Doctors HATE Teeth

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You might as well ask me to change my own oil. Shout out to all the dentists out there!
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Med student here, never really understood why dentistry isn't part of medicine. And it's true, the fear of teeth is taught early on! 😂


I had oral surgery by a surgeon out of state, then was to see my own dentist to have the stitches out. When it came time, the dentist was out of the office due to an emergency. My family doctor had to do it and yeah, there was panic. He just kept saying “It’s just stitches…I know stitches” as he stuck tools in my mouth. He announced himself amazing once they were out. lol


When someone finds out I'm an electrician.
"Hey, you're an electrician. Can you help me figure out why my car won't start?"


Hahahaha this was good. "You have like a hundred of them they will grow back" best line


Dental health is so vital to cardiac health and digestive health. It's absolutely criminal that dental isn't apart of regular healthcare. And don't get me started on mental health!!!


In the US at least, medicine and dentistry are weirdly separated, to the detriment of patients. I knew a woman who had diabetes 2 and bipolar, along with several neglected teeth that had abscessed. She couldn't find a dentist to remove her teeth for the low low price of nothing (she was on disability) and ended up constantly in the ER getting antibiotics and painkillers. Both her diabetes and mental health got worse as her dental problems mounted. It seems like there should be more coordination so that overall health doesn't decline.


“You've got a like hundred teeth! Don’t worry about this little one, it’ll grow back. They always do!”

So people are land sharks


Dentist here ✌🏻 and even I hate teeth sometimes 😂


As a dentist with a father who is a physician, we both found this hilarious 😂


Being a dental student it does crack me up how much we take classes with PA's and nurses, but they never take classes with us 🤣


Dentist here. This all started when barbers doubled as dentists, which back in the day consisted pretty much of pulling teeth. From there, the practices of medicine and dentistry remained separate. I learned in my residency how little medical students were taught about the mysteries of the oral cavity. As if that part of our body is siloed from the rest. As if infection and inflammation in your mouth doesn’t travel abroad. And the insurance system has determined that oral health is optional, and throws about a thousand bucks a year at it. Shameful.


As a dental hygienist, I feel this. There really is a lack of access to care for many.


Who determined that the mouth wasn’t part of the whole body? And that a whole different insurance entity was needed?


As someone whose dental and medical issues often overlap, THANK YOU!! Neither discipline wants to hear about the other, even though the structures of the teeth, jaws, head, neck, ear and throat are often affected by each other. It gets so tiring, but hey - I can laugh at it today! (and call my dentist/ortho/max-fax/ENT teams tomorrow maybe?!) 😂
Thanks Doc Schmidt! 💚 your videos!


Dentist here…. Lol!!! That was hilarious…There’s a lot to dentistry - like a speciality of medicine… my dental school was partnered with med students for the first 2 years of med/dent school. So we learned all the basics of medicine together, but the med students didn’t learn about dentistry 🤦‍♀️


As a dentist, this hurt me on a deep level, and also gave me a good laugh, thanks Doc!

P.S. I can assure you we dentists feel the same way when patients start asking us about general medicine.


Our histology teacher was lecturing and everyone was writing so fast, taking pictures, records and in general going their best, than she started talking about teeth and everyone _stopped_ at the same time, it's like everyone's brains died simultaneously. No one knows teeth till nowadays


I wish we treated dental care as important as health care. So many Americans suffer social stigmas, pain, illness, & in the worst cases death w/ no way to get help. It's way too cost prohibitive for something so important!


Here's a fun story about my experience with doctors and teeth!

When I was 9, I knocked out my adult tooth and chipped the one next to it. I fell in my house and the two top front teeth went into the hardwood floor. I got taken into the ER, i think because it was a Friday or Saturday night. They stuck the tooth back in my head almost completely intact, then made some temporary braces to hold it into my head. They said keep it there for a bit then go see an Endodontist. My dentist and endodontist put bonding to make them look somewhat normal and root canals (1 early on on the dying tooth that fully came out of my head, the other 10 years later on the tooth next to it which suddenly became affected). I still can't believe the ER just shoved my tooth back in, bit I'm grateful since for 12 years now I've managed without needing an implant or fake tooth. So thanks, doctor, for not being afraid of teeth!


I once worked with an ER doctor who used to tell patients complaining of tooth pain that the MD after his name stood for “me no dentist.” 😂
