunmi

Talking Drum by Afolabi Johnson

Background Vocals by Adejumoke Oshoboke, TY Bello, George

Additional edits by Toluwanimi Oni

Translated by Ooreofe Williams

Filmed by Taiwo Apatira and Adelodun Akinwale

Edited by Taiwo Apatira

Make-up by Meekness

Now available for download on:
Amazon music
Apple Music
MTN Music Plus
The Minstrels

Рекомендации по теме

I dropped out in class in 1972 because I was a dullard. I was despised by friends & all. Later, l gave my life to Christ & went back to Education after I was an apprentice for 5 years. Today, I have 2 Masters degrees & a PhD from Ife, UI & Bisi Obasanjo Universities. Jesus entered my life & changed all. So this song is credibly true


After being in America for 13yrs and had serious issues with the immigration, I was about getting deported back home, haters I called friends mocked me, I cry to sleep every night but on May 3rd 2024 God stepped in and my American citizenship was granted, now those who mocked me are calling to congratulate me. We worship a God that never fails 🙏🙏🙏🙏


The person scrolling through the comments have a great day and remember you are fearfully and wonderfully made.. praise god!


After 16years of waiting for the fruits of the womb God Did it in August 12th 2019.Am grateful to God for him alone is worthy of my praise. Logan ni Jesus de aye MI logo.


dedicating this song on behalf of my sis who finally gave birth to a twin today after many miscarriages


Having married for 8 years without a child: We became what some people discussed anywhere myself and wife went. People called us all manner of names. Jehovah Jireh, the God that provides what fertility doctors couldn't, sets in right on time : Exactly 16th May, 2018, the Lord blessed us with our princess ( Iseoluwanimi), and this song reminds me of the goodness of God concerning my household. My message for all those waiting unto the Lord for the fruit of the womb is that- You are the next in line for God's remembrance regarding your situation. You will never be forgotten. Celebration cometh unto you sooner than you can imagine ! Thanks and God bless your ministries my beautiful sisters : Tope Alabi & T.Y Bello.


2024!! Am still listening to this wonderful song of encouragement, i know my God will give me my own child very soon.amen ❤❤


I am from England and I think this is one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard. It transcends the language barrier


Please enjoy the French translation of this beautiful song. Much Love from Ivory coast.

Je sais ce que mes yeux ont vu
Je sais ce que mes oreilles ont entendu
Je sais ce que mes yeux ont vu
Je sais ce que mes oreilles ont entendu
Mais au moment où j'ai entendu ta bonne nouvelle, oh sauveur
Ma vie a trouvé un nouveau sens
Mais au moment où j'ai entendu ta bonne nouvelle, oh sauveur
Ma vie a trouvé un nouveau sens

J'ai entendu les terribles commérages sur moi
Je sais ce que les gens ont dû dire
Il fut un temps où ils nous appelaient stérile
Ou peut-être qu'ils vous ont déjà qualifié d'échec
Mais sachez ceci, au moment où le sauveur intervient, votre vie trouve un nouveau sens
Mais sachez ceci, au moment où il arrive votre vie est en ordre
Votre vie a peut-être été dans le chaos
Mais il se montre et instantanément …
Des mots ont peut-être été utilisés contre vous

Mais il se montre et instantanément …
Des paroles terribles ont peut-être été prononcées sur vous
Mais il se montre et instantanément …
Même ces noms innommables que vous avez été appelé
Mais il se montre et instantanément …
Je dis dès l'instant où le sauveur entre, votre vie prend tout son sens
Dès que le sauveur intervient, votre vie est en ordre
Au moment où Jésus entre dans votre vie, votre vie est réglée

Les hommes peuvent vous appeler toutes sortes de noms
Ils peuvent vous appeler stérile de plusieurs manières
Si vous n’avez pas d’argent, quand vous n’avez pas d’enfants
Si vous êtes derrière tt le monde et ne progressez pas, ils peuvent vous appeler stérile
Mais il se présente et … répétez après moi, le moment où il arrive
Au moment où il arrive, instantanément, le moment où il intervient
Dès que le sauveur intervient, votre vie prend tout son sens
Dès que le sauveur intervient, votre vie est en ordre
« Logan » signifie instantanément
Dès qu'il se présente, il change complètement votre nom.
Le moment où il arrive, hein, le moment où il arrive
Vous qui avez été appelé stérile, dites-moi s'il vous plaît
Tous ceux dont on a terriblement parlé dans ce pays
Le moment où il arrive
Je dis, au moment où le sauveur arrive, votre vie est transformée
Dès que le sauveur intervient, ma vie est réglée
Dès que le sauveur intervient, ma vie est en ordre
Dès que le créateur entre, ma vie est transformée
Je dis, au moment où il arrive, ma vie prend tout son sens

