Why I Love The Oberheim OB-X8

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Oberheim is finally back after almost 40 years with the amazing OB-X8, one of the greatest polyphonic analog synthesizers ever made. This is my longest video yet, and hopefully it helps you learn about this amazing synth and its history. Feel free to use the chapters to skip around.

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0:00 - Improvised Playing
1:34 - Introduction
2:00 - History of Oberheim
4:14 - Demo Song
5:30 - The Sound of Oberheim
6:19 - Skillshare
7:57 - Factory Presets
11:24 - Panel Overview & Tutorial; Oscillators
18:41 - Filter Section
26:30 - Envelopes & LFOs
31:21 - Control Parameters
34:55 - Arpeggiator & Lever Box
36:30 - Page 2 Panel Setting
37:07 - Split and Double Modes
40:52 - Advanced LFO Modulation Options
43:18 - Review; Pros
45:33 - Cons & Issues
48:01 - Closing thoughts
48:40 - Outro Jam

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Yes. Well done - was playing my X8 along with your video and learned a lot. Beautiful playing and chord choices. You and I have hands that choose the same default placements when we start playing…you’re my chord bro!


Just picked mine up. 4 days in I can honestly say its the greatest sounding polysynth I've ever played. I've owned/own the obxa, mks80, jupiter 6, Ob6, and P6. Its just frikin' tops.


I can hear that melancholy that you said it had. This video helps me consider purchasing it one day. Thank you for your music and for touching upon the good things about this synthesizer.


Thanks for this video, the out of this world intro and your explanations which will help me a lot as soon as I‘ve gotten my OB-X8 - which leads me to the ‘cons‘ section:
IMO 1 octave down/up is sufficient for a 5-octave keyboard and every time better than 4 octaves with 2 up/down. The P5/10 doesn‘t have an octave switch at all! In very special cases you could use an external 88-key controller.
My cons:
- No printed manual for a €5, 600 synth? Ridiculous!
- They really should have printed the page 2 designations below the panel knobs - in pale gray in order to not compromise the vintage look.
BTW: what about the additonal page 2 SEM filter modes? The SEM *notch* filter represents even more *the Oberheim* sound than the LPFs.


Best demo I've heard. Starts really simple. Shows the power of the sound.


My first exposure to the Oberheim sound was me discovering RetroSound’s videos on the OB-X. It left such an impact that I think the OB-X truly exemplifies Oberheim.

The X8 is my chance to have that sound, with much more available. It’s all of the OB series in one. For those who always wanted a classic Oberheim, this is it.


43:20 Like sound 007 on the OB6 but I do love that large keyboard and panel.


This is such an excellent overview of the OB-X8. A great tribute to Tom, Marcus and Dave and everyone else who worked on this. This took me days to get through as every minute I was getting ideas that I had to go and and try, then i got deep deep dive every time with the ideas. Thanks so much.


23:34 That 4 pole is sublime in dark mode.


Even the Init sounded awesome. I just ordered the TEO 5 for the OB flavor to my setup, I will more then likely sell my DM12 since a lot of it is over lapping with my JunoX, not analog but it really covers the Roland sound. Good video bro, thanks for sharing.


That sound is my personal definition of beauty...holy cow...


32:55 I always send velocity to filter envelope amount instead of amp volume. It sounds so much more musical to me. Adds brightness and therefore also a bit of loudness.


Thanks for sharing the history up front. It really set the right context for the rest of the video. The video/drone intro was really inspiring as well.


+1 for the Studio Cat. 👍😻 Every synth owner should have one in their studio.


Thanks for this overview. Followed along with mine. Threw me off a bit until I realized you were transposed up a step.


excellent video! love the cinematic elements you included. synth sounds incredible


Excellent review, enjoyed it. I'd rather own one of these than a bunch of different synths that equal the same price tag, but to each their own. And I agree, the detune is where the magic really shines, sounds awesome:)


That first section of improvised playing warmed my soul.
Is that a factory patch or one of your own?
Love your videos man!
I'm psyching myself up to get the desktop module now it's been announced, it's just SO expensive here in Australia


Excellent demo! Great sound lively when a synth sounds wonderful in a very simple setup.


Superb review, thanks for doing this. The OB-X8 sure does have serious wow factor, it sounds truly beautiful. The Prophet 10 sounded amazing in most demo videos, but in person it blows me away. Can’t wait to experience this beautiful instrument in person also. Hopefully very soon !
