Lisfranc Injury Treatment & Recovery Time [Middle Foot Pain CURE!]

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🦶Do you have Middle of the Foot Pain? This might be a Lisfranc Injury, Sprain or Fracture!🦶

We go over one of the most common causes of middle of the foot pain. We review Lisfranc Fracture Treatment, Lisfranc Fracture Rehabilitation, Lisfranc fracture surgery recovery time. This treatment can be improved with exercises, stretches, good shoes and great orthotics!

0:00 Middle Foot Pain Treatment
0:42 Lisfranc Injury Treatment
0:55 Lisfranc Fracture Treatment
1:12 Lisfranc Injury Diagnosis
1:24 Lisfranc Fracture Test
1:52 Lisfranc Fracture Doctor
2:10 Lisfranc Fracture Xray
2:38 Lisfranc Ligament Injury & Lisfranc Sprain
3:04 Lisfranc Fracture Surgery
3:15 Lisfranc Fracture Surgery Recovery Time
3:45 Lisfranc Joint Arthritis
4:10 Lisfranc Injury Recovery Time
4:49 Lisfranc Fracture Rehab
5:35 Best Middle Foot Pain Orthotics
6:38 Best Middle Foot Pain Shoes
7:15 Best Middle Foot Pain Slippers
7:30 Listranc Injury Rehab
7:58 Lisfranc Fracture Rehab Exercises
9:00 Lisfranc Injury Massage
10:42 Lisfranc Injury Stretches

👉-- Shoes --👈
Best Middle of the Foot Pain Shoes:

Our Recommended Products:

👉-- LINKS --👈
(With some links, we use affiliate links and may earn a commission. Check with your doctor prior to using any product!)

Lisfranc Fracture Boots & Scooters:

Best Lisfranc Injury Braces:

Best Lisfranc Injury Orthotics or Middle Foot Pain Orthotics:

📢Disclaimer:📢 This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, we may receive a commission. We will specifically indicate if we have received any sponsorship.

This is opinion only:
For the viewer or reader: Do not consider this video as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. We strongly urge you to contact your own physician with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. If you are having an emergency, call 911 immediately or see your physician. Do not allow this information to let you disregard your professionals medical advice or delay seeking based on information from this content. Do not rely on information provided by this general education video.

Healthcare practitioners: The content here is for education purposes only. The authors have done their best to provide the most up to date evidence-based information, but this content should definitely not be considered any type of medical standard. It does not reflect individual practices in other geographic areas.

This is strictly for medical education purposes only, it is not intended for diagnosis or treatment. The information in these videos is the opinion of the author only and is not an official opinion of any organizations that the authors may be a part of. The authors or speakers are not associated with any of the above products.
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QUESTION: How did you get your Lisfranc Injury? LET US KNOW so that we can make better videos!
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Utmost compliments to you! There’s NO OTHER doctor who goes all the way, explaining anatomy, physiology, surgery, physical therapy, etc., and tell how long it’s REALLY GOING TO TAKE for total healing or frankly, sometimes it’s better to accept that it’s as good as it gets! Other doctors don’t really seem to like telling the truth! You give practical, sincere demonstrations helpful physical therapy that encourages people to DO this at home and how important it is for healing. I’m happy with my future surgeon, but I’m a complex case and the one thing I know to STRESS to all future surgery patients is LOSE WEIGHT BEFORE SURGERY! If at all possible!
I appreciate your channel so much! Love the the education and presentation! Please, don’t ever stop!
You’re a GEM!👍😀🙏❤️


Im less than 2 months in my recovery after surgery. Some days are better than others but it is a painful process not just physically but emotionally as well. This was a super helpful video on what to expect while on this recovery journey.


Female, 64. Fusion in 3 weeks! I've already been non-weight-bearing for 2.5 months so I'm ready for it. Thank you for the exercises!!!!


I am 12 weeks post-op from an emergent surgery for a fractured ankle, fractured metatarsal, fractured lisfranc joint and torn ligament. All from a fall. I have 11 screws and a plate in my ankle, 4 screws in my mid foot and a severed ligament was repaired with a cadaver ligament. I was in a cast for 2 weeks only, due to extreme swelling and pressure. I then moved into a boot and was zero weight bearing for 10 weeks. In the past 2 weeks I have been increasing the weight bearing. I just moved to a new ankle and foot brace a few days ago, that helps with pain control and stability. I also have a carbon fiber plate in my tennis shoe. I have been in physical therapy for 8 weeks already. I have had some "bumps" in the road with recovery, but trying my best to get through this healing process. This has been the hardest thing in my life, as far a recovery.