L'étoile du matin, née de la Vierge Marie a abordé ma situation, ma vie prend tout son sens
Le tout-puissant à Shiloh qui s'est souvenu de moi pour de bon, ma vie est réglée
Maintenant ma bouche est remplie de témoignages glorieux, ma vie est transformée
Ma vie a complètement changé depuis le moment où il est intervenu, ma vie prend tout son sens
Ma vie est devenue un objet d'envie pour mes ennemis, ma vie est en ordre
Ma vie est devenue un objet d'envie pour mes ennemis, ma vie est transformée
Les ennemis sont devenus totalement impuissants et surpris de ce que le sauveur a fait, ma vie est devenue significative
Dès que le sauveur est intervenu, ma vie prend tout son sens
Merci Seigneur Jésus pour tout ce que tu es


I came across this anointed song maybe over 6 years ago. At that time i was barren, broke, and without hope. Looked down on by others because i didnt have money, sucess, or family. I was quite content with what i had tho and never envied others and always celebrated thier growth. The things the lord had in store for me arw things i never prayed for because i just couldnt see it for my life. My husband was watching a youtube video and i heard a familiar voice. I said thats one of my favorite singers so i went to my worship playlist and found this song that ministered to me so many years ago. I was brought to literal tears as i listened to the words and i can clearly see the words have manifested in my life. I have traveled to places i never imagined, Africa being one. The lord has blessed me with a beautiful husbsnd and now expecting my first child. I didnt even think i could have children and was totally content with having none but the lord had his own plans. Wow im still in awe at how my life has completely changed and i can clearly see the hands of the lord all over my life. ❤❤❤❤


I was jobless for 7 months in a foreign country from one interview to another interview it was heart breaking i lost focus & hope one faithful morning my husband played this song for me I kept it on replay, I played it everytime to light up my spirit But the moment God showed up my story change i got a job I was not qualified for but today I am a specialist on the Field.
Don't give up is not over yet until he says so.shallom.


Years of unemployment in a foreign country. I tried, no way. Like Job, I faced blockage everywhere. Like Elijah, He provided for my needs during that time - food, shelter and clothing. I kept trying, holding on to and trusting God because I knew that He who brought me this far, would eventually show up. God showed up in a powerful way in 2017 and helped me lift my head once again. I pray that He will perfect all that He has started in my life in Jesus' Name. Now all I can do is cry tears of praise and gratitude, as I listen to this song.

It's never too late for our God. If you are going through something right now, remember the life stories of Hannah, Ruth, Mordecai, Gideon, etc. Our God is still the Impossibility Specialist and He will definitely show up in a powerful way in Jesus' Name.


I play this song 15 times a day I know my story will change soon ijn


Few years ago everyone thought I and my siblings would end up in the streets begging and unemployed but God came through for me at a time we all Least expected and gave me job that's highly paid and Everyone else who looked down on me saw how mighty God is.. I pray you experience it.


Only a fool will say in his heart there is no God. I'm a living testimony, God is real


Am not nigerian or yoruba but my spirit sings this song after listening to it once. I feel God is speaking to me through this song. The power of the holy spirit to tune in into any language as long as the anointing flows through it . Jesus is lord.


This song speak volume. It's a total interpretation of the story of my life.
I wanted upon the Lord for the friut of the womb for 19 years. I was called BARREN. People will describe me as the woman waiting upon the Lord for a uhmmm 4 failed IVF procedures, 9 separate miscarriages but when the most high God showed up in my life whilst contemplating going for 5th IVF, I found out I was pregnant, just like the previous pregnancies I felt anxious that the pregnancy was going to be miscarried but when God shows up, he shows up for real. My name has changed now. People that have called me BARREN now call me with my daughter's name. May the good lord give us the grace to wait for his appointed time and whilst we are waiting the strength to hold on.... Thanks for this lovely inspirational song


I sang this song from my heart...
Believe me when I say I will testify in the shortest time possible!
This isn’t just a song, it’s a prayer, it’s deep worship, it’s what everyone needs to hear.
God bless the vessels used here and I pray that these ones will truly enjoy the goodness of God!


Does anyone feel goosebumps while listening to this superb song?


Exactly once you accept Jesus and he stepped into your life, there's no how your life won't be meaningful 🙏💯
