M. K. Čiurlionis – Waltz in F major VL 177 (1900) [Score]

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Nikolaus Lahusen (1960–2005), piano
Only one draft of this piano work has survived (see 0:01), entitled Lokio maurojimas (“Growl of a bear”). The theory put forward by Vytautas Landsbergis for this title is that the composer was humorously often called a bear by his friends, the Markevičiuses, because he was indeed a broad-shouldered person and also, according to them, unbeatable – interestingly – at wrestling. A relative of the Markevičiuses, namely Wiktoria Hemplova (née Ablamovičiūtė) later wrote down this waltz from memory, as well as many other works. In any case, it is a work of humorous nature, which is able to recall impressively the composer's youth. The edition of VL published in 2004 also comments that a bilingual performance designation (“Tempo di Walzer”) was used. Since the editor of this edition could not find such a designation in the draft, he decided not to use it.
Score on request.
Only one draft of this piano work has survived (see 0:01), entitled Lokio maurojimas (“Growl of a bear”). The theory put forward by Vytautas Landsbergis for this title is that the composer was humorously often called a bear by his friends, the Markevičiuses, because he was indeed a broad-shouldered person and also, according to them, unbeatable – interestingly – at wrestling. A relative of the Markevičiuses, namely Wiktoria Hemplova (née Ablamovičiūtė) later wrote down this waltz from memory, as well as many other works. In any case, it is a work of humorous nature, which is able to recall impressively the composer's youth. The edition of VL published in 2004 also comments that a bilingual performance designation (“Tempo di Walzer”) was used. Since the editor of this edition could not find such a designation in the draft, he decided not to use it.
Score on request.
M. K. Čiurlionis – Waltz in F major VL 177 (1900) [Score]
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