The Akashic Records: The Supercomputer Of The Universe That Contains Infinite Information

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The Akashic Records: The Supercomputer Of The Universe That Contains Infinite Information

The Western religious philosophy called theosophy refers to the Akashic Records as "Akashic notes" or "Akasha's library." It views the Records as a collection of all knowledge and history stored in the etheric plane. This collection is the holographic record of the mental space-time continuum, regardless of the form in which it is expressed. The ancient Greeks called it the vision of Pan, the Chinese the great Tao, and the Hindus the Atman-consciousness. The figures of God, Goddess, and Demon, which appear in the early stages of Awakening, are recognized by Carl Jung as archetypes of the collective unconscious and are considered to be victors from the dream by primitive people. In phenomenology, they are seen as the initial impulse, the beginning of manifestation.

"... Akasha's chronicles are not only an account of everything that has happened, which can be read by a person endowed with special sensitivity. No, they have a tremendous influence on the development of modernity: Akasha is one of the cosmic principles. It is plastic matter, creative in its physical nature, unchanging in its physical principles. It is the quintessence of all possible forms of energy: material, psychic and spiritual; it contains the seeds of universal creation, yielding shoots under the impulse of the Divine Spirit..."
Е. Blavatsky

The term Akasha first appears in the writings of Helena Blavatsky, which was introduced into the language of theosophy in the 19th century. She characterized it as a type of life force, also referring to "indestructible tablets of astral light" recording both the past and future of human thought and action. The idea of Akasha was then further explored by Alfred Percy Sinnett in his book Esoteric Buddhism.

"The Buddha teaches that two things are eternal. Akasha and Nirvana. Everything has come out of Akasha in obedience to its inherent law of motion and passing away. Nothing comes from nothing. "

Sinnett also writes that the Chronicles of the Universe exist and can be accessed by enlightened individuals. But what is interesting is that this reference to the Akashic Records can be found thousands of years before that in the Hindu scriptures. The “Mahabharata” and the “Purana” tell of a mysterious famous Vedic sage known as Narada. The story goes that Narada transformed his mind in such a way that he drew information and knowledge from the Source so that he could teach all those around him great wisdom. Narada had a connection to the pure knowledge that is the foundation of the Cosmic Order. He had the ability to directly enter and receive information translated into understandable language.

The word "Akasha" is derived from Sanskrit and means "ether" in an elemental and metaphysical sense. The primordial substance of which all creation is made is eternal and intangible to our senses but it is contained in all that is. In Hinduism, Akasha is the smallest element of the astral world. It is one of the five elements that characterize sound.

Another ancient entity that has also been in contact with the Records is the Egyptian God, more commonly known as Thoth or Hermes Trismegistus. Before being designated as a God, Thoth was the first great Egyptian philosopher, discoverer of the mysterious ancient schools, and author of over 40 writings, including the Book of Thoth, the Emerald Scrolls, and the Divine Pymander. To the Egyptians, his knowledge was so great, and he was so admired by all, that at first, they identified him as the messenger of the gods. After a while, they included him in the Egyptian Pantheon of Gods.

But is there any proof of the Akashic Records?

Well, we have limited ourselves in our understanding of what can be taken as evidence. Anything that cannot be perceived by the physical senses is difficult to show in physical reality because the Akashic Records, the information from them, and the information in general, do not arrive in physical form.

Again as Tesla says, "The day science begins to study phenomena of a nonphysical nature also, it will make more progress in a decade than it has in all the previous centuries of its existence."

But are we even ready to reflect on these words, or are we still afraid of the unknown?

#akashicrecords #documentary #secretorigins
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Akashic records are only a small section of the “Divine Field of Consciousness” and are accessible to every mammal with a pineal gland anywhere in the universe at any time.


Just found your channel...coolest channel on youtube..what mind blowing History channel quality! Nice job...❤


The inert gases are the Akashic records and they are omnipresent, being 2 dimensional in nature with all 9 octaves spinning on the same plane. since the planes of the inert gases are all still magnetic light, they all have access to the same records everywhere in the infinite cosmos instantly.

All electric motions of our electric universe from electric galaxies to the geometric crystals of electric light, which we call the electric elements of matter, are projected into form from infinite points of still magnetic light, to infinite planes of still magnetic light.

All spiraling electric motion within the magnetic cubes of space are recorded in the inert gases on the 6 planes of the cube. That information is instantly accessible anywhere in our Holographic Electric Light Matrix, aka "HELM" which we call our Electric Universe of Motion!

That is the short hand synopsis of course for the process of so-called material manifestation and recording it for eternity!


The law of conservation, energy can neither be created or destroyed. Information is energy, therefore all information exists everywhere and all the time. Human consciousness has limited access and understanding of this field of energy. Is instinct not a clearer focus into this field.


Thank you for this presentation ...any exploration of the nature of the Akashic Records is absolutely thrilling!


It's kind of ironic that a lot of the folks who embrace science and reject any sort of mysticism, magic, ect. also idolize the greatest scientists who were also into mysticism and magic, among other spiritual things. xD They all practiced it or at least had an interest in it. Newton, Tesla, George Washington Carver ect. That probably would explain a lot, why they were able to access such vast knowledge.


Thank you a long time ago I had an experience of being in a library of life and everyone's book was there to look and read and the empty pages were the life I hadn't lived yet which I just knew it . This was before computers and books were the main storage space then this was in the early 70's.


The Akashic records are a small part of it. There are various designations of records. Not everyone uses the "akashic" handle.


God keeps record of everything. (S)He gives information as He deems. "Need to show basis", I call it.


I wanna know if the price will go up or down each days in the forex market on the EURUSD pair. I know the akashic records will help me.


How could you forgot Srinivashan Ramanujam, and Vedas & Upanishad, these felow people like tesla and Einstein are just inspired by these ancient hindu scriptures, the bhagbat gita only one book is immense knowledge of energy, universe, immorality of soul and infinity but there is crores of scripture in ancient vedic civilization.


True reasoning will in a certain order, lead to the same conclusions


It's more probable that it's an ancient mind interface with ancient a.i. system on earth not in space.... Unless it's all a matrix and it seems supernatural


What if the Akashic records is actually stored in water.


if you want to know your own truth, take that inspiration from your life path number and find your purpose and embrace your light and darkness too take the balance ✨️ ♥️
your 6th sense is your akashic records 😉


Thank you for the knowledge
Does it really matter, just like how I was attracted to this video.

We just live to play a Game
We just play roles


This Supercomputer is asked the Answer to the Great Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. After one million years it gives the answer: it's 42


🦋✨ Thank you for this invaluable information 🌞💦🐬🙏🏿


God showed me how to its extremely easy they are in the light so any light or glare on glass or a screen


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