I do appreciate the information that you provide. I have watched several of your videos on the subject. I really appreciate it!


By far the best video on lisfranc injury. Thanks


This injury is so annoying especially when you have to be on your feet for work 🙄🤦🏾‍♂️


I had lisfranc surgery(+ bunion fusion & pin/screws for a stress fracture mid foot)22 days ago. I had a SEVERE bunion, which was the impetus for an MRI, which revealed the lisfranc to have healed from a tear in the past(I believe about 3 years ago, I “sprained” my foot. But it “heeled” quickly, so🤷‍♂️), & my mid foot had moved 2mm to the right?(idk the exact details of that, but I’m sure you do)& my Dr. said any more movement could result in eventual collapse of my foot. Hence, the surger(ies). I feel GREAT, I’ve had very little pain, even immediately after the surgery, & frankly I’m beyond ready to start walking. Is this normal to feel so good so soon after this surgery? Thanx!


Thank you for your videos, thay have been very helpful for me. I have a Lisfranc injury, broken ligament with also 2 broken bones. Unfortunately, I assumed it was just a sprain, so I didn't see the ortho until week 5. It had healed so much on its own by then so he postponed surgery for now and we are just going to leave it and see how healing resumes. Might need surgery later. The most pain is in that joint in my big toe. Arthritis is there but it never hurt until AFTER I got the Lisfranc. I'm at 8 weeks now and it continues to improve slowly... but definitely still has pain and while I can walk, it's not the best. Wearing something to support the foot helps (compression sock), and arch support. Wish me


I'm 12 weeks into a Lisfranc injury. Thanks for this video. This was more helpful than the OT. I started going to the pool 4 weeks ago, but had to stop (I'm a teacher) because I'm back at work. We don't have subs right now, and the doctor wanted me to start PT 2 weeks ago. I'm just going to do it at home with these exercises. I'll get some inserts also, I went to 3 doctors and none of them recommend the inserts, and I can see how it would help. I appreciate you using the foot model.


I walked for over 3 weeks with this fracture. Many plates, screws, and pins the day after going to my orthopedic doctor I was in an OR having my foot fixed. It looked like my big through 3rd toe with the top arch on my right foot it looked like a slab of pork ribs had been pulled apart. One of the easiest ways to self diagnose on this break is your sole stays bruised. Never moves through the stages a bruise goes through. And it’s not 6 months to recover, it took my break 10+ months to recover enough for me to have minimal pain.


What a shock. After my recent foot fracture healed, I discover I have a torn ankle ligament that was missed on the initial fracture diagnosis. This is why my foot weakness was not improving.


I had a severe Lisfranc injury almost a year ago. Went though surgery but didn’t fusión any of my bones. One year later I still can’t run 😢 but (and maybe I’m awefully wrong) I do try to walk barefoot as much as I can. Time will tell if I’m right or not but I feel like I really want to get my ankle and midfoot to bend and regain as much movement and flexibility as possible. It even feels better to walk barefoot (yes, there is pain, but in a weird way to explain it does feel right) than walking with hoka shoes.
Hope to everyone joining the tough Lisfranc club!


is shock wave procedure will help with lisfranc.?


Best video for this injury by far !!! Thank you


MBT shoes are the best to avoid feet bending according to my experience. Japanese wood flip-flop for home usage


This is very good you’re very informative compared to other YouTubers. It’s great that I now have a lifelong issue because I chose to wear 💩 shoes with soles that bend like and fold like paper.


I fell and fractured mine, had surgery in March 2022 and now still recovering


I just sprained, or worse, my middle left foot. You mentioned Hokas. I have Hokas with inserts, * and toe separaters between my great toes and my second toes. I have a hammer toe on my second toel, left foot. Even my Hokas do not work. I have been wearing flip flops and flat heel covered slippers for months now. The hammer toe hurts so bad after walking in my Hokas, that I cannot walk. What do I do?


I had a lusfranc injury 03/2018 and live with pain. It is a nightmare. No sports, no longer walking, no quality of life. I got the right diagnosis almost a year after the injury, before that the doctors forced me to do „recovery exerxises“ with a lot of pain 2 months after the injury - I was not able to walk without pain and to do the exercises without pain. They ignored this all and I wanted to die and had to stop it all at this point. I have never fully recover. I have a lot of pain while working (standing, walking…). It is a hell for me.
