Quinn (All Skins) - Marksman Update

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Shows The Updated Quinn's following skins:
Woad Scout

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Full updated spotlights for all of the marksman skins will be released closer to patch going live.
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the ult looks kinda stupid why cant she just be the valor like normal i always thought that was the coolest part about her


Quinn RIDING Valor would be 10x better!! Bird Surfer!


As Quinn main since her release:
Removing of her blind is just like removing her singnature, but i can somehow stand this, cuz now it is possible to make a AA(passive)->E->aa->Q->aa combo which is quite powerfull, but I have a weird feeling that they removed blind just cuz Quinn was a Vayne counter and they started to cry about it ( OH NO WE CANNOT CHANGE ANYTHING IN VAYNE/RIVEN, CUZ THEIR MAINS WILL CRY AT FORUMS).

But her ultimate is total disaster. It has no use at all. It is nothing more than Boots of Mobility. Why it is so useless?
1) 2 sec channel, you cannot fast chase or escape from enemies
2) Any dmg done to you imidiately interrupt your ultimate
3) You cannot do any dmg with valor
4) IT COSTS FCK 120 MANA (!!??)
5) Movement boost is not that great, just buy Boots of Mobility with upgrade and it will be quite same. And if you are roamer you should do it anyway.

She will be much weaker than she is now, I guarantee you that. You doing a Evelynn level of change here which is just idiotic (for those who do not remember: looong time ago the Oldest Eve has stun, but they removed it and she became a walking ward for ~ 2 years). At least:
- Delete Channel
- Delete mana cost OR just reduce it to 30-70
- Make her ultimate be avaiable from lvl 1 (with much lower ms ofc). This + mana cost reduction will make her another jungler adc (I playing her at jungle very often with good results) like Kindred. She will be usefull with those changes, otherwise she going to be absolutely trash without ultimate.


I wish they would have just made her Quindred. Lamb and Wolf are a perfect example of a two in one champion.
Also I literally burst out laughing when I saw her new ult. Heck it might be useful it just surprised me so much.


I'm ok with them removing her blind because at least Q procs harrier now, but her ult is just fucking garbage now, honestly.


Maybe they should directly take the damage from the ult and just add some utility effect like getting pasive on every unit hit by the arrow circle. Quinn mains are gonna miss playing as Valor but there is no denying that the model of quinn and valor flying around as one is cool AF.


Me at 0:25 ok so whats different?
Me at 0:36 ok.... Gj rito, you fucked up yet again


Really funny how everyone's complaining about the ult. I just played my first game with Quinn and the ult was amazing. Being able to cover that much ground that quickly is frightening. The gank potential is insane.


I think the ult is great. U can easely after b from lane fly back to it so u wont miss much cs. You can also move faster around on the map if a tf is about to start. I love it.


I´ve not seen a single rework where people wasn´t ranting and complaining like little babies. Chill the fuck and try it out.
The new Quinn does appeal to me know. She has purpose. The old one had a big likelihood to suicide. In TFs she was happy to blow 1 one up and die. Or she could only split push.
Now she has more mobility cause of her ult on low cooldown and allows her even without a TP to come fast to a TF after splitting. And if you set her mid what is intended she will put a lot of pressure to other lanes. No mid opponent is able to follow her except TF. Thats crazy. But in late she will fall off course because she has one combat spell less. So for me she is a good early and mid game champ.
Guys I don´t know what you expect. Riot don´t want to a have a champion that is good in everything and rounded up. It should be good in something and bad or mediocre somewhere else.


The ultimate is only for traveling faster and dealing damager after its ending!


I will agree that the toggle is rather nice, and the lack of mana usage with the ult except for the initial valor dive is pretty amazing. Definitely helps, but you'll need to grab some kind of mana item, maybe a lich bane at most.


if she is able to jungle she could be quite good with her mobility, she could gank more than anyone else

yes i jungle everything


I think with the Woad Scout Quinn skin, when channeling the ult in the beginning, they should use the sound of an owl instead of the eagle sound. All in all I'm happy with a change in dynamics as well as mechanics.


Looks cool, but im not sure if it makes sence...


00:35 It looks really weird when *Valor is both huge and has long enough wing span to carry Quinn by her shoulders and work as a hang glider in their ult*, yet so *small he looks like a pet bird that can land on her arm when she interacts with him through emotes and other


The ult is bad because
-its a channel
-it deals the same damage an aa does
-it is cancelled when taking damage
-it costs 120 mana for a 25% movementspeed (for what, to get to lane past 6?)
-they removed all bird abilities and the low health scaling.



will only mention pros of this since everyone seems to be noticing cons:
-Reach lane faster.
-You basically cant outrun her if she hunts you
-Escapes easy as fuck with proper map vision
-Good roaming and ganking capaibilities, and, if sneaky enough, amazing backdoors ( combine with previous point, basically the best, gotta avoid minion damge tho)

Just because this ult was meant for ultility use instead of damage as every other "transformation" ult, doesnt mean it´s bad, just take your time to think what will you be able to do with this. It´s a permanent-out of combat movement speed ability, this opens more strategic uses for her.
Her old ult might been better in terms of bursting down enemys, but why send a melee adc in a team fight... to be taken out easily?


So i can not use Valor as a ult and do my combos? Thxs rito you ruin my Main champ, but whatever i now i have to learn her new mechanics…


I like the fact that she gets carried by Valor now. Makes them feel more like a team. The whole tag in switcheroo take was pretty ridiculous. That aside, they feel a bit lackluster now. The ultimate seems like a mere Boots of Mobility for mana and a basic attack worth of damage to enemies around you (that cannot crit or apply on-hit effects). Would have liked to see something more fitting, complex or flashy.

Maybe the old ultimate could be altered otherwise.

Instead of becoming melee, you'd remain ranged (Quinn carried by Valor, gaining extra movement- (increased out of combat) and attack speed), and would gain some other benefit to abilities or basic attacks, instead of the sky strike (which I think is totally out of place now).
